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2016 RE EDUQAS GCSE. Route B, Theme 1 Catholic Social Teachings on Human Dignity
This lesson focuses on the Parable of the Sheep and Goats and how that Links to human dignity.
The starter pupils are to do a Kagan style task, focusing on what Human dignity is.
There is a collaborative learning task, and whole class feedback, leading to answering an exam question where pupils are to peer assess their answers. All worksheets needed are attached to the PowerPoint.

2016 RE EDUQAS GCSE. Route B, Theme 1, Origins and Meaning. The value of Human life and Abortion
EDUQAS RE GCSE. Focuses on why human life is important to catholics, introducing the concept of sanctity of life.
This then looks at Catholic, Liberal protestant and humanist views of abortion.
The lesson is completed with an exam question. A variety of learning techniques covered including: video clips, investigation work and discussion.

EDUQAS RE GCSE Route B, Theme 1: CAtholic attitudes to evolution
A variety of different learning styles looking at the basics of evolution and then exploring the Catholic attitude towards this.
GCSE question included.

2016 RE GCSE: EDUQAS Route B. Theme 1, Origins and Meaning: Imago Dei and St Catherine of Siena
Taken from the new RE GSCE Spec EDUQAS, Route B, Theme 1: Origins and Meanings.
Full lesson looking at Imago Dei and the Dialogue of St Catherine of Siena.
Lesson consists of Discussion based on Adolf Hitler and is he created in the image of God, the dialogue of Catherine of Siena and an evaluation exam question with structure and 'hints', as well as mark scheme to peer assess.

KS3 Charity- Christian Aid
Lesson Objectives:
To know what the aims of Christian Aid are;
To understand how these reflect the teachings of Jesus;
To describe the work of Christian Aid.

2016 RE EDUQAS GCSE. Route B, Theme 1. Humanist Critiques on the Sanctiy of Life & abortion.
Lesson focusing on the humanist critiques of the sanctity of life. Lesson starts with keyword Pictionary and a recap of what the sanctity of life is. The main task is a collaborative learning task, each pupil must take on a role. There is a pdf with information included.
There are two GCSE questions for pupils to answer with a structure. The plenary, pupils have to come up with a quote or catch phrase to summarise what they have learnt that lesson.

KS3 Islam- The Qur'an
Lesson Objective:
To know what the Qur’an is;
To describe the main features of the Qur’an;
To explain why the Qur’an is important to Muslims.

KS3 Islam- Muhammad
Lesson Objectives:
To know who Muhammad is (pbuh);
To describe the early life of Muhammad;
To explain how a Muslim can be influenced by Muhammad (pbuh).

KS3 Charity- Who are CAFOD and impact of CAFOD
Two lessons on CAFOD
To know who CAFOD are;
To explore the work of CAFOD
To evaluate the impact of CAFOD.

KS3 Islam- The Mosque
Lesson Objective:
To know what a Mosque is;
To describe the main features of the mosque;
To explain why this is important to Muslims

KS3 Islam- Marriage
To describe what happens during the Islamic marriage ceremony;
To explain why the marriage ceremony is important in Islam;
To evaluate the significance of a religious wedding ceremony

EDUQAS GCSE 2016 Origins and Meaning: Catholic and non-religious Views of creation
Taken from the new RE GSCE Spec EDUQAS, Route B, Theme 1: Origins and Meanings.
The lesson focuses on the Catholic view of creation (Genesis 1) and the Non-religious view (The Big bang).
There is a variety of activities ranging from small group work, video clips and an exam question with a mark scheme for peer assessment.

2016 RE EDUQAS GCSE. Route B, Theme 1. Catholic beliefs about Revelation
This lesson looks at the two different types of revelation, and encourages pupils to find examples of theses. There are different tasks including a code-breaker and a Kagan style starter. The lesson ends with a C) style exam question.

KS3 Charity- Christian Teachings. The sheep and Goats
To know the parable of the sheep and Goats;
To consider how we can apply Jesus’ message to our lives.

EDUQAS Route B Theme 1.2 Michaelangelo's La Pieta
Lesson Objectives:
To know the importance of religious art;
To describe the main themes of La Pieta;
To explain how La Pieta reflects the relationship of God, Jesus and Mary.
The lesson starts by looking at an image of the La Pieta , and pupils must explain which keywords could relate to the sculpture.
The next part of the lesson looks at why religious art is import, and why others might disagree.
I have labelled an image of the La Pieta and highlighted the significant parts of the sculpture, and pupils must consider if the sculpture shows suffering.
Using a worksheet pupils should read through 15 facts about La Pieta and explain which 5 they find the most interesting.
Finally pupils are to complete a B and C style question related to the lesson and Peer/self assess.
Review/Plenary: Famous last words, the pupils must come up with a quote/one liner to describe the lesson.

KS3 Islam- 5 Pillars
Lesson Objectives:
To know the five pillars;
To understand their importance to Muslims;
To consider the impact they may have on the life of the believer.

KS3 Charity- The SVP
Lesson Objectives:
To understand why the SVP was established;
To describe the work of the SVP;
To explain why the SVP are important.

KS3 Charity- The causes of world poverty
Lesson Objectives:
To understand what poverty means;
To describe the poverty cycle;
To evaluate the causes of world poverty.

EDUQAS 2016 Religous Education exam technique guide
These slides to assist pupils in setting out their exam questions. I have made these to suit my low ability classes and help them to organise their answers. These can be used as part of your lessons, as a stand alone lesson, displays or revision.

KS3 Charity- Christian Teachings. The Sermon on the Mount
Lesson Objectives:
To know Christian teachings on money;
To describe what Jesus taught about money at the Sermon on the Mount;
To explain the importance of the Sermon on the Mount as a guide.