Music Summer Quiz
12 Rounds
Tv themes
Classical Covers
Live Lounge
2023 Hits
Video Games
Coronation Performers
8-bit Covers
Songs For Film
Artist A-Z
A listening based music Christmas quiz.
8 rounds:
1 - Artists
2 - Reverse
3 - Pictures
4 - Xmas Number 1’s Through The Decades
5 - Languages
6 - Emojis
7 - 8-bit
8 - Christmas Classics
All audio files embedded in PPT
Visually aesthetic
PDF student sheet
PDF answer sheet
A listening based music Christmas quiz.
10 rounds:
1 - Christmas Covers
2 - Christmas Films
3 - Multiple Choice - How Many Times Does The Song Say “Christmas”?
4 - AI Cartoon Covers
5 - Picture Round
6 - 2024 Adverts (with embedded videos)
7 - Drums n Bass
8 - Connections
9 - 8-Bit Covers
10 - Christmas Pop
All audio files embedded in PPT
Visually aesthetic
PDF student sheet
Powerpoint includes: history of slavery, African music, blues, jazz, different styles of jazz, jazz instruments, 12 bar blues and walking bassline composing task on Logic.
Worksheet includes: jazz reading comprehension text and questions, assessment level sheet and a DIRT (directed improvement reflection time) listening task.
Powerpoint includes: historical context, famous musicians, other styles of music at the time, listening questions.
Worksheet includes: listening questions, assessment level sheet and a DIRT (directed improvement reflection time) listening task.
Powerpoint includes: historical context, famous musicians, other styles of music at the time, listening questions.
Worksheet includes: listening questions, assessment level sheet and a DIRT (directed improvement reflection time) listening task.