I provide French and Spanish resources for KS3 and GCSE.
As a Head of MFL Department for 10 years, my aim is to provide high quality cover and revision resources that save time for Heads of Departments and classroom teachers alike.
I provide French and Spanish resources for KS3 and GCSE.
As a Head of MFL Department for 10 years, my aim is to provide high quality cover and revision resources that save time for Heads of Departments and classroom teachers alike.
A 94 page booklet of writing questions and sample answers for the new GCSE French AQA spec (2026 exams onwards). Ideal as a course booklet, cover work, mock exams, end of unit assessments, revision resource and homework.
The questions in this booklet are designed to help teachers and heads of department with their teaching and assessment of the AQA GCSE French 2026 specification. Questions have been designed to be reflective of those found within the specimen papers and are intended to have multiple uses for teachers:
• For use within normal classroom practice so that pupils have plenty of opportunities to see, understand and practise questions that are reflective of those they will see in their exams. This could be as part of a lesson, revision activities or a homework task.
• For use as part of practice or mock examination papers.
Please note that the answers provided are sample answers only and are not definitive. They are intended to show pupils what an answer should look like.
There are 7 sections to represent each of the 7 questions across the higher and foundation tier papers. Each section has a question (and answer) for each topic covered in all three themes as per the AQA specification.
The questions are on pages 4-38 and the answers from pages 39 onwards.
I have taken every effort to ensure that there are no errors across the 94 pages. I have left the document as a word file so that you can copy and adapt questions for your own practice examinations etc or even adapt the sample answers to be more reflective of phrases you use in your own classroom.
For each language (French and Spanish) this resource contains 2 four page worksheets.
Christmas Colours. This contains colouring activities, a design activity, a word search and a colour by numbers.
Christmas Numbers. This contains dictionary work, drawing activities, a word search and a design activity.
These worksheets are perfect for younger pupils, low ability pupils and for cover work and end of term classes.
This resource contains 2 four page worksheets.
Christmas Colours. This contains colouring activities, a design activity, a word search and a colour by numbers.
Christmas Numbers. This contains dictionary work, drawing activities, a word search and a design activity.
These worksheets are perfect for younger pupils, low ability pupils and for cover work and end of term classes.
This resource contains 2 four page worksheets.
Christmas Colours. This contains colouring activities, a design activity, a word search and a colour by numbers,
Christmas Numbers. This contains dictionary work, drawing activities, a word search and a design activity.
These worksheets are perfect for younger pupils, low ability pupils and for cover work and end of term classes.
This bundle contains a worksheets that cover the three categories of regular present tense verbs (-er, -ir, -re).
For each category of verb, there is a 4 page worksheet (with answers) and a word search (with answers).
Each worksheet has a grammar explanation and examples and so is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and teaching by a non-specialist. It is also perfect for using after teaching as reinforcement
Each word search promotes dictionary use and independent learning and again is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and also as an extension task.
The tasks on each worksheet are purposefully similar so that pupils are familiar with the idea of what they are doing and so can concentrate on the verbs themselves.
Two resources to help pupils learn about -re verbs in the present tense. There is 4 page worksheet (with answers) and a word search (with answers).
The worksheet has a grammar explanation and examples and so is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and teaching by a non-specialist. It is also perfect for using after teaching as reinforcement
The word search promotes dictionary use and independent learning and again is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and also as an extension task.
Two resources to help pupils learn about -IR verbs in the present tense. There is a 4 page worksheet (with answers) and a word search (with answers).
The worksheet has a grammar explanation and examples and so is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and teaching by a non-specialist. It is also perfect for using after teaching as reinforcement
The word search promotes dictionary use and independent learning and again is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and also as an extension task.
Two resources to help pupils learn about -er verbs in the present tense. There is 4 page worksheet (with answers) and a word search (with answers).
The worksheet has a grammar explanation and examples and so is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and teaching by a non-specialist. It is also perfect for using after teaching as reinforcement
The word search promotes dictionary use and independent learning and again is perfect for revision, cover lessons, homework and also as an extension task.
This is a 4 page worksheet that covers key weather phrases, compass points, countries and weather phrases in different verb tenses. Answers are included making it an ideal activity for cover, homework and reinforcing classroom teaching.
