Some nice activities to teach adding 2 digit to 3 digit numbers within a stone age context, using interactive place value counters to support calculating.262562
A large bundle to support introducing a selection of models and images when adding and subtracting. Most items are whole lessons with ready made printable activities for the children. Pick up and teach resources.
Children investigate how long they spend at school in a week, how long they have been alive. A 10 page flipchart with starter, main, independent and plenary tasks.
A 16 page notebook that is fully adaptable, introducing base 10 and using it to support finding one more and one less. Contains starter, whole class teaching and printable differentiated children's tasks.
A nice selection of task cards to promote and evidence working at greater depth within the Year 2 maths curriculum. Can be display on IWB or printed for the children to do in books. Based on White Rose and NCETM materials, as well as government exemplification materials.
A pick up and teach resource containing lesson notebook, worksheets in PDF and adaptable format. Children use dice to generate their own pairs of 2 digit numbers to add and create a diagram for.