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South Africa/Aparthied timeline and laws
A bundle including a timeline for the first half of aparthied as well as a detailed, timeline list of legislation from throughout the period.

Lucy and Mina's Encounters with Dracula
A powerpoint detailing the first encounter Dracula had with both Lucy and Mina. Along with eye-catching images is analysis on key quotes, contextual links and links to Sarah Water’s “The Little Stranger”.
This can be used either by teachers for lessons or students for revision.

Jerusalem- Davey Dean Character Profile
An A-Level Character profile for Davey Dean in the play Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth. This can be used to better understand the character and also answer A-level drama questions about Davey Dean.
Included in this character profile is:
Name Meaning.
Why he is hanging out with Johnny.
Social, cultural and historical influences on his behaviour.
Key lines and how to act said lines.

Jerusalem-Linda Fawcett Character Profile
A level character profile for Linda Fawcett from Jez Butterworth’s play “Jerusalem”. Ideal for a level drama questions about Linda Fawcett or simply to better understand the character.
Included in the resource is Linda’s:
Why she’s hanging out with Johnny.
Social, cultural and historical influences on her behaviour.
Key Lines and how to act them out.

A Level History-Henry VII Revision Notes
Summary/Revision notes for “Challenging the succession, 1485-99” about Henry VII in the Tudor part of A level History.
*Battle of Bosworth.
How Henry cemented his rule.
Lambert Simnel, as well as evaluation of his level of threat to Henry the 7th.
Perkin Warbeck, as well as evaluation of his level of threat to Henry the 7th.

Jerusalem-Dawn & Marky Character Profiles
Character profiles for Dawn and Marky characters in Jez Butterworth’s play “Jerusalem”. This would be useful for a level drama questions about either Dawn, Marky or even the main character Johnny, or even to just simply understand the characters on a deeper level.
Included in both resources are their:
Why Hanging out with Johnny.
Social, cultural and historical influences on their behaviour.
Key lines and how to act them out.

Air Travel in America Timeline
A timeline for Air Travel in USA from 1915-1980 from the “In search of the American Dream: the USA, c1917-96” topic in A Level history.

A Level- South Africa/Aparthied Timeline
South Africa timeline from 1948-1969, during the first half of the Aparthied period where Malan, Strijdom, Verwoerd and Vorster were prime ministers. There are 2 timelines included- a longer and shorter version- which can both be used to better understand the first half of Aparthied where it was arguably the strongest.
Included events in the timelines are:
Acts like the mixed marriages act and terrorism act.
Tomlinson report.
Rivonia trial.
Sharpville Massacre.
And many more important historical events for South Africa!!

Context of Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth
Context for the play “Jerusalem” by Jez Butterworth, perfect for A Level Students studing the play to better understand the play and also so that they can interweave context through their answers!
Included are social, cultural, historical, geographical and performance histories.

Jerusalem- Professsor Character Profile
A level Character profile for The Professor who is a character in Jez Butterworth’s play “Jerusalem”. It is perfect for answering a level drama questions about the character or simply to understand him better.
Included in The Professor’s resource is his:
Reasons for hanging around Johnny.
Social, cultural and historical influences on behaviour.
Key lines and how to act them.
And much more!

Narative Structure of Jerusalem
The Narrative Structure (or, Summary) of Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth. Perfect for students who want to better understand the play or have just come back to it after a while.
All three scenes are included and there is a large amount of detail to ensure that you fully understand what is happening in the play.

Aparthied Legislation
Legislation created during the Aparthied period of South Africa, from 1948-94. Included are acts like the Native Land Act and the Terrorism Act.

Jerusalem- Phaedra Character Profile
A character profile for Phaedra Cox from the play “Jerusalem” by Jez Butterworth. Perfect for answering A level questions or simply to get a better understanding of the character.
Included are her:
Reasons for hanging out with Johnny.
Social, cultural and historical influences on her behaviour.
Key Lines and how to perform them.
And much more!

Psychopathology Revision Notes- A Level
Psychopathology revision/summary notes for AQA A level psychology.
Definitions of abnormality (statistical infrequency, deviation from social norms, failure to function adequately, and deviation from ideal mental health).
Phobias (characteristics,causes and treatments)
Depression (characteristics,causes and treatments)
OCD (characteristics,causes and treatments)
As well as evaluation and helpful pictures to improve learning.

Treatments for Schizophrenia
2 documents describing biological and psychological treatments for Schizophrenia. Treatments described include:
Typical antipsychotic- Chlorpromazine.
Atypical antipsychotics-Clozapine, Risperidone.
Psychological therapy- CBT, family therapy and token economies.
As well as this, there is evaluation and key studies for each of the treatments for schizophrenia.