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Revision  Flash Cards template AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies short course Christianity & Judaism

Revision Flash Cards template AQA 9-1 GCSE Religious Studies short course Christianity & Judaism

This is an excel file with the front templates for over 200 cue cards for revising the whole of the new AQA Religious Studies short course GCSE - this is for the units Key beliefs of Christianity, Key beliefs of Judaism, Relationships & families, Religion, peace & conflict which also constitute 50% of the AQA Spec A full course. It comes with instructions on the first tab so you can effortlessly ping it to your reprographics department and tell them how many copies you need. I would recommend having each unit (on a separate tab on the file) printed on a different colour card to make it easier for the students to recognise which unit each concept goes with. There are 8 cards on one sheet of A4, and the idea is that it prints with lines to separate them that the students can cut into a series of Cue cards, tagged with a treasury tag (not supplied!). It forces them to read your prescribed revision materials as they write on the reverse of the card with information and details about the concept. You will get the excel file in an unlocked state so if you want to you can add your own into the template, but with 200+ concepts included, it is a complete set for the short course. If you are teaching the full course AQA spec A then it will give you half of the concepts your students need. I am an experienced Head of RE and been doing this sort of thing for quite a while now - the most important thing after teaching good lessons is to have good revision resources. In my experience Cue cards work well as they are a good tool to break the course down into manageable chunks (I give them a few to do at a time as homework) but also to allow them to take responsibility for their learning and so they can see their subject knowledge building as the revision period progresses.
Flashcards to revise for Paper 1 of AQA A level Religious Studies - Philosophy & Ethics Paper

Flashcards to revise for Paper 1 of AQA A level Religious Studies - Philosophy & Ethics Paper

This is an excel file which contains a tab for each unit relevant for Paper 1 of the John Frye Hodder textbook. Each tab contains flashcard templates for each unit. The flashcards are arranged in order so that your students can use the flashcards as a revision resource - they work through the book, chapter by chapter, completing the back of the flashcards with notes. There are over 650 flashcard templates so enough to keep them going! It is arranged in tabs so that you can email the excel file to your repro dept and ask them to print a certain tab onto A4 card. The cells are set up so that you just need to quarter the sheets of A4 card. I give them to my 6th formers to do for homework, and they take them away, cut them up themselves and bring them back completed with notes. It is good for getting them reading independently and also to create a revision resource for exam time. There are 16 units in total for the Philosophy & Ethics paper so well worth starting revision as early as possible. The excel file will not be locked so you can add extra ones to it should you feel the 600-odd flashcards aren’t enough! It took me over an hour per unit to read the textbook chapter, consider what they need to know for the exam and make the flashcards. So that is 14 sets of flashcards taking over an hour each to produce! Truth be told, I would not have started making these had I realised precisely how much time would need to be invested in it! You can buy back days of your life by buying this, plus can be reused every year, so at £3 this represents a cost of 22pence per hour of your time saved.
Full lesson worksheet on extremism - with levelled reading tasks - good for interview lessons, etc

Full lesson worksheet on extremism - with levelled reading tasks - good for interview lessons, etc

Here is an A3 booklet-style worksheet on extremism and terrorism. There are 3 worksheets for differentiation of reading tasks. I planned this for an interview lesson (yes, I got the job!) and therefore it can operate as a ‘stand alone’ lesson on extremism, or be incorporated as part of a scheme of learning. Starter task asks students to compare 2 suspect profiles and decide which one is the terrorist. Suspect 2 is Jihadi John, but they will all assume it is suspect 1. This opens up discussion. The main lesson task is to work in pairs, reading the info about Dylann Roof and Jihadi John. This is the part of the lesson that is differentiated into different reading ages. Once read, they compare their notes and draw conclusions together. The Plenary is to write an answer about the causes of terrorism and apply them to how they could help to make the world better. In colour, with maps & infographs to make it attractive, this is a flexible resource which allows you to demonstrate your teaching ability however the lesson unfolds - the key to interview lessons.
Change in concept of Messiah in Judaism

