I have been teaching a number of years in a secondary state academy school. Teaching and learning is something very important to me and i strive to produce high quality resources. I have recently worked with a publication team for Pearson to design innovative resources for teachers teaching the new GCSE edexcel specification and have reviewed many A level specifications in partnership with them too. More resources will follow as i get started with the new specifications!
I have been teaching a number of years in a secondary state academy school. Teaching and learning is something very important to me and i strive to produce high quality resources. I have recently worked with a publication team for Pearson to design innovative resources for teachers teaching the new GCSE edexcel specification and have reviewed many A level specifications in partnership with them too. More resources will follow as i get started with the new specifications!
Designed to reinforce that students need to use correct language when observing and feeding back to each other.
Also it give students clear instructions about a focal point for future improvement. The regular reference to their target ensures it cannot be forgotten.
Involves a peer assessment activity which is self explanatory and student led. Any questions, please just email or contact me.
More sports to follow. PLEASE LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS!
The homework booklet contains questions on the following topics (in topic order ) from PHED 1 with a dedicated answer and feedback (peer/self/teacher and corrections) section :
- Health/Fitness/Exercise/Obesity/BMI
- The entire Opportunities for Participation s
- The fitness component of the 12 marks questions (question 7)
The markscheme document includes the markscheme for each question (in order) with the examiners commentary so students can read how to better answer the question next time.
These resources have been invaluable for my students and really is worth £3! These documents are roughly 70 pages in length and are great for homework/starter/plenary/mini plenary/progress checker and greatly aid the delivery. PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO REVIEW THIS ITEM IF YOU PURCHASE IT!!!
I taught this lesson at my school and during an interview and both times it was graded as 'outstanding'. Basic overview/lesson plan is below too:
1) Students came onto the courts and immediately read their half court game instruction sheet which was pegged to their net - These are differentiated based upon ability (slide 1-6 on the powerpoint attached.)
2) Students were then given an ipad and observed a professional player serve and they had a selection of areas to look at (Ball toss, hitting action and variety).
3) Once students watched this video they worked with a partner to observe their serve (complete 10 serves and then switch roles). Using slide 7 which was made into a coaching card, they highlighted 1 area to improve and completed the card by filling in the necessary areas.
4) Students then returned for further instructions - each student had 1 of 3 possible focus areas (ball toss, variety, hitting action - these are differentiated too, with top spin and slice included for high level performers). Students were then grouped according to their target and given the corresponding drill card (slides 9,10,11) . These reinforce coaching points/language and are differentiated for more and less able students with extension and easier tasks).
5) As the lesson progressed groups were able to move back into their half court games, as clear progression was made in their serving technique.
6) For the plenary, students turned their card over and completed slide 8, which acted as a great review of performance.
The extra slides were just different ways of laying the information out on the resources and i have even created a very similar card for the forehand ground stroke.
The observers of my lesson loved the independent and heavily personalized approach to learning and the way leadership was used effectively throughout. The evidence of differentiation was apparent in all aspects of the lesson and the drill management/planning was also outstanding. All students progressed as they were working on the necessary aspect of their technique which meant all could verbalize, if not demonstrate, how it should look. The subtle prompts on the bottom of the drill sheets really helped this.
I used this document during a revision session that I ran during Easter half term. The kids loved it! With all information displayed in tables students commented on how easy this document was to revise from and how useful it was on the day. I actually wrote all students names on lolly pop sticks and pulled them out at random when I wanted a question answered.
The following topics are covered within this pack:
Short term, long term and health benefits of exercise on training (differentiated - one document has key words and the other has complete phrases that the students select)
Drugs (differentiated - one document has key words and the other has complete phrases that the students select)
Benefits of exercise
Reasons for participation
Principles of training (differentiated - one document has key words and the other has parts of the table completed. This has an answer sheet too that I used for the students to tick off themselves).
Obviously all tables linked to an exam question.
These resources I use in conjunction with the homework booklet which is also uploaded on TES. These plans assist students with structuring their answer in a clear step process. A master answer sheet is attached, along with a more student friendly mark scheme. Each sheet is differentiated with varying levels of help. The topics within this download include:
Calculating intensities (weight & continuous)
Principles of Training (Progressive overload, tedium and type)
Methods of Training (weight & continuous)
Stretching (All types)
These scaffolded sheets are used when I start teaching this topic area to give students an understanding of how to structure their answer and it reinforces the content nicely. The feedback from students using these is very positive. Once they have planned their answer, they then answer it in their homework booklet. IF YOU PURCHASE THIS ITEM, CAN YOU PLEASR REVIEW IT. THANKS.
