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NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.




NGfL Cymru was a website funded by the Welsh Government. The resources on TES are a legacy of this project. The content or format of these resources may be out of date. You can find free, bilingual teaching resources linked to the Curriculum for Wales on hwb.gov.wales.
WJEC PH 5.4 Resources

WJEC PH 5.4 Resources

Radioactivity and Radioisotopes This resource is divided in 10 lessons. All lessons are in PowerPoint 2003 format and are accompanied by a notes version of each PowerPoint lesson. Includes information on: Alpha Beta and Gamma Distinguishing Radiation Radiation Detectors IDs GM tube Half-life Decay constant
Nuclear Physics

Nuclear Physics

A revision aid to support the teaching of nuclear physics at GCSE for the WJEC course. Topics covered within the revision tool include; atomic structure, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Images, animations, worksheets and a ‘hotpotatoes’ quiz is also included.


A series of resources including video, animation and whiteboard materials that address the skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works within the GCSE specifications. The theme of these units is energy, temperature and the transfer of heat energy and the focus is on the applications and implications of science.
All about Physics

All about Physics

Covering Forces, Momentum, Radioactivity, Waves, Boyle and Hooke's Law. Includes teacher&'s notes.
Heating and the Home

Heating and the Home

A series of resources including video, animation and whiteboard materials that address the skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works within the GCSE specifications. The theme of this unit is the heating and the home and the focus is on the applications and implications of science.


A series of resources including video, animation and whiteboard materials that address the skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works within the GCSE specifications. The theme of these units is energy, temperature and the transfer of heat energy and the focus is on the applications and implications of science.
Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficiency

A series of resources including video, animation and whiteboard materials that address the skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works within the GCSE specifications. The theme of these units is energy, temperature and the transfer of heat energy and the focus is on the applications and implications of science.
Dysgu Cemeg drwy Fapiau Cysyniad

Dysgu Cemeg drwy Fapiau Cysyniad

Cyfres o ddogfennau Word a fwriadwyd i helpu dysgwyr i adolygu a datblygu sgiliau astudio trwy ddiagramau, delweddau a chysylltiadau. Canllaw hynod weledol a chryno yw hwn i’r cynnwys a ddatblygwyd ym manyleb Gwyddoniaeth Cemeg newydd AQA (C1 yn benodol) sy’n dechrau ym mis Medi 2011, ond mae’n berthnasol i lawer o fyrddau arholi eraill hefyd


A series of resources including video, animation and whiteboard materials that address the skills, knowledge and understanding of how science works within the GCSE specifications. The theme of these units is energy, temperature and the transfer of heat energy and the focus is on the applications and implications of science.
WJEC PH 5.5 Resources

WJEC PH 5.5 Resources

Nuclear Power This resource is divided in 8 lessons. All lessons are in PowerPoint 2003 format and are accompanied by a notes version of each PowerPoint lesson. Includes information on: Mass Defect Nuclear force Binding Energy Fission reactions Chain Reactions
Learning Chemistry through Concept Maps

Learning Chemistry through Concept Maps

A series of Word documents designed to help learners revise and develop study skills through diagrams and connections. This is a highly visual and concise guide to the content developed in the AQA new Science Specification for Chemistry (specifically C1) starting in September 2011, but it is relevant to many other examination boards too. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
WJEC PH 1 Resources

WJEC PH 1 Resources

Notes, presentations and data for WJEC PH1. Includes information on: Solids under stress Waves - Properties Waves - Interference Waves - Sound Light - Properties Light - Young’s slits
WJEC PH 2 Resources

WJEC PH 2 Resources

Notes, presentations and data for WJEC PH2. Includes information on: Bohr Theory Photoelectric Effect Quantum Effects Spectra X Ray Spectra
Science KS3 Resources: Solar System Loop Game

Science KS3 Resources: Solar System Loop Game

This resource is a selection of materials that support the concepts introduced in the new KS3 Science course based on the requirements of the Science National Curriculum orders.The material allows pupils to investigate, discuss and discover science in a variety of daily activities and situations, helping to develop a curiosity that spans beyond the traditional and sometimes rigid teaching of Science. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfL site, linked below.
Ffiseg TGAU

Ffiseg TGAU

Mae’r unedau yn dilyn maes llafur newydd CBAC ac yn canolbwyntio ar Drydan, Grymoedd ac Ymbelydredd. Casgliad o adnoddau amrywiol sydd yma y gellir eu dewis a’u dethol er mwyn cynnig amrywiaeth o brofiadau a dulliau dysgu mewn ffurf ddiddorol a modern. Ceir cysylltiadau i safleoedd eraill sydd yn cynnig cyfle i ehangu’r cwricwlwm ac i edrych ar ddefnydd bob dydd o’r cysyniadau. Mae hefyd samplau o ddata go iawn o arbrofion a gynhaliwyd gan ddisgyblion y gellir eu defnyddio i gefnogi neu drafod agweddau ymarferol.
Rocket Science - Why go into Space

Rocket Science - Why go into Space

This innovative resource uses the 'Rocket Science' theme to develop investigative skills through a variety of Science topics. The students are encouraged to think critically and develop a curiosity for their learning that spans beyond the traditional and sometimes rigid division of Science into Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This approach allows the learners to tackle problems from a wider range of disciplines and skills and encourages them to see the big picture. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfl site, linked below.
Rocket Science - Spacesuit Investigation

Rocket Science - Spacesuit Investigation

This innovative resource uses the 'Rocket Science' theme to develop investigative skills through a variety of Science topics. The students are encouraged to think critically and develop a curiosity for their learning that spans beyond the traditional and sometimes rigid division of Science into Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This approach allows the learners to tackle problems from a wider range of disciplines and skills and encourages them to see the big picture. For more materials relating to this resource, please visit the NGfl site, linked below.
Circuits and Electrostatics

Circuits and Electrostatics

Series of lessons to cover the topic ‘Electric Charges’ EM3 and ‘Circuits’ EM1.The resources planned should provide plenty of opportunities for formative and summative assessment for the whole class.