An introductory lesson for GCSE AQA Geography students beginning the UK Physical Landscapes topic.
Includes: PPT, worksheets, differentiation, stretch and challenge, links to specification, exam practice
Specification point: The UK has a range of diverse landscapes - An overview of the location of major upland/lowland areas and river systems.
This PowerPoint follows a complete lesson introducing students to the UK's major upland and lowland areas. Students must use an atlas to complete a checklist and plot the major rivers and upland areas on a map of the UK. There is a 'Further Thinking' activity to stretch higher ability students. The lesson finishes with two practice exam questions and has scaffolding support for lower ability students.
NB: Lesson requires atlas’ for students.
Complete lesson with differentiated activities on introducing the sustainable development goals.
Start with definition of sustainable development, then differentiated comprehension task on understanding why they were created and the difference between them and the millennium development goals. Main task focuses on students learning about all 17 SDGs.
Creative homework task for students to promote the goals.
A simple, colourful and easy to use revision workbooklet with activities to help students revise the coasts section to the AQA GCSE specification.
Includes Holderness Coast case study.
A complete lesson designed for the AQA GCSE Geography specification:
'UK Physical Landscapes: An example of a flood management scheme in the UK to show:
why the scheme was required
the management strategy
the social, economic and environmental issues."
Includes WAGOLLS, differentiated worksheets, exam practice question, starter, plenary, main activity and stretch and challenge questions. Also includes improvement section with answers (shown as ‘purple pen improvements’ but can be adapted to suit your school’s policy.
Also includes links to video clips showing the floods and the impact of the management strategy.
A range of revision activities designed to work alongside the CGP revision guide. Includes a revision clock to be completed at the beginning and then returned to at the end of the revision session (it is probably best printed in A3).
The rest of the ppt can be printed as a booklet or separate sheets to aid Year 11 GCSE Geography revision.
Includes simple tasks, bright colours and diagrams for ease of understanding.
Includes River Tees as example of UK landforms and Boscastle flood management example - can be amended if necessary.
High quality revision pack for the AQA GCSE Geography topic: ‘River Landascapes in the UK’
Colourful and comprehensive knowledge organiser
Revision checklist linked to the specification
Activity booklet linked to the CGP 9-1 AQA revision guide
Whole lesson on ‘Why does climate vary?’ for KS3 students.
**Objectives: **To understand how and why climate changes around the world.
• I can explain (AO2) the main factors that cause the different climate zones
• I can locate (AO4) countries using an atlas with different climate zones
• I can apply (AO3) this information to different examples
Success criteria,
Main activity with information sheets and differentiated student worksheets (including one for lower ability and a second for dyslexic students),
Challenge activities for higher ability students (called ‘Further Thinking’),
Solo time (for students to apply new knowledge),
Peer assessment criteria,
DIRT (directed improvement and response time)
Review and reflect plenary
Download also includes full scheme of work for KS3 Weather and Climate topic.
A workbook to accompany the BBC Bitesize revision website.
The workbook consists of simple comprehension style questions and tables to complete to summarise the core knowledge and define keywords.
The answers to all of the questions can be found on the BBC Bitesize website and a QR code is provided for the relevant webpages.
This 10 page workbook is suitable for GCSE students studying the AQA specification for Geography.
It is accessible, free of clutter and easy to complete to allow students to focus on the knowledge content rather than the task.
It is particularly suitable for:
Independent revision
Lower ability students (accessing grades 1 to 4)
Students who have missed significant content
EAL students
A workbook to accompany the BBC Bitesize revision website.
The workbook consists of simple comprehension style questions and tables to complete to summarise the core knowledge and define keywords.
The answers to all of the questions can be found on the BBC Bitesize website and a QR code is provided for the relevant webpages.
This 7 page workbook is suitable for GCSE students studying the AQA specification for Geography.
It is accessible, free of clutter and easy to complete to allow students to focus on the knowledge content rather than the task.
It is particularly suitable for:
Independent revision
Lower ability students (accessing grades 1 to 4)
Students who have missed significant content
EAL students
This complete lesson pack contains a detailed lesson plan, PowerPoint, A3 student worksheet, reading material, link to video clip from Blue Planet and photographs for analysis. The lesson title is ‘Blue Planet or Plastic Planet?’
The lesson was designed for a successful interview for the post of Teacher of Geography with them theme of ‘Geography in the news’. It uses the recent news of plastics in the oceans and the introduction of the ban of plastic straws in the UK as a theme. The lesson could be suitable for a similar interview, geography club or fun end of term lesson.
It is designed as a standalone lesson and no additional resources are required. Students can complete all work on the colourful A3 sheets, therefore it is easy to demonstrate progress throughout the lesson. The lesson is also differentiated for lower and higher ability students.
The lesson was designed for a year 9 geography class of mixed ability who have already begun their GCSEs. Therefore, it is suitable for both KS3 and KS4 students.
Whole lesson on ‘How does air pressure affect weather?’ for KS3 students.
