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I am a former teacher and have taught 1st and 2nd grade for 4 years.




I am a former teacher and have taught 1st and 2nd grade for 4 years.
100th Day Of School  Activities

100th Day Of School Activities

100th Day Of School Math & Literacy Activities Perfect for celebrating the 100th day of school. This packet includes 10 charts and their answer keys. Your students will practice their math and literacy skills using color by code. This resource contains: ========================= *Odd or even numbers *Part of speech *Count by 1 *Count by 5 *Count by 100 *Word families(--own,--ug,--ad ,--ap,--ock,--at,--all,--ice,--aw,--eel) *The Blend “bl”. *Two-digit addition with regrouping *Geometry *True or false Thanks so much! Nastaran.
Math Worksheets First Grade

Math Worksheets First Grade

Math Worksheets First Grade includes 52 printable worksheets. This product is great for reinforcing the math skills, morning work , and math centers. ⭐ Math worksheets include: Number & Operations In Base Ten ================================ Counting to 120.(4 Pages) Fill in the missing number in each row. Highlight the numbers 30 to 60 in order. Count Backwards. What comes next in each acorn? Number of objects(Count the tally marks and then Write the numbers in the apples).(1 page) Number words(Read the number words and write the numbers).(1 page) Place Value.(5 pages) Write the correct number of tens and ones in the puzzles. Using Tens and Ones Spinners. Count the dots, write the number of dots, and then write the equation and number. Order 2-digit numbers.(1 page) Comparing 2-digit numbers.(1 page) Add 2-digit number and 1-digit number.(2 pages) Without regrouping With regrouping One more, One less, Ten more, Ten less.(1 page) Addition (Add the numbers, and color the pilgrim and pumpkin based on the key.(1 page) Place Value , One more, One less, Ten more, Ten less.(1 page) Operations & Algebraic Thinking ================================ Word problems.(3 pages) Addition of 3 whole numbers.(1 page) Make Ten.(2 pages) Missing Number.(3 pages) Addition.(3 pages) Subtraction.(3 pages) Addition and Subtraction.(4 pages) Meaning of the equal sign.(2 pages) Measurement & Data ================================ Longer Than or Shorter Than.(1 page) Write the number of inches.(2 pages) Which alligator is taller.(1 page) Compare the length.(1 page) Write the number of paper clips. Tell and write the time .(3 pages) Interpret data.(2 pages) Geometry ================================ Find the shapes.(1 page) attributes of the shapes.(1 page) Thank you, Nastaran.
Spring Math Worksheets

Spring Math Worksheets

Common Core Spring Math Review includes 35 pages that meet common core standards for first grade. This spring themed packet is a great resource to help your students to review their math skills in beautiful spring. This packet includes the following printables: ================================= Operations & Algebraic Thinking 1. Use addition & subtraction within 20 to solve word problems.1.OA.A.1,1.OA.A.2-Page(3-8) 2. Apply properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract. 1.OA.A. Page(3-9) 3. Understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem. 1.OA.4- Page(10-13) 4. Relate counting to addition and subtraction.1.OA.5- Page(14) 5. Add and subtract within 20.1.OA.6- Page(15) 6. Understand the meaning of the equal sign.1.OA.A.7- Page(16) Number & Operations in Base Ten 1. Count to 120.1.NBT.1- Page(17) 2. Understand the place value.1.NBT.2- Page(18-21) 3. Compare two two-digit numbers.1.NBT.3- Page(22) 4. Add and subtract within 100.1.NBT.C4- Page(23-24) 5. 10 more or 10 less.1.NBT.C5- Page(25) 6. Subtract multiples of 10 in the range 10-90 from multiples of 10 in the range 10-90.1.NBT.6- Page(26) Measurement & Data 1. Measurement.1.MD.1, 1.MD.2- Page(27) 2. Tell and write time in hours and half-hours.1.MD.3- Page(28-29) 3. Graph.1.MD.4- Page(30) Geometry 1. Distinguish between defining attributes.1.G.1- Page(31-32) 2. Build and draw shapes.1.G.2- Page(33) 3. Partition circles and rectangles.1.G.3- Page(34) Thanks so much, Nastaran.
All About Me Pennant {Chevron}

All About Me Pennant {Chevron}

Use these pennants to decorate your classroom at the beginning of the year.Have students fill out a pennant banner, then cut out and punch a hole on each side of the flag at top and attach each flag to the next with ribbon, and hang. The pennant is made to be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
All About Me Pennant {Polka Dots}

All About Me Pennant {Polka Dots}

Use these pennants to decorate your classroom at the beginning of the year.Have students fill out a pennant banner, then cut out and punch a hole on each side of the flag at the top and attach each flag to the next with ribbon, and hang. The pennant is made to be printed on 8 1/2" x 11" paper.
Mixed Numbers To Improper Fractions Task Cards

