Ready to print newspaper assessment on The Times and the Daily Mirror (2024 CSP) to test student understanding of Language, Representation, Audience and Industry.
If you have been asked to create a scheme of learning for media studies then here is a scheme of learning I have put together for Term 1 and Term 2 for AQA GCSE Media Studies. I hope you will find it useful.
If you are looking to save time and have all the Close Study Products (CSPs) in one handy document than look no further. Each CSP has an embedded link to the product for ease of use when you are referring to the selected product or making lessons. This resource can also be shared with students - I am sure they will love it.
If you are new to teaching AQA GCSE Media Studies, then why not have your students file their paperwork into an organised folder using this handy contents page to help you? Ideally you need a 10-tab divider to use this contents page. This contents page should remain at the top of the folder.
This is a resource I made for students to keep track of the six termly assessments they will complete in the course of the year. Students will fill this document in with the description, grade and reflections of their assessments and keep it in their media folders.
If you have been asked to write a proposal for GCSE Media Studies to be added to the curriculum, then look no further. Here is a ready made template of a proposal you can submit to your Senior Leadership Team for approval.