These powerpoint starters provide you with 3 LEARNING PYRAMIDS focused on the Applied Anatomy & Physiology section of the AQA GCSE (9-1) specification. Answers are displayed in stages within the powerpoint to allow comprehensive self or peer marking (another time saver!).
Each LEARNING PYRAMID tests the students in the key areas of Knowledge (AO1), Application (AO2) and Evaluation (AO3).
Students are presented with:
3 Knowledge questions RED
2 Application questions AMBER
1 Evaluation question GREEN
I give my students 10 minutes to complete one LEARNING PYRAMID (timer on-screen) which corresponds with the typical
’1 mark per minute’ approach to GCSE PE theory exams.
Also provided are students answer sheets in both printable JPEG form and editable form.
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Sports Psychology (part 1) section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 3 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Be able to distinguish between skills and abilities
Be able to classify skills on one of four continua
Define different types of goals and suggest appropriate examples from sport
Describe and explain the basic Information Processing model
Describe and evaluate different types of guidance and feedback that a coach might use
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in
my shop)
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Applied Anatomy & Physiology section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 5 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Understand the structure and functions of the skeleton
Identify the bones at the following locations:
head/neck - shoulder - chest - elbow
hip - knee - ankle
Understand the structure and functions of synovial joints
Identify the following 13 skeletal muscles:
• latissimus dorsi • deltoid • rotator cuffs • pectorals • biceps • triceps • abdominals • hip flexors
• gluteals • hamstrings • quadriceps • gastrocnemius • tibialis anterior
Understand the movements possible at different joints and identify agonists and antagonists
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in my shop)
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Structure & Function of the Cardiorespiratory System section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet
The information is divided into 5 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Describe and explain the pathway of air in/out of the lungs and gaseous exchange at the alveoli
Describe the mechanics of breathing and interpret lung volumes using spirometer traces
Describe the structure of the heart and the pathway of blood through it during the cardiac cycle
Understand the terms cardiac output, stroke volume and heart rate, and the relationship between them
Understand the structure and function of arteries, capillaries and veins
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in my shop)
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Movement Analysis section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 5 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Describe the different classes of levers found in the body
Explain the mechanical advantages and disadvantages of different lever systems
Identify different types of muscular contraction: isometric, concentric and eccentric
Explain how muscles work to cause specific sporting movements
Identify the planes and axes of different movements
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in
my shop)
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the second half of the Training section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 4 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Describe and apply both the principles of training and overload
Describe various training types and the advantages and disadvantages of using them
Calculate training intensities to optimise the effectiveness of training
Describe and explain methods used to decrease the chance of injury during training, including warm-up and cool-down
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in
my shop)
The content of the new 9-1 AQA GCSE PE exam paper 1 is broken down into a single A4 sheet.
The content of the paper is broken down into 6 sections which are then sub-divided into 5 Learning Target (LTs).
Amazing way of allowing pupils to monitor their understanding of the course by RAGing each Learning Target, revision then targets the things that they don’t know!
Allows pupils to monitor their personal revision to ensure they are exam ready!
Allows you to monitor your own delivery and make sure nothing has been missed!
Paper 1:
Applied Anatomy & Physiology
The Structure & Function of the CR System
Aerobic & Anaerobic Exercise
Movement Analysis
Training 1
Training 2
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Aerobic & Anaerobic Exercise section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet
The information is divided into 3 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Understand the idea of aerobic and anaerobic exercise during differing intensities
Describe and explain the recovery process after vigorous exercise including Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption
(EPOC), cool down, diet, massage & cryotherapy
Describe and explain the immediate, short-term and long-term effects of exercise
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in my shop)
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the first half of the Training section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 4 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
1.Explain the relationship between health and fitness
2. Describe the components of fitness and justify their development in various sports
3. Evaluate fitness testing & describe the protocol for various fitness tests that measure the components of fitness
4. Describe the seasonal aspects of testing and training
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in
my shop)
Help your students master the key vocabulary for this section of the new AQA GCSE PE (9-1) course.
