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High quality innovative resources for KS3, KS4, and KS5 Computer Science, Business Studies, iMedia, and IT




High quality innovative resources for KS3, KS4, and KS5 Computer Science, Business Studies, iMedia, and IT
J808 LO7 Presenting Information - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

J808 LO7 Presenting Information - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

Complete scheme of work for J808 Cambridge National Level 1/2 in Information Technologies. This is a full set of lessons, homeworks, and an end-of-module test. All lessons are fully explained and ready-to-teach. 7.2.1abc Tables, Text, Referencing, Contents, Indexes Lesson PLUS worksheet 7.2.1d Advanced Mail Merge Lesson PLUS worksheet and example files 7.2.1e Macros Lesson PLUS worksheet 7.2.1fghij More Word Features Lesson 7.2.2abcd Presentation Techniques Lesson PLUS WAGOLL for activity 7.2.2efg Presentation Techniques Lesson 7.2.3a Design Lesson 7.2.3b HTML (Double) Lesson PLUS worksheets and example files 7.2.3b HTML Cheat Sheet 7.2.3c CSS Lesson PLUS example files 7.2.3c WAGOLL Website 7.2.3d Responsive Design Lesson PLUS Responsive HTML and CSS example files 7.2.3e Security Measures Lesson 2 x Homework sheets with marking scheme 1 x End-of-module test question paper with marking scheme 1 x Module self-assessment learning checklist for students Update: a review stated that some tasks were missing. This omission has been fixed and all of the tasks are present. All lessons are tried-and-tested. Save yourself hours of work by downloading now.
J277 OCR 2.3 Producing Robust Programs

J277 OCR 2.3 Producing Robust Programs

Complete scheme of work for J277 OCR Computer Science 2.3 Producing Robust Programs, including PowerPoint for each lesson, homework sheets, worksheets, Python example files, end-of-topic exam, and mark sheets. Designed for my mixed-ability group with lots of simple explanations; large clear and bright diagrams; chunked lessons; and stretch and activity tasks for higher-achieving students. Includes the following lesson PowerPoints and resources: 2.3.1a Defensive Design (plus Python files) 2.3.1b Input Validation (plus Python files) 2.3.1c Maintainability (plus Python files) 2.3.2a Testing 2.3.2b Test Data 2.3.2c Refining Algorithms (plus Python files) 2 x Homework worksheets plus answers End-of-module test paper plus answers Save yourself hours of planning by downloading now.
J808 Question-by-question analysis for Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

J808 Question-by-question analysis for Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

** For use with the end of module tests in my J808 LO1 - LO7 SoW Bundle ** If you do not have the bundle, download it from my TES Shop. Save hours of analysing test data with this complete question-by-question analysis pack. Easy to set up Enter student marks into the spreadsheet Percentages and approximate grade are automatically calculated Colour-coded columns allow at-a-glance analysis of which questions students performed well on A Word mail-merge generates a “What went well” and “Even better if” list for each student which can then be used to provide individual feedback and help to fill knowledge gaps Personalised reports can be printed or emailed directly to students Step-by-step instructions included. April 2021 update: Grade boundaries have been updated. Grades are now stored in a single table rather than multiple nested IF statements. This will make it easier for you to verify and edit grade boundaries and apply them to all test data.
R354 KS3 Computer Science Theory SoW

R354 KS3 Computer Science Theory SoW

Complete scheme of work for KS3 Computer Science theory topics, aligned to OCR R354 Entry Level Certificate in Computer Science. Introduces J277 topics and provides students with a comprehensive overview of the qualification before they choose their subject options. There are a total of 11 lessons which, depending upon term length, leaves time for an end-of-unit test or the R354 exam papers to be taken as required by OCR. Computer Hardware: external peripherals; internal components; input - process - output Operating Systems: the six primary functions of an operating system Applications Software: different categories of software and their purpose, overview of compression and defragmentation Storage: primary and secondary storage types Data representation: how computers use binary to store text, images, and audio Binary: Converting between binary and denary numbers, and binary addition Boolean Logic: introduction to AND, OR, and NOT gates; creating simple truth tables Moral, Ethical, and Legal Considerations: concerns about the moral, ethical, and legal impact of computers Computational Thinking: decomposition, abstraction, pattern recognition, and algorithms; defining success criteria; and creating a test plan Flowcharts: creating simple flowcharts Programming techniques: sequence, selection, and iteration; code maintainability; and variables Lessons consist of activities including: exam-style questions, discussions, research, and online tasks. Get your students ready for Key Stage 4 - download today.
J808 LO6 Spreadsheets and Databases - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