This resource I have used as a card sorting activity. Students were then able to compare their answers with a master answer sheet that I displayed on an interactive whiteboard. In order for them to know the knowledge, all students were provided with a series of materials to help them work out where each statement went. Students then stuck this in their book. Obviously for less able more than one statement can be out together. For example, carbohydrates and provides energy could be cut out together. An extension activity I used was for students to research other examples of that food type in their diet. We then linked to an exam question and peer marked this.
Skeletal system mind map with answers for students to complete.
Short term and long term responses to exercise starter or plenary exercise with answers.
I used this as a complete revision document during a revision session. The document contains the following:
Essential examination advice about how to answer multiple choice and short answer questions.
A guide to understanding command words.
A guide to understanding simple and develop statements.
Body systems and their short and long term response to exercise and how it benefits the performer with exam questions for application
A tick sheet for topics to revise so students can tick them off as they feel confident with each topic area
A list of key words for each topic that they need to know
Methods of training
Components of fitness (health and skill)
Principle of training with exam questions for application
Muscles and their actions with exam questions for application
Joints and movements with exam questions for application
Reasons, benefits and influences with exam questions for application and a peer marking exercise
Risk assessment - peer marking exercise with 3 different banded answers for students to mark.
Basic Somatotype table - I gave students pipe cleaners and play dough to build each type and then signpost the characteristics using mini flags.
Also included is a letter which I sent home to parents to help their son/daughter revise. It contains essential advice/guidance for parents and students during exam preparation.
A series of fitness tests with full instructions. My students completed each test and then highlighted the key information instructing how to complete the test. They then wrote this information on a sheet which is also attached on this document.
The fitness tests include:
40m sprint
Illinois Agility
One rep max
Sit and reach
The ruler drop
Stork stand
Anderson ball catch
Sit up
Hand grip
Vertical jump
Standing long jump
We then linked the information to an exam question within their booklet (which is another resource that is also attached).
An 'outstanding' methods of training lesson to mirror AQA's new spec (but it can be used with other exam boards too).
Lesson plan
Photocopy the RPE sheet, training instructions and key information. Normally I do training instructions and key info back to back on A3 paper. Ignore the final few slides, as this has been removed from AQA.
Students arrive and complete the starter sheet. Great way to check prior knowledge and using different colours throughout the lesson clearly identifies progress.
Each student is then given a specific method to study for the lesson. Easily differentiated:
Less able - highlight key words/study less complex methods (continuous)/use of key words on worksheets
More able - study more complex methods (PNF/weight)/no key words on worksheets/extension questions on each sheet
Students follow the training instructions closely to gain an insight into a 'typical session'. Linking their effort to a RPE sheet leads onto the next topic of subjective assessment and this is nice way to include it and get students thinking about it.
Once they have completed their session they flip their sheets over and are given 3 questions that they must find the answer to in the information section. The questions are:
1) what is the definition of your MOT?
2) what does a typical session involve?
3) what factors should you consider when planning your session?
Whilst reading this information they highlight the answers to those questions using highlighter pens. Students who study PNF have a more complex task and need to study 'how' PNF actually works.
When students have completed their task, there is an optional extension task (QR code).
When all students have finished, the are now the 'experts' in their method and proceed on a carousel to teach their classmates about their method. Students then record this on the notes sheet (on A3). This typically will span 2, if not 3 lessons.
The PNF group have a tough job on their hands as it is a difficult concept. I have therefore included a powerpoint presentation that I put on my google drive, hyperlinked from my twitter account for students to access in their own time if they feel they need to read about this topic a little further.
Extensive Powerpoint presentation on Warm Up, Cool Down and Stretching. The presentation includes the following:
Peer marking tasks (following on the previous lesson - principle of training)
Link to AO2 and AO3 questions
Key terms defined
Physiological effects of a warm up and cool down explained and linked to AO objectives
Different types of stretching
Homework task
Extensive principles of training PowerPoint with explicit links to the new assessment objectives used by AQA.
The presentation includes:
Brief explanation of the different AO's.