The activities are as follows:
1 .Picture and word match
2. Labeling a compass
3. Weather forecast translation from French to English
4. Weather forecast in different countries - comprehension tasks
5. Translation into French
6. Weather phrases in different tenses
7. Find the key vocabulary
This bundle contains 4 PowerPoint presentations to cover all the vocabulary on the new for 2026 AQA GCSE French specification.
General Vocabulary
Theme 1 (People and lifestyle)
Theme 2 (Popular Culture)
Theme 3 (Communication and the world around us)
Each PowerPoint is designed to be used for revision and starters or plenaries in general teaching. The French vocabulary is displayed for pupils and the French and English answers are displayed on the next slide. There are separate slides for the higher tier pupils at the end of each topic. Across the 4 PPTs, all the vocab on the specification is covered.
They would also be great for teachers to use as an audit of vocabulary of their current schemes of work to see what might need to be tweaked for the new GCSE.
In addition, this bundle also contains a vocab audit on excel. This resource is a list of all words covered in the AQA GCSE French for 2026.
Each duplicate of a word across themes has been removed but each entry shows which themes each word appears in. This resource is aimed at those who would rather tweak their existing schemes of work rather than invest in lots more expensive products. For each word there is a drop down menu to select whether it is currently covered in your KS3 SoW and/or your KS4 SoW. If Yes is selected, the entry will turn green, if No is selected, the entry will turn red. This means it is easy to see at a glance which words need to be embedded in schemes of work. Alternatively, you can type ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ but each must begin with a capital letter for the colour coding to work.
This resource is a list of all words covered in the AQA GCSE French for 2026.
Each duplicate of a word across themes has been removed but each entry shows which themes each word appears in. This resource is aimed at those who would rather tweak their existing schemes of work rather than invest in lots more expensive products. For each word there is a drop down menu to select whether it is currently covered in your KS3 SoW and/or your KS4 SoW. If Yes is selected, the entry will turn green, if No is selected, the entry will turn red. This means it is easy to see at a glance which words need to be embedded in schemes of work. Alternatively, you can type ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ but each must begin with a capital letter for the colour coding to work.
As always, great care has been taken to ensure this document is accurate but please let me know if there are any mistakes so that I can amend. Thank you!
This bundle contains 4 PowerPoint presentations to cover all the vocabulary on the new for 2026 AQA GCSE French specification.
General Vocabulary
Theme 1 (People and lifestyle)
Theme 2 (Popular Culture)
Theme 3 (Communication and the world around us)
Each PowerPoint is designed to be used for revision and starters or plenaries in general teaching. The French vocabulary is displayed for pupils and the French and English answers are displayed on the next slide. There are separate slides for the higher tier pupils at the end of each topic. Across the 4 PPTs, all the vocab on the specification is covered.
They would also be great for teachers to use as an audit of vocabulary of their current schemes of work to see what might need to be tweaked for the new GCSE.
This PowerPoint covers all the vocabulary from the ‘general vocabulary’ section of the AQA KS4/GCSE French vocabulary list for the new 2026 specification.
The slides are designed to be used for revision and starters or plenaries in general teaching. You can also use them with KS3 to ensure that they are seeing this core vocabulary as early as possible. They can also be used so that you can audit the vocabulary you already teach to help see what tweaks you may need to make to your existing SoW to ensure all the new content is covered. There are 204 slides in total (including 101 slides of vocabulary with another 101 slides of answers (the answer slide comes straight after the accompanying question slide). The answers appear on a mouse click.
The slides cover:
Adjectives (slides 3-32)
Adverbs (slides 33-52)
Conjunctions (slides 53-54)
Determiners, interjections and multi-word phrases (slides 55-72)
Nouns (slides 73-122)
Numbers (slides 121-126)
Prepositions (slides 127-134)
Pronouns (slides 135-142)
Verbs (slides 143-202)
I have taken every care to ensure the information in the PPT is accurate so please let me know if there are any mistakes and I will correct them.
PowerPoints for the other themes, general vocab and an vocab audit will also be available.
This PowerPoint covers all the vocabulary from the ‘Theme 3’ section (communication and the world around us) of the AQA KS4/GCSE French vocabulary list for the new 2026 specification.