Mixed Numbers To Improper Fractions Task Cards

40 task cards help you teach conversion between mixed numbers and improper fractions. Students can practice changing mixed numbers to improper fractions with these task cards.Each card has a mixed number, and the students convert this mixed number into the improper fraction and then save their answers in the answer sheets. Answer key also included!
Improper Fractions To Mixed Numbers Task Cards

Improper Fractions To Mixed Numbers Task Cards

40 task cards help you teach conversion between mixed numbers and improper fractions. Students can practice changing improper fractions to mixed numbers with these task cards.Each card has an improper fraction, and the students convert this fraction into the mixed number and then save their answers in the answer sheets. Answer key also included!
End Of Year Math Review

End Of Year Math Review

End Of Year Math Review would be a great packet for reviewing math skills at the beginning and end of the year . This resource includes: **Write the number words in each box. **Counting by 10. **Counting by 5. **Flip Flop Addition and Subtraction. **Roll 2 dice ,Add them up and color the picture. **Double-digit Addition.(without regrouping) **Double-digit Subtraction.(without regrouping) **Roll 3 dice, add them up and color. **Solve each word problem using number-line.(2 pages) **Draw the hands on each clock. **Compare the numbers. **Make ten. **Place value. **Write the missing number in the sequence **Make a number bond. **Measurement. **Geometry.(2 pages) Thank you, Nastarans.com
Editable Christmas Gift Tags With Santa

Editable Christmas Gift Tags With Santa

Editable Christmas Gift Tags With Santa contains 4 blank editable tags. Size of the tags are: 4-3/4" x 2-3/8" **By purchasing this product, you will receive a PowerPoint file and you will need to have POWERPOINT to add your own text, use any font or color you want.
Addition and Subtraction Task Cards : QR CODE Activity

Addition and Subtraction Task Cards : QR CODE Activity

4 Resources
This bundle contains four products QR CODES:{Two-digit Addition With Aliens,Three-digit Subtraction With Birds,Two-digit Subtraction With Owls,Three-digit Addition In Space}. This product includes 128 task cards for reviewing and practicing addition and subtraction.
Multiplication Cards

Multiplication Cards

Multiplication cards help your students practice and master their multiplication facts 1-12.Print these multiplication cards on card stock, cut them out, and laminate for durability. I print them on card stock and cut them out to use with my son in 4th grade class. Thanks so much, Nastaran.
Butterfly Lifecycle

Butterfly Lifecycle

Butterfly Lifecycle is a good reason for engaging students in this special happen.This product is perfect to study this lifecycle using different activities .Activities include sorting,coloring,drawing and writing . Also included the directions for each activity,posters and task cards for each stage. Thanks so much, Nastaran.
Easter Writing Prompts

Easter Writing Prompts

Easter Writing Prompts contains 8 worksheets.Each page has a topic, and the students can practice writing skills. These Easter topics will help inspire your students to write about the Easter season. I hope you enjoy using these activities. Thank you, Nastaran.
ALL ABOUT Numbers 1-20 + Assessment

ALL ABOUT Numbers 1-20 + Assessment

ALL ABOUT Numbers 1-20 + Assessment is designed to cover all topics in numbers 1-20.This packet includes 20 practice worksheets,3 assessment worksheets and answer key.Each practice worksheet contains 11 activities, and assessment worksheets include 20 activities that you can evaluate if your students have understood what you have taught. Practice Worksheet activities ========================= *Color the number *Trace the number *Fill in the Ten frame *Circle Even or Odd. *Draw tally marks. *Less and more. *Trace number word. *Fill in the number bond. *Find the number and circle. *Draw objects. *Before and after.
Editable Chalkboard & Bright Yellow Polka Dot Labels

Editable Chalkboard & Bright Yellow Polka Dot Labels

Editable Chalkboard & Bright Yellow Polka Dot Labels contains 6 labels in Polka Dot theme. Size of the labels are: 3.23 " * 3.65" By purchasing this product, you will receive a PowerPoint file and you will need to have POWERPOINT to add your own text ,use any font or color you want.
Free Editable Christmas Gift Tags

Free Editable Christmas Gift Tags

Free Editable Christmas Gift Tags contain four blank editable tags. Size of the tags are: 4-3/4" x 2-3/8" **By downloading this product, you will receive a PowerPoint file, and you will need to have POWERPOINT to add your text, use any font or color you want. Thanks so much, Nastaran.
FREE Thanksgiving Cards

FREE Thanksgiving Cards

FREEBIE Thanksgiving cards This freebie includes easy printable thank you notes .Your students can make thank you cards for family member or special people they would like to show appreciation. I hope you like this freebie. Thanks so much, Nastaran