
Microsoft FORMS - Listening and Reading Assessments for Viva 1, 2 and 2 second edition Spanish
List of links to duplicate in Microsoft FORMS. All LISTENING and READING end of module assessments in digital version to get them marked automatically (except for the tasks where they must type, these you will have to revise yourself). I use this to save hours of pointless marking/ticking. In my school students have laptops, so they do their assessment on paper, but then have a few minutes at the end of the lesson to transfer their results to their Microsoft Form. Afterwards, I just revise the tasks where they had to write and decide if they deserve the point or not. Then, the marking is done!
Here you have an example: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ShareFormPage.aspx?id=YfET2k0H10ymLDUy9VlZjBH_PuB_dHRLqpZfZzgMhrNUN0NMRkgwRTMxTEdNSThOWlJERjNVSUNaUi4u&sharetoken=9fJun0fIYA45aGVQWVHK&wdLOR=c59272EF6-8B44-4FAC-9D6F-A527B5F9A291

ALL MODULES - Viva 1 second edition Spanish
All lessons in PPT to delive VIVA 1 during the whole school year.

Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 5
Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 5 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 7.

Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 4
Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 4 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 7.

Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 3
Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 3 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 7.

Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 2
Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 2 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 7.

La ciudad GCSE
Great resource with several lessons to work on the topic La ciudad / El barrio / Tu pueblo / Tu zona / Tu área. It includes:
Sitios en la ciudad
Lo bueno y lo malo de tu ciudad
¿Qué mejorarías en tu ciudad si fueras alcalde?
Descripción de foto
¿Cómo era tu ciudad antes y cómo es ahora?
Se puede + infinitivo

Las vacaciones GCSE
Great resource with several lessons to work on the holidays topic. Includes activities and games around:
¿Cuándo fuiste de vacaciones?
¿Adónde fuiste de vacaciones?
¿Con quién fuiste de vacaciones?
¿Qué hiciste?
¿Cómo/qué tal lo pasaste?
¿Cómo viajaste?
Booking a room (with Tripadvisor adds of hotels)

ALL MODULES Viva 3 second edition ROJO Spanish
All lessons in PPT to deliver Viva 3 Rojo Spanish for the whole school year.

ALL MODULES - Viva 2 second edition Spanish
All lessons in PPT to delive VIVA 2 during the whole school year.

Verbos reflexivos (reflexive verbs) Spanish
Daily routine. Perfect lesson to teach reflexive verbs in the class or as flipped learning. I always use this resource first as independent work and then in a lesson and it works amazingly well. It includes a PPT and a Word document with all the activities ready to complete along with the PPT.

Spanish Sentence Builder - Opinions + Basics
Spanish Sentence Builder with opinions, connectives, comparatives, adjectives and useful infinitives.
Sentence builder with time phrases, conjugated common regular and irregular verbs (all of it in PRESENT, PAST, FUTURE AND CONDITIONAL).

Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 1
Viva 1 second edition Spanish Module 1 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 7.

Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 5 ROJO
Viva 3 Rojo second edition Spanish Module 5 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 9.

Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 4 ROJO
Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 4 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 9.

Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 3
Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 3 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 9.

Photo description GCSE KS3 French
A very intuitive lesson to get KS3 students used to photo card description in GCSE with the topic of school.

Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 2 ROJO
Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 2 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 9.

Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 1 ROJO
Viva 3 second edition Spanish Module 1 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 9.

Viva 2 second edition Spanish Module 1
Viva 2 second edition Spanish Module 1 with every page and extra activities to consolidate knowledge. Year 8.