Change in concept of Messiah in Judaism

A basic worksheet with texts from pre and post exile about the Messiah as part of a lesson on how Jewish concepts of the Messiah changed and why Jesus was not recognised as the Messiah.
AQA A level Paper 2 (Christianity) RS Flashcards for Revision from Hodder John Frye textbook

AQA A level Paper 2 (Christianity) RS Flashcards for Revision from Hodder John Frye textbook

Here are the flashcards set for paper 2 - the ones for Paper 2 are also on TES. This follows the same principle as the Paper 1 flashcard templates I did - a set per chapter of the John Frye textbook, with the concepts in the order they appear in the textbook so students can read the book and make notes on the reverse. This checks they are reading and creates an excellent revision resource. There are 436 flashcards on this download to prepare for the Paper 2 exam. The vast majority are for the first part of the Paper 2 exam, using the Christianity option. I don’t think that flashcard making is the proper revision style for the second part of Paper 2 - the synoptic assessment. Note - the photo is of Paper 1 flashcards, but the concept is the same! You will get an excel file with a tab for each unit for the Paper 2 exam, and instructions for your reprographics department to produce them. These took me over 10 hours to make - I had to re-read the textbook myself to get the order right, consider the specification demands and decide which concepts to include on the flashcards. For the record I am HoF at my school, and with more than a couple of years’ experience at getting 6th formers to do well in A’ level Religious Studies. See also the Paper 1 flashcards, if you haven’t already.
How religion causes war - GCSE AQA Spec A  Religious Studies RE RS - full PPT & resources

How religion causes war - GCSE AQA Spec A Religious Studies RE RS - full PPT & resources

Here is a very full PPT on how and why religion causes war for AQA GCSE Spec A or the Short Course. Has historical context in the Crusades, ‘Jihad’ including quotes from the Quran about war, extremism and makes a parallel with Joshua 6 (the story about Joshua defeating Jericho). Was the seige of Jericho a war crime by modern standards? It is hard reading for any believer today so how should stories like it be interpreted? By the end of the resource students should be ready to write a Q5 answer with well developed ideas. There is a template for this with basic ideas included and students develop the ideas to form their own answer. There are 2 or 3 hours of lesson time in this, or for a higher ability you might work through the PPT in the lesson and give them the Q5 task for HW. I’ve included a ‘memory sheet’ on Just War criteria since the next obvious lesson in the sequence is probably going to be how Just War fits with modern conflict.
10 x Key Concepts A4 cards for AQA 9-1 Religous Studies SC with Christianity, Judaism, Family, War.

10 x Key Concepts A4 cards for AQA 9-1 Religous Studies SC with Christianity, Judaism, Family, War.

Here are 10 x revision cards: 2 each for the 4 units of the Short Course with the Judaism option (ie includes Christianity, Judaism, War & Family). Each of these has 10 Key Concepts and explanations including other ideas. The Key Concepts are taken from the AQA specification. 1 x 2 page card of useful quotes to learn to develop answers for Q3, Q4 & Q5s. 1 x 2 page card with revision mnemonics to help students remember some basic concepts. I have years of experience as Head of RE and over that time I have tweaked and adapted my revision resources - others are available on the TES!
AQA 9-1 Religious Studies  SC Revision Materials for Christ&Judaism

AQA 9-1 Religious Studies SC Revision Materials for Christ&Judaism

7 Resources
Here are the best revision resources I have developed over the last 15 or so years as Head of RE. They are focussed on the Short Course AQA GCSE using Judaism as the option but include material relavant for the full course: Key beliefs of Christianity Key beliefs of Judaism Families & Relationships Religion, Peace & Conflict The bundle includes a 56-page printable revision guide, flashcard templates, Knowledge Organisers/Key Concepts lists, revision helpcards, a placemat & a few worksheets. Weeks of my time have gone into making these!