All resources
Work experience form
A work experience form for students finding their own placement
ADHD Checklist
This ADHD checklist is perfect for getting a head start on a referral. Also gives an indicator of what specialist are looking for when making a diagnosis.
Pass this on to your student’s parents when they are concerned or use it in the classroom to demonstrate learners without EHCP or SEN.
Creating teacher summative assessments
A template for creating effective teacher assessments
Observation check list AP / SEN / PRU / Ofsted
Observation check list for SEN PRU AP for Ofsted
Questioning grid - higher order questioning
A grid of how to create higher order questioning. This can be laminated and used as a white board for students to ask each other higher order questions at the end of unit / lesson/ piece of work. Great resource for observations
Assessment for Learning - grammar placemat
This simple but effective grammar placemat reminds students of what to include in their work and allows them to assess theirs and others’ use of grammar.
Handwriting Assessment SEN
An editable PDF tick sheet for assessing handwriting and areas for improvement
Talking tickets - group discussion
These prompts / tickets help students with a sentence starter when having discussions formally or informally.
Out of Lesson pass / ticket
Basic but fun Out of Lesson pass or ticket for students ‘allowed’ on the corridor for toilet or other reason
Alternative Provision / SEN unit
Weekly feedback report for parents (and students) for students attending a Alternative Provision or SEN unit.
Lists wave 1 strategies that were used that week so that parents can use these at home and students become independent and ask for these strategies themselves.
Behaviour for Learning staff training
This includes a PPT and staff workbook (editable PDF). This is perfect for Teacher training or ECT or as recap.
Key topics:
Positive framing
Establishing routines
SEND teaching strategies & provision map
A fully editable SEND provision map including quality first teaching SEND teaching strategies and waves of provision.