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Reading Unit for The Final Year UKS2

Reading Unit for The Final Year UKS2

A whole class reading unit of work for the book The Final Year including tasks for comprehension, vocab, summarising, several independent writing opportunities among others.
UKS2 Whole Class Reading

UKS2 Whole Class Reading

5 Resources
3 different Whole Class Reading units which should last a half term. They all follow the same pattern of lessons so that the children can build on their lessons and ideas as the term progresses.
Year 6 Spag starters

Year 6 Spag starters

19 different spag starters to be used in either English, Reading or Early morning work. Each part is referenced in the SATs test and will give children a chance to practise the skills. Including: Active voice adjectives adverbs brackets capital letters colons commands statements coordinating conjunctions dashes expanded noun phrases inverted commas nouns passive voice proper nouns question marks relative clauses subordinating conjunctions verbs
Friend or Foe Guided Reading UKS2

Friend or Foe Guided Reading UKS2

Friend or Foe A 2 week guided reading unit This includes a vocabulary lesson, differentiated reading comprehension, a short writing opportunity and several more lessons.