@mrscompton_s ShopAverage Rating3.67(based on 3 reviews)Fun and engaging English and History lessons!Edit shopAdd a resource
MisswaldronAQA Q.1+2 - They both die at the end(0)A lesson looking at Q.1 and 2 for AQA. Analysing language and exploring inferences.
MisswaldronAQA P1 Q.1+2 - The Black Phone(0)An introductory lesson to Q.1 and 2 for the AQA specification.
MisswaldronAQA Paper 2 Q.5 - Writing an article(0)How to write an article based on if people are born evil. This goes well with my lesson for P2 Q.5 on Jack the ripper.
MisswaldronAQA Paper 2 Q.5 - Writing an essay(0)This lesson focuses on how to craft an essay using ghosts and the afterlife as a basis.
MisswaldronAQA P2 Q1 and 2 preparation - Jack the Ripper(0)Preparation for paper 2 Q.1 and 2 using Jack the ripper sources.
MisswaldronQuestion 5 - Crafting a character(0)This lesson focuses on crafting a character in a narrative format. Can be used for GCSE prep or modified for younger years. It links with my question 4 lesson on ‘The Black Flamingo’.
MisswaldronAQA Paper 1 Q4 - Black Flamingo(0)This is a guide to answering question 4 for AQA using ‘The Black Flamingo’ as a text. It is an LGBTQ and BAME inclusive text.
MisswaldronEnglish Language P1 Mocks BAME inclusive(1)Language P1 full mocks to be used in class or even as homework. All have an extract to include BAME.
MisswaldronLove Island debate English speaking and listening(0)This is a fun and engaging lesson focused on speaking and listening skills. No worksheets required!
MisswaldronA Mid Summer Nights Dream Knowledge Organiser(0)A detailed KO for AMSND that includes tasks for pupils.
MisswaldronMacbeth Knowledge Organiser(0)A useful KO that has tasks for homework and plenty of content.
MisswaldronAnalysing poetry and poetic devices - Post Malone 'Sunflower'(0)An engaging lesson teaching pupils how to analyse poetry using the SMILE technique and Post Malone’s ‘Sunflower’. All resources included in the PP.
MisswaldronStarbucks display letters(0)Star Books display letters to promote good work in the pupils books.
MisswaldronA Midsummer night's dream text(0)This is the full text for Shakespeare’s play ‘A Midsummer’s nights dream’. Pages are numbered and clear to read.