J808 LO6 Spreadsheets and Databases - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

Complete scheme of work for J808 Cambridge National Level 1/2 in Information Technologies. This is a full set of lessons, homeworks, and an end-of-module test. All lessons are fully explained and ready-to-teach. 6.1.1 Spreadsheets Lesson PLUS supporting files 6.1.2 Databases Lesson 6.2.1 Presentation Software Lesson 6.2.2 Presentation Software Suitability Lesson 6.2.3 Presentation Pros and Cons Lesson 6.3.1 Hardware Requirements Lesson 6.3.2 Software Requirements Lesson 6.3.3 Connectivity Requirements Lesson 3 x Homework sheets with marking scheme 1 x End-of-module test question paper with marking scheme 1 x Module self-assessment learning checklist for students All lessons are tried-and-tested. Save yourself hours of work by downloading now.
J808 LO4 Security, Prevention, Legislation, Validity - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

J808 LO4 Security, Prevention, Legislation, Validity - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 IT

Complete scheme of work for J808 Cambridge National Level 1/2 in Information Technologies. This is a full set of lessons, homeworks, and an end-of-module test. All lessons are fully explained and ready-to-teach. Aspects of this scheme of work are also suitable for KS3 Computer Science. 4.1.2 Malware Lesson 4.1.3 Social Engineering Lesson 4.1.4 Hacking Lesson 4.1.5 4.1.1 Botnets and DDoS Lesson 4.1.6 Pharming Lesson 4.2.1 Vulnerabilities – Environmental Lesson 4.2.1 Vulnerabilities – Physical Lesson 4.2.1 Vulnerabilities – System Lesson 4.3.1 Impacts of an Attack Lesson 4.3.2 Consequences of an Attack Lesson 4.4.1 - 4.4.3 Prevention Measures Lesson 4.5.1 Legal Protection Lesson PLUS questions worksheet and marking scheme 4.5.2 Ethics and Morals Lesson PLUS “classroom courtroom” activity 4.6 Validity, Reliability and Bias Lesson 4 x Homework sheets with marking scheme 1 x End-of-module test question paper with marking scheme 1 x Module self-assessment learning checklist for students All lessons are tried-and-tested. Save yourself hours of work by downloading now.
J808 LO3 Data and Storage - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 Information Technologies

J808 LO3 Data and Storage - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 Information Technologies

Complete scheme of work for J808 Cambridge National Level 1/2 in Information Technologies. This is a full set of lessons, homeworks, and an end-of-module test. All lessons are fully explained and ready-to-teach. 3.1.1 What is data? Lesson 3.1.2 Data types? Lesson 3.2.1 What is information? Lesson 3.2.2 How data and information are related Lesson 3.3.1-1 Data collection and storage Lesson 3.3.1-2 Data collection and storage Lesson 3.3.2 IT in data collection Lesson 3.4.1 Cloud Storage Lesson 3.4.2 Physical Storage Devices Lesson 3.5.1 Big Data Lesson 3.5.2 Data stores Lesson 3.5.3 Data benefits and drawbacks Lesson 3 x Homework sheets with marking scheme 1 x End-of-module test question paper with marking scheme 1 x Module self-assessment learning checklist for students All lessons are tried-and-tested. Save yourself hours of work by downloading now.
J808 LO1 Project Planning - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 Information Technologies

J808 LO1 Project Planning - Complete SoW Cambridge National Level 1/2 Information Technologies

Complete scheme of work for J808 Cambridge National Level 1/2 in Information Technologies. This is a full set of lessons, homeworks, and an end-of-module test. All lessons are fully explained and ready-to-teach. 1.1 Project Life Cycle Lesson 1.2 Iterative Reviews Lesson 1.3 Inputs and Outputs Lesson and Worksheet 1.4 Initial Project Considerations Lesson 1.5.1-2 Planning Tools Lesson 1.5.2-3 Planning Tools and software Lesson 2 x Homework sheets with marking scheme 1 x End-of-module test question paper with marking scheme 1 x Module self-assessment learning checklist for students All lessons are tried-and-tested. Save yourself hours of work by downloading now.
Mouse Maze - KS3 Algorithm Starter

