A number of different worksheets covering how images are represented / stored digitally. Pixels, bit depth and calculating file size in bits and bytes. Includes practical activity for learners to create their own bitmap images including meta data. Used with Year 10 and 11 GCSE Computer Science Data Representation unit.
A missing word activity to introduce simple Ciphers based on a short video clip. Used with Year 10 GCSE Computer Science : System Security / Data Representation
A spreadsheet model to investigate Resolution and Size of image. Used with Year 9 and 10 GCSE Computer Science Data Representation unit. The user enters the maximum image size of their camera in MegaPixels and then selects the resolution of their printer and the spreadsheet works out the maximum print size possible
Used with Year 10 / 11 GCSE Computer Science. Students research current security issues making in the news and understand why it is important to install updates to computer systems. WhatsApp issues and NHS Makware .
Worksheet that explains how computers are able to do calculations with negative numbers. Step by step explanation of 2s compliment is used, with easy to follow examples and practice questions. Worksheet that explains how Computers are able to do Multiplication and division, with easy to follow examples and practice questions.
Quck Crossword, created in Excel for students to answer in Excel. Summarises different types of Maware threats and techniques used to secure a computer system.
Resources for GCSE Computing course for the Data Representation topic. The Resource explains how different data is stored, so introducing data types and variables and shows how important it is to make sure the correct variables are selected by the programmer. Uses examples in Python and an excel program ( input form and vba coding) has been created for students to investigate for themselves, what can go if wrong data types for variables are chosen by the programmer. Overflow error, type Mismatch, rounding up errors, Validation etc.