Complete lesson pack exploring adding lengths in mm and cm. Includes teaching presentation in Smart and Promethean format, and differentiated pupil tasks. Pupil tasks are contained within the presentation so are fully editable to suit the ability of the class.
A consolidation lesson to allow children to become fluent with Roman Numerals to 100, while applying it to number sequences. Includes lesson presentation as well as pupil tasks. In Notebook and Flipchart formats. Worksheets are in PDF but also included within the lesson presentation to allow editing to your pupil’s needs or your school requirements.
Complete lesson pack with teaching slides in Smart and Power Point, and image files that can be imported to use however you like. Also includes PDF of tasks, which are editable in Smart.
Complete lesson bundle for Smart or Promethean introducing using the expanded column method, supported by place value counters. Comes with task cards and challenge.
Complete lesson pack in ActivePrimary (Flipchart) and SmartNotebook format. Comes with teaching presentation and also complementary pupil tasks in PDF and also editable format within the lesson presentation. Please note the format of the files, and ensure that you have compatible programs before purchasing.
A unique resource of a scanned scrap book containing news paper articles from newspapers at the time of the moon landing. This contains 33 pages of scanned pages often with multiple articles on each page.
Complete lesson pack with presentation in Smart and PowerPoint. Image files of each teaching slide that can be imported to an program used for teaching, and pupil tasks in PDF format. These are also editable in Smart.