Mouse Maze - KS3 Algorithm Starter

Mouse Maze is a fun introduction to decomposition, algorithms and iteration (loops). It works well as an extended starter. Print out the simple maze, or distribute the PowerPoint file to students (the mouse icon can be dragged and rotated). They must list the steps required for Mousey to reach the cheese. Decomposition: breaking the problem into smaller steps (i.e. solving the maze) Algorithms: listing the steps to guide Mousey through the maze Iteration: making the algorithm more efficient by repeating parts of it (challenge / extension activity) The download includes: A full set of teacher’s instructions PowerPoint maze for students which can be used electronically or printed out PowerPoint 6 slides showing the task, solution, sections which are repeated, and a more efficient solution. The final slide has definitions of ‘algorithm’ and ‘decomposition’, plus a note to tell students that they have already achieved both during the lesson. Pupils enjoy the activity and it is a great way to introduce the concepts for the first time. I hope you and your pupils enjoy it :)
James Bond Database SQL

James Bond Database SQL

Use SQL to return results of queries on the supplied James Bond movie database (e.g. What is the average IMDB rating of movies directed by John Glen?) The worksheet includes instructions for creating a new database, uploading the SQL file to it, then using SQL to obtain the answers to questions. Students can copy and paste their queries and results into the worksheet, then save or print for marking. SQL commands used: describe, select, count, from, where, group by, like, and, or; and wildcards. The database is a single-table flat database. This is an intermediate-level task, suitable for students who are already familiar with SQL commands and structure. It also assumes that users will be using phpMyAdmin and they have sufficient privileges to create and edit databases. My Year 12 and 13 Computer Science A-Level students enjoyed the lesson, which took around 1 hour for most to complete. Included: SQL file, student worksheet, teacher’s answer sheet.
Program a Python and CSV multiple-choice quiz

Program a Python and CSV multiple-choice quiz

Create quiz questions and answers in a spreadsheet, export to a CSV file, and write a Python program to use the CSV files for a multiple-choice quiz. Printable student instructions; stretch / challenge tasks; and example files for teachers, this makes a great revision or end-of-unit activity! Students can re-visit the CSV file and add more questions as the year progresses. Teaches: CSV (comma-separated value) files Python file-handling; two-dimensional lists; variables; iteration Stretch / challenge activities: Add a scoring system Accept upper and lower case inputs Fix a ‘bug’ where the same question may appear multiple times Add a graphic interface Files included: Printable PDF worksheet (copy and paste is restricted so students must type their code Sample CSV file with six questions and answers Python file of the completed activity Python file containing stretch / challenge solutions (except the GUI) This is a great one or two lesson activity – ideal for a spare lesson at the end of term. Download for free.
Python Turtle Edublocks Christmas Card

Python Turtle Edublocks Christmas Card

Introduce Python 3 to your students using Turtle and Edublocks 4 (a free online drag-and-drop Python editor). Students program Turtle to draw a Christmas card. Their code can be downloaded and opened using IDLE or any other Python IDE. Includes: PowerPoint to get students started Printable worksheet with step-by-step instructions to complete the project and challenge activities Completed file which can be imported into Edublocks Python files which can be opened using IDLE Teachers’ instruction sheet This is an ideal end-of-term standalone lesson ready for Christmas. I hope you and your students enjoy it.
Weggo! Drag and drop HTML Editor: Tutorial 1

Weggo! Drag and drop HTML Editor: Tutorial 1

Introduce your students to HTML using a drag and drop interface. Designed to be intuitive and colourful, students drag Lego-like ‘tag’ blocks onto the board to build up their page. Works on both mouse-based computers and touch-screen tablets. This resource includes “Tutorial 1” and “Teacher’s Notes”, both as printable PDFs. Tutorial 1 is an introduction to the Weggo! interface and a quick “Hello world” lesson. The Teacher’s Notes provide an overview of Weggo’s usage, system compatibility, limitations and pointers for each of the five tutorials. Please be aware that Weggo! is ‘beta’ software, and some bugs will be present. Weggo! is a free-to-use website with no adverts or logins. I hope you and your students enjoy using Weggo!
Weggo! Tutorial 5: Linking to other web pages

