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MissKCat's Shop

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(based on 134 reviews)

I am a chemistry teacher, I spend lots of time making resources and decided to share them here on TES. Most are free or have free sample versions, but the best and most detailed ones that I'm particular proud of I sell for around £2-£5.




I am a chemistry teacher, I spend lots of time making resources and decided to share them here on TES. Most are free or have free sample versions, but the best and most detailed ones that I'm particular proud of I sell for around £2-£5.
Lesson 7: The Greenhouse Effect

Lesson 7: The Greenhouse Effect

Last lesson we looked at Greenhouses Gases and where they come from. In this lesson we will learn about how those greenhouse gases contribute to the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming This lesson is delivered over YouTube but has some accompanying resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDQEJuePIfw&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=14 I teach the AQA GCSE Chemistry course, including both double (8464) and triple (8462) award, and as such most of these resources will be specific to that course, however they may also be useful for other specifications.
Lesson 6: Greenhouse Gases

Lesson 6: Greenhouse Gases

Last lesson we looked at the carbon cycle i.e. how carbon is reused and recycled in our atmosphere and planet. In this lesson we will learn about Greenhouses Gases and where they come from. This lesson is delivered over YouTube but has some accompanying resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGRDuexmoxY&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=13 I teach the AQA GCSE Chemistry course, including both double (8464) and triple (8462) award, and as such most of these resources will be specific to that course, however they may also be useful for other specifications.
Lesson 5: The Carbon Cycle

Lesson 5: The Carbon Cycle

Last lesson we looked at at the how to do the calculations that scientists use to determine the volumes of gases. In this lesson we will discover how carbon is reused and recycled in the atmosphere and environment. This lesson is delivered over YouTube but has some accompanying resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMozRv0mc6Q&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=11 The review of work set in this lesson can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_knKyiV0PM&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=12 The full resource pack for this including an automarker can be found at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/carbon-cycle-quality-mark-assessment-full-resource-pack-11346610 I teach the AQA GCSE Chemistry course, including both double (8464) and triple (8462) award, and as such most of these resources will be specific to that course, however they may also be useful for other specifications.
Lesson 4: Calculating the Volumes of Gases

Lesson 4: Calculating the Volumes of Gases

Last lesson we looked at at the atmosphere as it is today and looked at two methods for determining the composition of the atmosphere. In this lesson we will see and learn how to do the calculations that scientists use to determine the volumes of gases. This is a simplified version of these types of calculations as my students had not yet come across moles or relative formula mass. This lesson is delivered over YouTube but has some accompanying resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGEgS0wJzE4&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=8 The worked answers can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSDRNfblHco&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=9 Extra questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IEU940Z2Xs&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=10 I teach the AQA GCSE Chemistry course, including both double (8464) and triple (8462) award, and as such most of these resources will be specific to that course, however they may also be useful for other specifications.
Lesson 3: Today's Atmosphere

Lesson 3: Today's Atmosphere

In lesson 1 & 2 we looked at how the atmosphere has changed over a long period of time and the evidence that has been used to prove that. In this lesson we will look at the atmosphere as it is today and look at two methods for determining the composition of the atmosphere. This lesson is delivered over YouTube but has some accompanying resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRNodyQNQoE&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=5 A follow up video of student questions can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycBCQDUjoA4&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=6 The review of work set in this lesson can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMjofcBkPB8&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=7 I teach the AQA GCSE Chemistry course, including both double (8464) and triple (8462) award, and as such most of these resources will be specific to that course, however they may also be useful for other specifications.
Lesson 2: Evidence for a Changing Atmosphere

Lesson 2: Evidence for a Changing Atmosphere

This is the second lesson in the topic ‘The Environment and the Atmosphere’ In the previous lesson I discussed some theories of what the Earth and its atmosphere may have been like in the past, in this lesson we look at the evidence that has been used to prove this, and look at jobs in science too! This lesson is delivered over YouTube but has some accompanying resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJoDCG4FiHY&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=4&t=0s The review of work set in this lesson can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1ode5Hm10s&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=4 Links mentioned in the video can all be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRQqpdTTanY9a1um-_1ywZdkmIWre0xJ2 I teach the AQA GCSE Chemistry course, including both double (8464) and triple (8462) award, and as such most of these resources will be specific to that course, however they may also be useful for other specifications.
Lesson 1: Evolution of the Atmosphere

