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Miss E’s Classroom Resources

I’m a year 1 teacher who is going into her third year of teaching. I have loved getting creative with my resources and displays so that my classroom is welcoming and inviting for my class.

I’m a year 1 teacher who is going into her third year of teaching. I have loved getting creative with my resources and displays so that my classroom is welcoming and inviting for my class.
Rhyming Matching Game

Rhyming Matching Game

Rhyming Matching Game This matching game helps children to match different objects that rhyme. Most of the words are CVC words so perfect for children in EYFS and KS1.
Number Matching Game

Number Matching Game

Number Matching Game This number matching game allows children to match different pictorial representations of the numbers, helping to build their confidence with recognising numbers to 10. Children can look at numerals, numicon, pictures and fingers to match up to eachother. Perfect for EYFS and KS1.
Alphabet with Pictures

Alphabet with Pictures

Alphabet with Pictures A bright, colourful alphabet to display in your classroom with pictures to help the children with matching sounds to letters.
Animal Matching Game

Animal Matching Game

Animal Matching Game Match the animals to their skin or fur. Explore farm and zoo animals as well as pets too. Perfect for EYFS and KS1 children.
Numbers with Pictures

Numbers with Pictures

Numbers with Pictures A colourful, clear and bright set of numbers with pictures matched to support the children’s understanding. Would be perfect for an EYFS or KS1 classroom.
Construction Area Writing Resources

Construction Area Writing Resources

Construction Area Writing Resources If your looking for more opportunities for writing in your construction area, then look no further. These resources are easy to add to your construction area for the children to record the materials they are using, design their own creations and evaluate their creations they have made. Includes Materials listing resource Design template Evaluation resource
5’s Number Display

5’s Number Display

5’s Number Display Display these 5’s hands around your classroom. They are very visual for the children to refer to and understand how many 5’s go into a number.
2’s Socks Display

2’s Socks Display

2’s Socks Display Perfect to display around your classroom on your working wall or get creative and make your our 2’s washing line.
Construction Area Keywords

Construction Area Keywords

Construction Area Keywords Keywords, Keywords, Keywords! The sticky knowledge we want our children to remember, use in their vocabulary and eventually use in their writing. I’ve found these keywords really stand out when displayed and the backgrounds support the children’s understanding. Includes bricks wood plastic fabric straw glass metal paper build design measure plan instructions
Woodland Writing Checklist Bunting

Woodland Writing Checklist Bunting

**Woodland Writing Checklist Bunting ** A great resource to have hung up in your classroom following the woodland theme. It helps to promote independent learners where the children can check their own work and their peers. Writing Checklist Capital Letters Full Stops Question Marks Finger Spaces Letters on the line Exclamation Mark Comma
Woodland Groups Display

Woodland Groups Display

Woodland Groups Display Woodland themed groups display for writing, maths, reading, table or other classroom grouping. I recommend laminating them and using a whiteboard pen to write the names on so it’s easy to move children around groups. Group Names Hedgehogs Foxes Squirrels Owls Deer
Art Storage Labels

Art Storage Labels

Art Storage Labels Art labels to organise your art supplies in your classroom. Includes Scissors Colouring Pencils Crayons Colouring Pens Glitter Glue Glue Plain Paper Coloured Card Pencils Sequins Tissue Paper Paint Sticks Paint Brushes Paint Pastels Water Pots Card Tape
Read Write Inc Set 1 Matching Game

Read Write Inc Set 1 Matching Game

Read Write Inc Set 1 Matching Game This game includes all the RWI set 1 sounds with matching pictures for your children to match to the sound. It encourages then to say the word, listen out for the sound and match it to the letters.
Alphabet Matching Game

Alphabet Matching Game

Alphabet Matching Game This alphabet matching game allows children to match different pictures to their correct letter. It will support children in matching the sounds of the letters to the pictures. Will work well as small group work, an intervention or even a fun game at home. Perfect for EYFS and KS1.
Fruit Alphabet Display

Fruit Alphabet Display

Fruit Alphabet Display This fruit alphabet will give you a bright, summery and welcoming feel to your classroom, even during those dreary and rainy months.