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Euro 2024 Maths Relay
A little bit of fun to celebrate the Euros with some football themed maths.
Task should be non-calculator
Edit 8/6/2024 - It has been highlighted that I needed to correct the answer to Q2. The problem with changing my mind with the wording of the question on my final read through then forgetting to adjust the answer accordingly. Apologies

Scottish Higher Maths Essential Skills
Revision pack with 33 exercises to prepare candidates for the Higher Maths exam.
Can be issued as individual worksheets if a pupil needs to focus on a particular topic or as a whole booklet to allow pupils the choice.
Many pupils here set a target during study to complete question 4 from each page before restarting with another number.
The questions at the bottom are more challenging and apply the skill from the 10 non-context ones above.
Thank you to Mr Black, Mr Donnelly and Miss Mullen (BHS) for proof reading and checking answers!
Edit 22/03/2019: It appears I’d edited a page (Essential Skills 1 of all pages) and forgot to save the corrected version in the pack. Should be fine now

Essential Skills National 5 Mathematics
December 2021 edit: A revision booklet for National 5 pupils which some of you may find useful in the run up to the final exam for the many pupils who would benefit from lots of practice of standard exam questions.
**December 2021 edit now has exercises on:
Volume of a Cone and Sphere
Area of a Triangle
Quartiles and Interquartile Range
Adjustments made to applying questions on Fraction, Reversing the Change and Appreciation and Depreciation exercises.

National 5 Maths Padlock Challenge
I’ve used one of these for Higher that I love and is a hit with the pupils. Thank you to the original author on here.
Adapted for N5 level

National 5 Applications of Maths: Essential Skills
As with the N5 and Higher versions of Essential Skills this pack contains common questions for extra skill practice and has exam based applying questions at the bottom of each page.
This pack will be updated throughout the coming months.
9/10/2024 - Numeracy Unit only
19/12/2024 Geometry and Measures Unit added (Answers to follow)
7/01/2025 Updated Numeracy and Geometry and Measures Unit with Answers
30/01/2025 Updated to include Finance and Statistics Unit with Answers.
03/0202025 small tweaks
Package now complete

N5 Applications of Mathematics Padlock Challenge
The padlock task adapted by J Black for the N5 Applications of Mathematics course.
Instructions included in the file.

National 5 Mathematics Bingo
This resource is to help students study for the N5 Maths exam.
It is designed 90 exam standard questions covering all expected topics and the skills needed in common questions.
Basically written as 3 exams (P1/P2) of 30.
The idea being I will issue my pupils a bingo ticket (purchased from local discount stores) and that is the questions they will do.
Luck of the draw in terms of the topics they get. Not a race, not a game of bingo as such. Just a variety. Over time they will revise with all 90 questions.
Answers kindly proofed, typed and cross checked by Mr R Milton of national5maths.co.uk, where students can also find this resource.

Christmas Tree Symmetry
Simple Christmas Tree symmetrical drawing. Others were behind pay walls on websites. In my opinion, teachers shouldn’t charge other teachers!

Advanced Higher Maths Padlock Challenge
The padlock challenge adapted for Advanced Higher Maths
Instructions and solutions included

Area and Volume Pack
Pack to work through basic standard and challenging questions in area and volume.
Shapes covered are Square, Rectangle, Triangle, Rhombus, Kite, Parallelogram, Trapezium, Cube, Cuboid and Composite shapes
Typo edits 14/06/2021

Quadratic Links
Worksheet to link up factorising, solving quadratics, y-intercepts, completed square and turning points