
Morning Work Activity booklets Year 1 Intervention
11 weeks worth of activity booklets which can be used with lower ability children in the morning when they come into school. Could also be used in small intervention groups, as a holding activity or for all children to recap previous learning.
Each booklet consists of a page for each day of the week.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday including reading, writing and phonics activities.
Wednesdays are maths related activities.
Each week the activities get slightly more difficult.
Some activities include:
Writing the CVC word for pictures in word frames
adding the sound buttons to different words
Read the word and match to the picture
Match the lower case and upper case letter
Letter formation practice
Ordering numbers
Adding missing numbers in a sequence
Greater than and less than activities
Writing sentences to match a simple picture
Reading sentences and draw a picture to match the sentence
Booklets will be sent in word.