**Objectives: ** To understand how air pressure systems bring different types of weather.
I can describe (AO1) the weather that a depression brings
I can describe (AO1) the weather that an anti-cyclone brings
I can compare (AO3) differences between these two pressure systems
Success criteria,
Main activity with information sheets and differentiated student worksheets (including one for lower ability and a second for dyslexic students),
Challenge activities for higher ability students (called ‘Further Thinking’),
Solo time (for students to apply new knowledge),
Review and reflect plenary
Download also includes full scheme of work for KS3 Weather and Climate topic.
A comprehensive and colourful 2 page knowledge organiser for the AQA GCSE Geography topic of ‘River Landscapes in the UK.’ Designed to support students with their revision.
Includes all elements of the specification, including two case studies which can be amended to suit your school’s.
Case studies included:
River Tees - river landforms
Boscastle 2004 floods - flood management
Complete lesson with stretch and challenge questions for higher ability students, worksheets and exam question practice. Includes a range of activities to engage students and opportunities to demonstrate progress.
Introduces what a coral reef biome is - describing the distribution activity (map work, WAGOLL) - 15 mins of Blue Planet II ‘coral reef’ documentary with worksheet for lower ability students (my students made notes in their book) and teacher Q&A - opportunituy to review and reflect learning in plenary - final ‘just a minute’ game (one student stands up at the front and begins talking about the lesson - if they hesitate, deviate or repeat a work, another student takes over, the winner is the one speaking when the 60 seconds ends).
This lesson was designed for Year 9 students as part of a topic on ecosystems (closely linked to the GCSE AQA specification ‘Living World’ - it is suitable to be adapted to any KS3/4 class
NB - purple pen is used in my school to show progress/improve work, PPT instructions on the last slide can be adapted as appropriate for your school.
This 1 hour lesson was designed for an interview for Head of Department with Year 11 mixed ability studying for the AQA GCSE specification (I was successful). It was designed as an introductory lesson to the Changing Economic World section of the specification and students will learn what the development gap is and how it can be measured using a range of indicators. It ends by giving students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning through exam practice and to self assess against clear success criteria.
The lesson is a comprehensive introduction to the development gap and indicators and comes with a double sided A3 worksheet (this can be adapted to suit your needs). It also comes with a complete lesson plan.
The learning outcomes are:
• (AO1) Students can identify a range of social and economic development indicators
• (AO2) Students can explain the limitations of the indicators
• (AO2 & AO3) Students can answer a GCSE style exam question by critically using a range of indicators to suggest the development level of a country
AQA GCSE Specification:
• Paper 2: Challenges in the human environment / Section B: Changing Economic World
• Key Idea: There are global variations in economic development and quality of life.
• Content: Different economic and social measures of development & their limitations.
• Bronze, Silver and Gold (BSG) targets to stretch and challenge all abilities = denoted by medal icons on PPT
• Additional challenge questions = shown next to black medal icon on PPT
An in-depth analysis of the exam questions asked for this topic for the AQA GCSE Geography specification between 2018 and 2023.
This summary is for the following specification:
3.1 – Living with the physical environment
3.1.2 – The living world – Tropical Rainforests
This summary includes:
Exam Question Summary
An accessible summary of all the exam questions asked for this topic in a simple-to-read table format from 2018 to 2023.
Exam Question Analysis
In-depth analysis of the questions asked, including common command words, marks available and assessment objectives
Specification Assessed
A table showing which areas of the specification have been assessed in exams over the years.
An in-depth analysis of the exam questions asked for this topic for the AQA GCSE Geography specification between 2018 and 2023.
This summary is for the following specification:
3.1 – Living with the physical environment
3.1.2 – The living world – Cold Environments
This summary includes:
Exam Question Summary
An accessible summary of all the exam questions asked for this topic in a simple-to-read table format from 2018 to 2023.
Exam Question Analysis
In-depth analysis of the questions asked, including common command words, marks available and assessment objectives
Specification Assessed
A table showing which areas of the specification have been assessed in exams over the years.
Assessment and detailed mark scheme for an end of topic test on weather and climate.
28 marks, should take approximately 40 minutes for students to complete.
Aimed at KS3 students.
In Microsoft Word Format so it can be adapted as required.
This resource is designed for the AQA GCSE Geography specification.
Paper 1 - Section A - The Living World - Hot Deserts
The resource includes:
A student-friendly revision checklist of the required knowledge of the AQA GCSE Geography specification.
It includes red, amber and green tick boxes so students can identify areas of strength and areas to focus on in their revision.
A brilliant revision tool for GCSE Geography!
This resource is designed for the AQA GCSE Geography specification.
Paper 1 - Section A - The Living World - Cold Environments
The resource includes:
A student-friendly revision checklist of the required knowledge of the AQA GCSE Geography specification.
It includes red, amber and green tick boxes so students can identify areas of strength and areas to focus on in their revision.
A brilliant revision tool for GCSE Geography!
This resource is designed for the AQA GCSE Geography specification.
Paper 1 - Section A - The Living World - Tropical Rainforests
The resource includes:
A student-friendly revision checklist of the required knowledge of the AQA GCSE Geography specification.
It includes red, amber and green tick boxes so students can identify areas of strength and areas to focus on in their revision.
A brilliant revision tool for GCSE Geography!