Weggo! Tutorial 5: Linking to other web pages

Add links to other web pages using the <a> tag. Links can be added to headline, paragraph, and list item tags. Please be aware that Weggo! is ‘beta’ software, and some bugs will be present. Weggo! is a free-to-use website with no adverts or logins. I hope you and your students enjoy using Weggo!
Weggo! Tutorial 4: Adding images to a web page

Weggo! Tutorial 4: Adding images to a web page

Use the IMG tag to add images to your Weggo! HTML page. Images can be hot linked from other online resources, or a small amount of clipart images are supplied. Support for ALT text is included to promote accessibility and search engine-friendly authoring. Please be aware that Weggo! is ‘beta’ software, and some bugs will be present. Weggo! is a free-to-use website with no adverts or logins. I hope you and your students enjoy using Weggo!
Weggo! Tutorial 3: HTML Lists

Weggo! Tutorial 3: HTML Lists

Create HTML ordered (numbered) and unordered (bullet-point) lists using Weggo’s unique drag-and-drop editor. The printable PDF shows step-by-step instructions of how to create simple lists. Please be aware that Weggo! is ‘beta’ software, and some bugs will be present. Weggo! is a free-to-use website with no adverts or logins. I hope you and your students enjoy using Weggo!
Weggo! Tutorial 2: Adding text to your web page

Weggo! Tutorial 2: Adding text to your web page

The second tutorial for the Weggo! HTML Editor introduces more text tags such as headlines and paragraphs, which students use to begin adding more content to their web page. Please be aware that Weggo! is ‘beta’ software, and some bugs will be present. Weggo! is a free-to-use website with no adverts or logins. I hope you and your students enjoy using Weggo!
AQA GCSE Business Studies Revision Questions volume 1

AQA GCSE Business Studies Revision Questions volume 1

AQA GCSE Business Studies Revision Questions – four sets of revision questions and answers of core concepts. These one-to-six-mark questions are designed to test the recall of key terms and identify knowledge gaps. Fully editable and printable, they are an ideal resource for students who have completed the specification and will soon be sitting their exams. Question Bank 1: 10 questions. Question Bank 2: 10 questions. Question Bank 3: 6 questions based on the business decisions made by Apple when creating and launching the Vision Pro VR headset. Question Bank 4: 7 questions about an expanding vehicle repair workshop. My students found these questions helpful to refresh their core knowledge, helping them to build up to higher-mark questions. Full mark schemes are included. A great resource for students, less planning for teachers. Download today.
Careers Week & AQA GCSE Business Studies Unit 4 Revision

Careers Week & AQA GCSE Business Studies Unit 4 Revision

Combining Careers Week and AQA GCSE Business Studies Unit 4 revision, this double-lesson gives students the opportunity to apply their learning to a real-world scenario. Mr Thompson is a highly qualified but disillusioned Physics teacher. Students will research alternative careers based on his interests and qualifications. They will also apply their knowledge of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, financial and non-financial motivators, recruitment, and training to recommend ways to reinvigorate Mr Thompson’s enthusiasm and help the school to retain him. The PowerPoint also includes exam-style questions and answers, and the lesson plan includes suggestions to begin student discussion. This unit is ideal for students who have completed Unit 4 (Human Resources) and ties-in well with Careers Week. Students will need access to the internet to research careers. My students thoroughly enjoyed this lesson. I hope yours will too.
Cheese Chase: Python Game Tutorial Worksheets

Cheese Chase: Python Game Tutorial Worksheets

Design and code a Python game with 10 step-by-step worksheets. Use Pygame and Pygame Zero to create a cheese-collecting, cat-avoiding, fast-paced game! Introduces students to: Python graphics Sprites Tile maps Keyboard events Gameplay ideas This is an ideal project for extra-curricular clubs. All images, sample code, and teacher support information is included. I hope your students have as much fun making this game as mine did.