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Mr C's Keep It Simple Resources

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One of the hardest elements of teaching can be finding good quality resources that don't overcomplicate what you are teaching. I am all about breaking down resources into small steps so children understand whilst also appreciating teachers don't need too much or overcomplicated material to deliver their lessons. A range of tried and tested English, maths and wider curriculum resources focused on Years 4, 5 and 6. High quality resources from an experienced primary teacher.




One of the hardest elements of teaching can be finding good quality resources that don't overcomplicate what you are teaching. I am all about breaking down resources into small steps so children understand whilst also appreciating teachers don't need too much or overcomplicated material to deliver their lessons. A range of tried and tested English, maths and wider curriculum resources focused on Years 4, 5 and 6. High quality resources from an experienced primary teacher.
Compound Sentences Worksheet

Compound Sentences Worksheet

This resource is focused on identifying that one main clause is a simple sentence and two main clauses linked together with a coordinating conjunction is a compound sentence. It then explores coordinating conjunctions and how to link two main clauses together. Step 1 focuses on identifying simple and compound sentences Step 2 is used to look at applying the correct coordinating conjunction Step 3 focuses on children applying compound sentences with a range of coordinating conjunctions in their writing.
Timelines and Periods in History Activity

Timelines and Periods in History Activity

Simple Worksheet to develop understanding on placing dates on a timeline, ordering periods in history and explaining BC and AD. Used to deepen understanding in key stage 2 of how timelines work and the difference between BC and AD. Step 1-3 format.
Editing and Improving Writing Worksheet

Editing and Improving Writing Worksheet

A worksheet resource made for editing and then improving writing. The shirt paragraph on this sheet has spelling errors, missing punctuation and incorrect sentence structure. A period of the lesson is spent editing section 1, and going through on the board on the PDF copy. Children can then re-write the paragraph below applying a range of sentence openers, improved vocabulary and the correct punctuation. This is a very simple resource which has been very effective in between extended writes. Lots of discussion around spellings and sentence structure which has then lead into the children’s long write. Simple to use for teachers.
Spelling - Prefix 'in-' Worksheet

Spelling - Prefix 'in-' Worksheet

Full spelling worksheet for adding the prefix in to root words. The resource is set out in a Step 1-4 format. It allows children to practice the spellings, understand their meaning, puzzle over putting the spellings together and apply their understanding in sentences. Small steps to develop understanding of the prefix and be secure in their application.
Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers

Adding and Subtracting Decimal Numbers

Worksheet for adding and subtracting decimal number to 2 decimal places. Bar models and part-part whole models used to present the calculations. Extension task activity included as a next step. Resources kept simple.
Fronted Adverbial Matching Activity

Fronted Adverbial Matching Activity

Simple resource to use in pairs in class. Children match the most appropriate adverbial to the sentence from the box below. Very simple and used to develop understanding of fronted adverbials and adverbs of manner. This can be developed by children writing the sentence out and developing them. Used in the Year 4 classroom to great success.
Year 4 Place Value Fluency Skills Worksheet

Year 4 Place Value Fluency Skills Worksheet

Place value fluency activities - great for at the start of lessons as a recap or used within a whole class lesson to embed taught skills Focus of the fluency questions are on different place value skills for numbers up to 10,000. Used in the Year 4 classroom successfully which helped children consolidating understanding before moving on to the next skill. Used later in the year to recall key learning to ensure the skills were embedded.
Spelling Suffix -ant Lesson

Spelling Suffix -ant Lesson

Full spelling worksheet and notebook for adding the suffix ‘-ant’. The resource is set out in a Step 1-3 format. It allows children to practice the spellings, understand their meaning and apply their understanding in sentences. This also includes a grammar fluency activity at the start and dictation activity. This is guided by the notebook. Small steps to develop understanding of the suffix and be secure in their application - all kept simple for teachers.
Times Table Fluency Activity - 4s, 5s and 11s

Times Table Fluency Activity - 4s, 5s and 11s

Times tables fluency activities - great for at the start of lessons as a recap or used within a whole class lesson to embed the times table being learned. Focus of the fluency questions are on the 4s, 5s and 11 times tables. Multiple representations to deepen learning and understanding and support recall. Used in the Year 3 and 4 classroom successfully which helped children consolidating understanding before focusing on automatic recall.
Year 4 Place Value Fluency Skills Sheet

Year 4 Place Value Fluency Skills Sheet

Place value fluency activities - great for at the start of lessons as a recap or used within a whole class lesson to embed taught skills Focus of the fluency questions are on different place value skills for numbers up to 10,000. Used in the Year 4 classroom successfully which helped children consolidating understanding before moving on to the next skill. Used later in the year to recall key learning to ensure the skills were embedded.
Year 4 - Identifying Numbers from Different Representations

Year 4 - Identifying Numbers from Different Representations

Worksheet and notebook presentation for Year Four pupils identifying up to 4-digit numbers from different representations. Worksheet structured as part A, B and C allowing all children to access. Notebook presentation builds on prior knowledge including a fluency activity followed by a small steps approach.
Spelling - Prefixes il-, im- and in- Worksheet

Spelling - Prefixes il-, im- and in- Worksheet

Full spelling worksheet for adding the prefixes il-, in- and im- before root words. The resource is set out in a Step 1-4 format. It allows children to practice the spellings, understand their meaning, develop understanding of definitions and apply their understanding in sentences. Small steps to develop understanding of the prefix and be secure in their application across their writing.
Spelling - Prefix 'sub-' Worksheet

Spelling - Prefix 'sub-' Worksheet

Spelling worksheet for adding the prefix ‘sub-’ to root words. The resource is set out in a Step 1-3 format. It allows children to practice the spellings by writing the list in their books, understand their meaning, match definitions to the spellings and apply their understanding in sentences. Small steps to develop understanding of the prefix and be secure in their application.
Adding 2-Digit Numbers with Exchange

Adding 2-Digit Numbers with Exchange

Adding two digit numbers using base 10 pictorially and moving onto abstract column addition with exchange. Includes different representations focusing heavily on exchanging 10 ones for one 10. Step 1-3 format with an extension questions. Step 1 - apply Step 2 - consolidate Step 3 challenge Very effective in Year 2 and 3 to consolidate addition with exchange. Kept simple for pupils and teachers.
Lines of Symmetry in 2-D Shapes Key Stage 2

Lines of Symmetry in 2-D Shapes Key Stage 2

Full lesson to identify and draw on lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes. Lesson follows a 3 step process which includes applying their understanding, consolidating understanding and then reasoning. Resource includes 3 step worksheet, place value fluency activity and a full supporting smart notebook. Kept simple for teachers.
Colons to Introduce a List Lesson and Worksheet

Colons to Introduce a List Lesson and Worksheet

Lesson on how to apply colons to introduce a list. The lesson is guided by a smart notebook presentation which starts with a fluency task on identifying main and dependent clauses. This then outlines the rules, presents examples and misconceptions for children to unpick. The lesson worksheet follows a 3 step process of understanding, consolidating and applying. All kept simple for teachers to use and deliver.