Definition of each principle
Explanation and application of each
Key words that newer students might not know
Links to multiple choice questions (demonstrating AO1)
Link to shorter answer questions (demonstrating AO2)
Homework task - exam question with QR video links to warm up and cool down which is the next subject they will study.
18 revision cards covering the following topics :
Short term, long term effect and benefit of exercise on the following systems:
1) Cardiovascular System
2) Muscular System
3) Respiratory System
4) Skeletal System
Muscles and their actions
Effects of lifestyle choices on each system
During my lesson students spent 10 minutes on each body system. 3-4 minutes were spent with them completing a pack of revision cards before linking their knowledge to several exam questions. They then marked their partner's answer. My class loved this. The fact some words are filled in already means it is well differentiated for students who require more structure. Simply deleting some words can also challenge the more able learners too. This topic most students find tough too!
I taught this to mirror my departmental target of independent learning.
The presentation document set the task up.
The emoji I cut out and stuck on their A3 sheet (both sides) and this acted as a progress check as the lesson went on.
The A3 sheet - I enlarged this when photocopied. The examiners commentary, student response and markscheme I generated myself and made them student friendly. There are two types of markscheme for MA/LA learners. All QR codes link to specific content:
Code 1 - links to a video on youtube of me talking through the process of how to answer an extended question with answers for students to check.
Code 2 (structure) - links to a picture of how to structure a 'good' answer (scanning this is optional)
Code 3 (content) - link the mypeexam (of which you will need a login for and all my students do 0 scanning this is optional)
The previous lesson they all answered the question without any help, other than me teaching them the content. At the end of this lesson when they re-answered it, the different was incredible. They then stuck their new answer over their old one, but so their old answer could still be seen. Great way to demonstrate progress and the level of independence was incredible. The assistant head and my HoD were very impressed and the lesson was outstanding and the AH said the lesson was 'revolutionary'.
Happy to discuss it if you need any more guidance.
For this booklet i have cross referenced all new sample assessment materials and previous exam questions from a multitude of different exam boards to create a booklet of questions to be used as a starter/plenary/homework/progress activity. The maximum marks available vary and match the requirements of both 'AS' (year 1)and 'A2' (year 2) exams.
The booklet contains the following:
1) A guide to the new assessment objectives (AO1, 2 and 3)
2) A guide to command words and the possible corresponding AO
3) Key topic words for parts of the applied physiology, sports psychology and sport society topic areas
4) Useful resources for parts of the applied physiology, sports psychology and sport society topic areas - which are scan-able QR codes (almost 75) leading to youtube videos/articles/resources to help students understand content better or arrive at your lesson with some prior knowledge of a topic
5) 'What the spec says' section so students can check content and you can highlight parts of the spec at key points - this is very useful as wording in the question often mirrors the phrasing within the spec
6) Many different questions from a multitude of topics/exam boards/specific INSET training
7) Tick check to ensure the corresponding AO is understood leading to a better question understanding - this is vital and essential for good exam performance
7) The same amount of space to answer the question as it would be in the exam
8) Designated space for peer/self feedback/corrections - ideal for demonstrating progress (Ofsted)
9) Designated space for a second/revision attempt - ideal for demonstrating progress (Ofsted)
10) Examiner's comments within the markscheme pack to help students answer some questions better in the future
11) Full markscheme pack to aid planning/teaching/student progress with peer/self assessment
Topic areas covered:
Pre-industrial (Pre -1870)
Industrial and post industrial (1780-1900)
Sociological theory applied to equal opportunities (up to solutions to overcoming barriers)
Diet and nutrition and their effect on physical activity and performance
Preparation and training methods in relation to maintaining physical activity and performance
Sports Psychology
In total these documents exceed 100 pages and has taken many many hours! You will not be disappointed. PLEASE REVIEW THE PRODUCT AS ANY FEEDBACK WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED!
This is similar to the other homework booklets that I have produced and are incredibly popular on here. This booklet covers section A is both paper 1 and paper 2. A mark scheme is also included for seamless independent work. The pack also focusses on assessment objectives and I have even tried to turn old mark schemes into the new format. There is dedicated space for teacher/self/peer feedback too to show progress.
Much like the other homework booklets, an incredible resources of over 100 questions in topic and sub topic sections. My A level kids love these!