Lesson 1: Evolution of the Atmosphere

This is the first lesson in the topic ‘The Environment and the Atmosphere’ This lesson is delivered over YouTube but has some accompanying resources. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtfJMOIoPFg In this lesson I discuss some theories of what the Earth and its atmosphere may have been like in the past, and set a task for students to create a storyboard of how the atmosphere has changed over time. The review work set in this lesson can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dF81ReGLz4w&list=PLRQqpdTTanY_8L_9hEq5CnpU_rNoacQlP&index=3&t=198s Links mentioned in the video:- GCSE BBC Bitesize My Favourite one Primoridal Soup These can all be found at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLRQqpdTTanY9189wmlA5TIW2_nTaWl-Fj I teach the AQA GCSE Chemistry course, including both double (8464) and triple (8462) award, and as such most of these resources will be specific to that course, however they may also be useful for other specifications.
Titration Method Quality Mark Assessment (TASK ONLY)

Titration Method Quality Mark Assessment (TASK ONLY)

This is the free version of an assessment for KS4 GCSE students who are studying titration techniques, reactions between acids and alkalis, quantitative chemistry, uses of indicators and scientific methodology. I have also produced a resource pack available to purchase from TES at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/titration-method-quality-mark-assessment-full-resource-pack-11966028 The full resource pack comes with several parts; 1.Word document containing a suggested lesson plan for this assessment. 2.PowerPoint presentation for the students to introduce the task, it contains a fill in the blank version of the method. 3.PowerPoint presentation for the teacher to introduce the task, containing the full method, and extra tips that will increase the validity and accuracy of the results. 4.Excel spreadsheet that can be used to automatically generate extended written feedback including improvement strategies for the teacher to give the students. A guide on how to use this resource can be freely accessed at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-automarker-11191496 This task was designed for AQA Chemistry (triple science students) it is suitable for students at Grade 4-9 however you may want to check that it is included on your specification (it is not on AQA Combine Science: Trilogy).
Titration Method Quality Mark Assessment (FULL RESOURCE PACK)

Titration Method Quality Mark Assessment (FULL RESOURCE PACK)

This is the full resource pack for an assessment for KS4 GCSE students who are studying titration techniques, reactions between acids and alkalis, quantitative chemistry, uses of indicators and scientific methodology. This resource pack comes with several parts; 1.Word document containing a suggested lesson plan for this assessment. PowerPoint presentation for the students to introduce the task, it contains a fill in the blank version of the method. PowerPoint presentation for the teacher to introduce the task, containing the full method, and extra tips that will increase the validity and accuracy of the results. Excel spreadsheet that can be used to automatically generate extended written feedback including improvement strategies for the teacher to give the students. A guide on how to use this resource can be freely accessed at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-automarker-11191496 This task was designed for AQA Chemistry (triple science students) it is suitable for students at Grade 4-9 however you may want to check that it is included on your specification (it is not on AQA Combine Science: Trilogy).
Biology Quality Mark Assessments Bundle

Biology Quality Mark Assessments Bundle

6 Resources
This bundle contains 5 assessments for Biology, each assessment comes with a task print out, easy marking resources, level ladder/mark scheme and more! To purchase these resources separately would cost nearly £20! NOW INCLUDING All of my level ladders for practical based assessments, these allow students and staff to assess methods, graphs, conclusions and more!
Physics Quality Mark Assessments Mega Bundle

Physics Quality Mark Assessments Mega Bundle

12 Resources
This bundle contains 11 assessments for Physics, each assessment comes with a task print out, easy marking resources, level ladder/mark scheme and more! To purchase these resources separately would cost nearly £35! NOW INCLUDING All of my level ladders for practical based assessments, these allow students and staff to assess methods, graphs, conclusions and more!
Chemistry Quality Mark Assessments Mega Bundle

Chemistry Quality Mark Assessments Mega Bundle

19 Resources
This bundle contains 18 assessments for Chemistry, each assessment comes with a task print out, easy marking resources, level ladder/mark scheme and more! To purchase these resources separately would cost over £50! NOW INCLUDING All of my level ladders for practical based assessments, these allow students and staff to assess methods, graphs, conclusions and more!
Heat Transfer & Particles Question Cards for Science Revision Board Game

