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Transition back to school

Transition back to school

This teaching pack contains 6 session plans to aid in the transition of children from home back into school using nature based therapeutic activities. The pack uses the 5 pathways to nature connection as a framework for the sessions. The pack uses natural and upcycled resources and the the activities can be delivered on most school grounds by teaching staff how have little or no outdoor education or therapuetic experience. Coronavirus has had a dramatic and rapid impact across the UK, communities are locked down and schools have been closed to all but vulnerable and key worker children. The impact of this experience will be seen in the months and years to come. Research on the impacts of previous pandemics has shown that we can expect an increase in anxiety, trauma, post traumatic stress, and a decrease in confidence and educational attainment.# Many schools are planning to reopen as the lockdown eases and the Government guidelines recommend the use of playgrounds and outdoor spaces for teaching. Over the last 20 years there has been an increasing body of scientific research that proves time in nature is beneficial to our mental health. Immersing ourselves and connecting with nature enables us to lower cortisol levels, restores attention, and balances our nervous system. Nature can activate our neural pathways that are associated with calmness. This leads to decreased levels of anxiety and depression.