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FAEC - Business Studies Shop

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I am a Former Head of Sixth Form and Former Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality (One day I will blog about why I had to take a break from senior management) Currently A level Examiner and Manager in a large FE College. I have 10 years plus experience as a senior manager working to improve learner outcomes in challenging settings. I write about education-related issues that impact on learners.




I am a Former Head of Sixth Form and Former Assistant Principal Curriculum and Quality (One day I will blog about why I had to take a break from senior management) Currently A level Examiner and Manager in a large FE College. I have 10 years plus experience as a senior manager working to improve learner outcomes in challenging settings. I write about education-related issues that impact on learners.
Buss4  AQA CSR Essay for Bullet point 4

Buss4 AQA CSR Essay for Bullet point 4

This is an essay submitted by one of my learners for Buss4 please read and upload comments on the essay. What grade would it get? What feedback would you give the learner in terms of Application, Analysis and Evaluation
A Level Business Student Progress Sheets

A Level Business Student Progress Sheets

I developed these comprehensive student progress sheets to support with marking and feedback. The sheets enable both learner and teacher to track student progress. I use the feedback sheets to give feedback on their exams I focus my feedback on assessment objectives. The students use the progress sheets to address issues raised… They outline the key terms they have to learn, addressing any application, analysis or evaluation issues identified. The learners make rapid progress and begin to really understand the importance of each of the assessment objectives. Hope it helps you as well!
Unit 9 Principles of  Marketing January 2014 Examination Feedback

Unit 9 Principles of Marketing January 2014 Examination Feedback

BTEC First January 2014 Examination Feedback I developed this resource to provide whole class feedback for the BTEC First Diploma in Business January 2014 Unit 9 Principles of Marketing exam. I found that students can not easily access the awarding body mark scheme. I used the exam board mark scheme and included for each question the knowledge & skills students need to be able to answer the question appropriately. This has helped my students easily identify the gaps in their knowledge. Always a good thing! I have used this a couple of time and find that when they answer subsequent mock exams they are better prepared.
Revision Notes Cashflow

Revision Notes Cashflow

Revision notes - Cashflow includes formulas and worked example suitable for GCSE yr 10 and 11, IGCSE and AS Business studies


Calculating Percentages , Calculating Percentage Change . Worksheet for students to answer question on percentages I have uploaded the doc as a PDF and word file
Greiner's growth model

Greiner's growth model

Greiner’s growth model presentation takes a look at the five different stages of growth and the crises that firms will go through during each of the stages. Suitable for A level Business, GCSE Business, BTEC Business
Unit 9  Principles of Marketing Whole unit Targeted Revision Questions  Progress Tracker

Unit 9 Principles of Marketing Whole unit Targeted Revision Questions Progress Tracker

Great Resource for busy teachers - targeted revision questions that cover learning aims A, B and C to support learners to prepare for the unit 9 external assessment. The grid consists of questions that check the learners progress against learning aims A, B anc C, it offers learners the opportunity to self assess; tracking their progress against each of the different topics. (I have uploaded 2 versions one with a checkbox and one without) The learners compete the grid answering all the set questions and then track their progress over 6 weeks. There is room for the teacher to add comments to each of the topics. .
Investment Appraisal Revision notes and workbook

Investment Appraisal Revision notes and workbook

Investment appraisal revision notes and workbook with examples and questions for students to work through. The workbook include questions on the 3 investment appraisal techniques NPV, Payback period and the Average Rate of Return, There are worked examples of each technique followed by exercises for students to complete.
SWOT Analysis Student workbook

SWOT Analysis Student workbook

This SWOT Analysis workbook has three case studies that offer students the opportunities to conduct a full SWOT Analysis. Well presented case study that will keep students busy.
Marketing Revision Poster

Marketing Revision Poster

This marketing revision poster looks at the key concepts in marketing ,really good recap on the key marketing concepts in GCSE and A level business