Heat Transfer & Particles Question Cards for Science Revision Board Game

These are question cards on Heat Transfers and include questions on conduction, convection, radiation, infra-red radiation, particle theory, kinetic theory, solids, liquids, gases, heat loss and more. These are made to go with the Science Revision Board Game I made which I use with KS3 and KS4 students to revise for their end of unit tests or exams. The board game and some sample question cards are freely available at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/science-revision-board-game-free-version-11445205 If the game board isn’t quite how you’d like it, or if you want your own question cards you could download my ‘Make Your Own Revision Board Game Resource Pack’ which can be purchased at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/make-your-own-revision-board-game-resource-pack-11445322 For the teacher, this is quick and easy revision activity that requires a one-time set up and then it can be used time and time again! Very little effort is required by you and the students can happily spend all lesson playing the game (if you let them) leaving you free to do what you fancy! My students love it and I get chance to sit down with the students who need extra help, or catch up on a bit of marking. To get started: • Print the board game on white A3 paper. • Print the question cards on blue paper/card, cut them up and pop them in little bags. • Print the hazard cards on yellow paper/card, cut them up and pop them in little bags. • Laminate the board game (optional but makes the game last longer) • Get a little stash of counters or items that could be used as the player pieces e.g. coloured paper circles, novelty rubbers, little model etc • Get some dice. For a class of 30 I’ve found that 6 groups of 5 work quite well, therefore you’d need 6 game boards and 6 packs of cards. For each unit taught I’ve made my own quiz cards so the students can test themselves on the unit content, I have quite a few different units which I am in the processing of uploading to TES now. Keep your eyes peeled for the bundles I am putting together.
Use of Statins Quality Mark Assessment (TASK ONLY)

Use of Statins Quality Mark Assessment (TASK ONLY)

This is the free version of an assessment on Statins for KS4 students who are studying medicine, drugs, diet, cholesterol, treating high cholesterol, and evaluation skills. I have also produced a full resource pack available to purchase from TES at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/use-of-statins-quality-mark-assessment-full-resource-pack-11606643 This FULL resource pack comes with several parts; 1. Word document printout of the task for the students to stick in their books. 2. Word document printout with a level ladder on so that the students can self/peer assess the work. 3. Word document containing writing frames to help students to draft out their answer, this could be particularly useful for students who struggle to get started on tasks, or those with issues with literacy. 4. Word document with the mark scheme and teachers notes. 5. Excel spreadsheet that can be used to automatically generate extended written feedback including improvement strategies for the teacher to give the students. A guide on how to use this resource can be freely accessed at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-automarker-11191496 This is based on an old AQA Biology Exam Paper. This task is good for training students to answer long questions i.e. 6 mark questions at GCSE. This task is suitable for students at Grade E-A*, however I have removed these grades so that you can use the old or new grading system.
Use of Statins Quality Mark Assessment (FULL RESOURCE PACK)

Use of Statins Quality Mark Assessment (FULL RESOURCE PACK)

This is the full resource pack for an assessment on Statins for KS4 students who are studying medicine, drugs, diet, cholesterol, treating high cholesterol, and evaluation skills. This resource pack comes with several parts; 1. Word document printout of the task for the students to stick in their books. 2. Word document printout with a level ladder on so that the students can self/peer assess the work. 3. Word document containing writing frames to help students to draft out their answer, this could be particularly useful for students who struggle to get started on tasks, or those with issues with literacy. 4. Word document with the mark scheme and teachers notes. 5. Excel spreadsheet that can be used to automatically generate extended written feedback including improvement strategies for the teacher to give the students. A guide on how to use this resource can be freely accessed at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-automarker-11191496 This is based on an old AQA Biology Exam Paper. This task is good for training students to answer long questions i.e. 6 mark questions at GCSE. This task is suitable for students at Grade E-A*, however I have removed these grades so that you can use the old or new grading system.
Plant Sampling with Quadrats Investigation Quality Mark Assessment (Task Only)

Plant Sampling with Quadrats Investigation Quality Mark Assessment (Task Only)

This investigation focuses on using sampling methods to determine which is the most common plant on the school's field (other than grass). This is the free version of an assessment for students who are studying plant sampling methods, plant adaptations, investigation skills, analysing data. I have also produced a full resource pack available to purchase from TES at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/plant-sampling-with-quadrats-investigation-quality-mark-assessment-full-resource-pack-11606569 This FULL resource pack comes with several parts; 1. PowerPoint presentation to introduce the task with some background information. 2. Word document printout for the students to stick in their books. 3. x2 word documents with a level ladders on so that the students can self/peer assess their method and/or their graph work, conclusion and evaluation. 4. Word document showing pictures of the most commonly found plants on school fields (in England) 5. Word document printout writing frame to help students get started with method writing, this is particularly useful for students who struggle with literacy tasks. 6. Excel spreadsheet that can be used to automatically generate extended written feedback including improvement strategies for the teacher to give the students. A guide on how to use this resource can be freely accessed at https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-automarker-11191496