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Never heard the word grid

Never heard the word grid

Grid for children to RAG rate their understanding of words. Useful as a way to assess what vocabulary needs focusing on for a specific topic.
Click clack moo lesson plan

Click clack moo lesson plan

Lesson plan to go with the book Click Clack Moo (if you haven’t read it then do - it’s great!). Focus on prediction/repetition. Suitable for Y2-Y3. Ideal for a standalone / interview lesson or to start a unit of work. My class loved reading this book and we ended up learning it off by heart. Easy to follow up by planning and writing the next book using this one as a model.
Handwriting fonts

Handwriting fonts

6 Resources
This is a collection of six handwriting fonts: print cursive pre-cursive orvw break letters xz break letters xzqygj break letters
Phase 5 high frequency word cards (north)

Phase 5 high frequency word cards (north)

Flash cards for phase 5 high frequency words. This set doesn’t include the word put (for northern accents). For a set with ‘put’, please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phase-5-high-frequency-word-cards-south-11926452
Phase 2 flash cards (north)

Phase 2 flash cards (north)

5 Resources
A collection of flash cards for phase 2 graphemes, high frequency words, tricky words and non-words. This set is for northern accents and therefore contains the word put as a high frequency word. To download a set without the word put, please see https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/phase-2-flash-cards-south-11926456