
Imperial War Museum WW1 Gallery trail trip worksheet
Imperial War Museum WW1 Gallery trail worksheet
To accompany students when visiting the WW1 galleries at the Imperial War Museum London.
Also linked to current study of WW1
3 pages in total that can be edited to suit. A range of questions with variety of tasks both written and creative along with spaces for students to respond.

Battle of Falkirk GCSE lesson
This is a Case study lesson for the Battle of Falkirk. Designed for Edexcel but could also be used with other exam boards in the study of Warfare through time.

Spanish Armada Edexcel Elizabethian GCSE Lesson
This lesson was designed to follow on from an assessment which I gave students after the second topic of Elizabeth.
The focus of the lesson was around a 16 mark exam style question.
Students will re-enact the Spanish Armada using sweets as probs. Then they will us the knowledge gained/revised to improve their answers to the assessment question.

GCSE Edexcel Warfare Through Time Lesson 1 Introduction Medieval Warfare
GCSE Edexcel Warfare Through Time Lesson 1 Introduction Medieval Warfare.
An introductory lesson into c1250 warfare which includes an range or short activities and two main tasks (Research hunt/ practice exam style question)
Resources for the activities/tasks also available.
Can use the Edexcel Textbook to support some activities.

Edexcel GCSE Nature of Warfare 1250-1500 Medieval
A lesson intended for Edexcel GCSE History- Warfare through time.
The second lesson to a series of lessons looking at medieval warfare 1250-1500.
The lesson/powerpoint looks at change and continuity throughout this period in terms of the nature of warfare, brief introduction to key wars, various factors that had impact on warfare at the time, mounted knights, gunpowder etc.
The lesson leads into a 16 mark “How far do you agree” practice exam question, with guidance for students on planing and answering the question.
Two activities also included in this bundle which are a starter and plenary task, other resources can be copied/adapted from the powerpoint slides.

The Roman Empire Lesson with resources and Italian/Romanian translation
The Roman Empire Lesson with resources and Italian/Romanian translation
Full lesson pack with powerpoint and resources.
Main activities and story have been translated into both Italian and Romanian for EAL students
Story activity and then a map activity focussed on how the Roman empire expanded over time.
This lesson is aimed at KS3 Year 7 students.

Civil Rights Jim Crow Laws Differentiated Tasks
Differentiated tasks which can be used for lower ability students when teaching the Jim Crow Laws.
Aimed at KS3 students.
I have also uploaded a Romanian translated version.
Taks include key word activities, quiz, handwriting frame,

KS3 History end of year or topic review activity
KS3 History
End of year or topic review activity
This activity is a fun way to end the year. Students design a t-shirt by recording what they have learn’t across the year/topic using doodle, images, art lettering.
The worksheet is aimed at History however the example is an Art example.

Edexcel Spain and the New World Christmas recap Quiz
A Christas quizshow style quiz to recap Spain and the New World.
Also included a few questions on Elizabeth I, these can easily be adapted.
30 questions in total, animated and hyperlinked.

KS3 Tudors booklet
A SOW in the form of a booklet.
Could be used in class, as home learning or for COVID resource.

PRET Homework Crime and Punishment 18th 19th century
PRET- Practice, Extend, Recall and Think
6 Weekly home learning activities that stretch and challenge.
This one is based on the GCSE EDEXCEL Crime and Punishment Unit- 18th & 19th centuries.
I also have made some KS3 versions available.

The Black Death Lesson and resources aimed at year 7
The Black Death
A complete set of resources- Powerpoint and activities.
Aimed at KS3-Y7

Tudors Bloody Mary Lesson and Resources
Bloody Mary
A full lesson powerpoint and resources for the topic of Bloody Mary.
Based on 1 hour lesson which could also go into a subsequent lesson with the Rhyme activity.

Life in the Trenches WW1
Life in the trenches WW1
A full set of lesson resources including a powerpoint an activities, looking at the conditions of life in the trenches during WWI. Aimed at KS3 Year 9

Roman Gods
Roman Gods- Lesson plan, presentation and resources including homework
Aimed at KS3- Year 7

Introduction to the British Empire
British Empire
an Introductory 1-2 hour lesson. complete set of resources including presentation, activities and learning map.
Aimed at KS3 Y8

WW1 Home Front and DORA KS3
A full lesson PowerPoint about WW1 Life on the home front and DORA.
This is aimed at year 9 however could be taught to other year groups.

Crime and Punishment Edexcel Changing definitions of crime 20th Century
Crime and Punishment Edexcel Changing definitions of crime 20th Century
Full PowerPoint and resources.
Planned in line with Edexcel GCSE unit Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment Jack the Ripper Police and Media Edexel Lesson
Crime and Punishment Edexcel
Historical Environment: Jack the Ripper
Full lesson with resources based around Police methods and media influences.
Home learning also included.

Crime and Punishment life in Whitechapel Historical environment lesson
Edexcel Crime and Punishment: Historical Environment
Life in Whitechapel lesson powerpoint