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Difference Feminism
This is an interactive lesson that explain the concept of Difference Feminism. You will need to purchase “ingredients” for this lesson, where students are creating a mocktail! Each element of the mocktail represents something importance to Difference Feminism. Students then go on to complete an advertisement campaign for this cocktail.

Emile Durkheim Information Sheet and Questions
Informarion sheet on Emile Durkheim and 3 questions to go with it.

Developing Explanations Editing Station
This is an editable resource that enables students to review their work and supports their editing process. It provides them with guidance on what good explanations need, shows the difference between sequential explanations and casual. Gives sentence starters and reflection points too.

Editing Station- How to include Contextual Knowledge
An editable resource that supports students in editing their extended writing to ensure that they have used contextual knowledge to support their points.
It provides students with using contextual knowledge to analyse a source, although this could be removed if not appropriate. It gives examples of connectives from the point and connectives to the explanation to follow the PEEL paragraph structure. There are 4 reflection questions for students to consider too.

AQA Sociology Postmodernism Video task
Information and worksheet about postmodernism. Requires the episode of Black Mirror called Nose Dive- As they watch students to complete the worksheet to develop their understanding of postmodernism. The episode is on Netflix and is 63mins long.

AQA Sociology Media Postmodernism's view
Full lesson PowerPoint with information and task sheet. Including key words, reading, true/false questioning, cardsort and creative activity to create own hyperreal world using Baudrilliard’s concepts.

The Research of Saunders on Social Class and Health Behaviours
The Research of Saunders on Social Class and Health Behaviours information sheet

Why Study Sociology Health/Media Paper 2
Booklet advertising A Level Sociology - has health and media as topics for paper 2

Raymond Illsley's Insights on Social Class and Health
Information sheet and questions on: Raymond Illsley’s Insights on Social Class and Health

Evaluation of Talcott Parsons Sick Role
Information sheet on the evaluations of Talcott Parsons’ Sick Role and a Silent debate statements.

Talcott Parsons and the Sick Role Lesson
Whole lesson including core information, video and silent debate

PostModernism Sociology Lesson
Students complete guided tasks and watch a video on Postmodernism before preparing and holding a debate.

Introduction to Functionalism Sociology
This is an introduction and welcome lesson to A Level AQA sociology. The lesson focuses on an introduction to the Functionalism Perspective.

Talcott Parsons Functionalism Lesson
Full A Level Lesson on Talcott Parsons and AGIL and Organic Analogy

Robert K Merton Functionalism Perspective
Whole lesson focusing on Robert K Merton - Fully resourced.

Emile Durkheim & Sociology ALevel Lesson
Complete lesson and resources introducing Emile Durkheim and Functionalism perspectives for AQA A-Level Sociology

How did Prince Siddhartha become the Buddha (Whole lesson)
Decision making lesson on how Prince SIddhartha became the Buddha.
Includes whole lesson PowerPoint, card activity and information sheet.

Marking Policy
Interesting “no pen” approach to marking- the focus is on Pursuit of Excellence tasks. This policy means that feedback models excellence for students and then requires them to improve their work according to the model provided.
Students have responded incredibly well to this approach and it has shortened the amount of “wasted” time spent on marking.

Literacy Marking Aid
labels have been created that can be printed and then stuck directly into student’s books. The idea behind the stickers is for you to identify the literacy error and then to stick the rule and example into their exercise book or onto their work so that they can correct the errors.
The labels can be changed to fit onto any size.