Fun tarsia jigsaw puzzles for practicing times tables. Mixture of multiplication and division questions on each set. Individual table sets (2 -12 times table) and 10 mixed tables sets.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the linktree on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Maths wall display lettering. Created in black and white so can either be printed on white paper for a neutral look or onto coloured paper of your choice.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do via the link on my Instagram.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Array City worksheet. Versatile resource can be used to practice any times table facts. Children can represent the multiplication fact as an array by placing windows into the buildings.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Figure Me Out template. Ideal maths task for a transition activity. Can be linked to ‘Codecracker Challenge’ task (also available for free).
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Minecraft themed maths challenge cards aimed at CFE 2nd Level/Upper KS2. Focusing on a variety of number problems (mental maths of 4 operations). 20 questions with answer card.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Tarsia jigsaw type puzzle with number bonds to 100 questions (multiples of 10).
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram bio. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20)
Measurement themed escape room/challenge tasks aimed at upper primary (CfE 2nd Level). 5 separate challenges based on using a ruler accurately, calculating perimeter and area of rectangles and compound shapes. Themed around I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here (this resource is in no way affiliated with the show or ITV channel).
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase an Outdoor Learning resource or book for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. We are very grateful for any gifts we receive.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Harry Potter themed Decimal Olympics resource. Ideal for an outdoor, team challenge activity linked to timed events and ordering decimals. PDF and Word version available so you can edit to suit your own class.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
This Popcorn Decimals PPT can be used to teach adding/subtracting decimals. You will need to create your own ‘popcorn’ to use with this resource. I used folded up post it notes for this.
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase a book for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Orienteering type game based on decimals, fractions and percentages. Harry Potter themed to suit my class topic but could be edited. Ideal as an end of topic outdoor, team activity. PDF and Word version available so you can edit to suit your own class.
This resource is free however if you find it useful and would like to purchase a book or resource for my class you can do so via the link on my Instagram. If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
2023 Year in Numbers resource, ideal as a maths starter for returning to school after the New Year. Children can use mental maths strategies to solve the different levels of problems.
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase an Outdoor Learning resource or book for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. We are very grateful for any gifts we receive.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Active maths stations based on French numbers 0-60. Resources and instructions included for each game. Aimed at Scotland Second Level but could be used with younger pupils.
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase an Outdoor Learning resource or book for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. We are very grateful for any gifts we receive.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
2 worksheets used alongside measurement topic learning how to use a ruler to accurately measure objects.
Resources aimed at CfE 1st/2nd level.
I share my resources for free however if you find this resource useful and would like to purchase an Outdoor Learning resource or book for my class you can do so via the link at the top of my profile. We are very grateful for any gifts we receive.
If you decide to share this resource on social media please credit my Instagram (@MissFeeney) or Twitter (@MissFeeney20).
Tik Tok Top Trumps Place Value game - ideal for upper primary/KS2. Looks at place value up to 8 digits (ten millions).
2 game options available - place value game with question cards or classic Top Trumps. Download includes 32 TikTok Trump cards* with popular figures, over 50 place value question cards, a score recording sheet and instructions on how to play. The Top Trump cards could be used for other activities too (e.g. adding, subtracting).
Please share your photos with me on: Instagram- @missfeeney, Twitter- @MissFeeney20.
*Information has been taken from the person’s real TikTok account, however some figures have been changed to allow for better gameplay.
**Resource is not affiliated with Tik Tok in any way.