12 pocket sized cards for you to print, cut and distribute.
Also a useful poster to display in class.
Help your students master the key vocabulary for this section of the new AQA GCSE PE (9-1) course.
15 pocket sized cards for you to print, cut and distribute.
Also serves as a poster to display in your classroom!
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Commercialisation section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 5 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Define ‘commercialisation’ and explain the relationship between sport, sponsors and the media
Identify the different types of media that cover sport
Define and describe types different types of sponsorship
Explain the positive and negative impacts of commercialised activity on sport
Explain the positive and negative impacts of technology on sport
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in
my shop)
The content of the new 9-1 AQA GCSE PE exam paper 2 is broken down into a single A4 sheet.
The content of the paper is broken down into 6 sections which are then sub-divided into 5 Learning Target (LTs).
Amazing way of allowing pupils to monitor their understanding of the course by RAGing each Learning Target, revision then targets the things that they don’t know!
Allows pupils to monitor their personal revision to ensure they are exam ready!
Allows you to monitor your own delivery and make sure nothing has been missed!
Paper 2:
Sports Psychology 1
Sports Psychology 2
Engagement Patterns
The Commercialisation of Sport
Ethical Issues
Health, Fitness & Well Being
One of the key exam ‘hurdles’ to get over is the students knowing what is expected of them in each question…
This CARD SORT activity enables pupils to master the expectations of each command word that might appear in their exams.
Features all 24 Ofqual approved examination key words and their definitions for you to print and cut out.
Simple starter activity that will pay dividends…
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Sports Psychology (part 2) section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 5 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Explain how arousal can affect performance according to the ‘Inverted U Hypothesis’
Explain how arousal can be controlled with stress management techniques
Describe types of aggression within sport
Explain the link between personality and choice of sport
Describe, explain and analyse how an athlete can be motivated
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in my shop)
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Ethical Issues section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 5 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Describe and explain how a performer’s conduct might vary
Describe & evaluate prohibited substances & methods used by athletes
Describe in detail and evaluate the prohibited activity of blood doping
Link certain activities to commonly used PEDs by explaining their advantages and disadvantages
Explain some of the issues with spectator behaviour at sporting events
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in my shop)
Ready made revision cards for you to print and cut out.
A proven revision resource that students understand, enjoy and most importantly use!!
Allows creative lesson starters, quality revision and peer to peer assessment.
Aerobic vs Anaerobic energy supply
Immediate/Short-term/Long-Term Effects of Exercise
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Influences on Participation) section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 3 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Describe and explain how gender can affect participation in physical activity
Describe and explain how race, religion and culture can affect participation in physical activity
Describe and explain how age can affect participation in physical activity
Describe and explain how family, friends & peers can affect participation in physical activity
Describe and explain how disability can affect participation in physical activity
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in
my shop)
AQA GCSE PE (9-1) Key Information Sheet
All the vital information from the Health & Fitness section of the course on one easy to read A4 sheet.
The information is divided into 3 Learning Targets which the students can master individually.
Learning Targets:
Explain the effect of active participation on health and well-being
Describe and explain the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle
Describe the three main somatotypes and link them to sports participation
Describe and explain the need for a balanced diet with emphasis on: Energy balance & Hydration
Explain the role of:Carbohydrate, Fat, Protein & Vitamins/Minerals
Useful for:
students without textbooks
SEN students or those who struggle to make class notes
students who lose their notes!
an open book examination aid
All of my students receive a set of colour coded Key Information Sheets as part of a dedicated revision pack (see bundles in
my shop
Help your students master the key vocabulary for the Applied Anatomy & Physiology section of the new AQA GCSE PE (9-1) course.
24 pocket sized cards for you to print, cut and distribute.
Also serves as a poster to display in your classroom!