At time of publishing, the topics in theme 3 are:
Travel and tourism, including places of interest (Unit 8 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
Media and Technology (Unit 3 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
The environment and where people live (Units 9 and 7 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
The slides are designed to be used for revision and starters or plenaries in general teaching. You can also use them with KS3 to ensure that they are seeing this core vocabulary as early as possible. They can also be used so that you can audit the vocabulary you already teach to help see what tweaks you may need to make to your existing SoW to ensure all the new content is covered. There are 178 slides in total (including 88 slides of vocabulary with another 88 slides of answers (the answer slide comes straight after the accompanying question slide). The answers appear on a mouse click.
The slides cover:
Travel and tourism, including places of interest (slides 3-54)
Media and Technology (55-82)
The environment (83-122)
Where people live (123-176)
I have taken every care to ensure the information in the PPT is accurate so please let me know if there are any mistakes and I will correct them.
PowerPoints for the other themes, general vocab and an vocab audit will also be available.
This PowerPoint covers all the vocabulary from the ‘Theme 2’ section (people and lifestyle) of the AQA KS4/GCSE French vocabulary list for the new 2026 specification.
At time of publishing, the topics in theme 2 are:
Free-time activities (Unit 3 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
Customs, festivals and celebrations (Unit 4 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
Celebrity Culture (Unit 2 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
The slides are designed to be used for revision and starters or plenaries in general teaching. You can also use them with KS3 to ensure that they are seeing this core vocabulary as early as possible. They can also be used so that you can audit the vocabulary you already teach to help see what tweaks you may need to make to your existing SoW to ensure all the new content is covered. There are 92 slides in total (including 45 slides of vocabulary with another 45 slides of answers (the answer slide comes straight after the accompanying question slide). The answers appear on a mouse click.
The slides cover:
Identity and Relationships with Others (slides 3-46)
Healthy Living and Lifestyle (47-72)
Education and Work (73-92)
I have taken every care to ensure the information in the PPT is accurate so please let me know if there are any mistakes and I will correct them.
PowerPoints for the other themes, general vocab and an vocab audit will also be available.
This PowerPoint covers all the vocabulary from the ‘Theme 1’ section (people and lifestyle) of the AQA KS4/GCSE French vocabulary list for the new 2026 specification.
At time of publishing, the topics in theme 1 are:
Identity and Relationships with Others (Unit 1 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
Healthy Living and Lifestyle (Unit 5 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
Education and Work (Unit 6 of AQA Vocab list and KS4 SoW)
The slides are designed to be used for revision and starters or plenaries in general teaching. You can also use them with KS3 to ensure that they are seeing this core vocabulary as early as possible. They can also be used so that you can audit the vocabulary you already teach to help see what tweaks you may need to make to your existing SoW to ensure all the new content is covered. There are 178 slides in total (including 88 slides of vocabulary with another 88 slides of answers (the answer slide comes straight after the accompanying question slide). The answers appear on a mouse click.
The slides cover:
Identity and Relationships with Others (slides 3-54)
Healthy Living and Lifestyle (55-96)
Education and Work (97-178)
I have taken every care to ensure the information in the PPT is accurate so please let me know if there are any mistakes and I will correct them.
PowerPoints for the other themes, general vocab and an vocab audit will also be available.
This bundle contains 8 worksheets to cover each topic contained within theme two of the AQA GCSE French course.
Each worksheet practises translation skills both from French to English and English to French. Ideal for cover, homework and revision. Answers included.
Each worksheet contains two ‘tangled translations’ about the names topic where the text is written in a mixture of French and English. Pupils must write the full translation for both languages.
A worksheet to practice translation skills both from French to English and English to French. Ideal for cover, homework and revision. Answers included.
The worksheet contains two ‘tangled translations’ about holidays (regions of France) where the text is written in a mixture of French and English. Pupils must write the full translation for both languages.
A worksheet to practice translation skills both from French to English and English to French. Ideal for cover, homework and revision. Answers included.
The worksheet contains two ‘tangled translations’ about holidays and travel where the text is written in a mixture of French and English. Pupils must write the full translation for both languages.
A worksheet to practice translation skills both from French to English and English to French. Ideal for cover, homework and revision. Answers included.
The worksheet contains two ‘tangled translations’ about poverty and homelssness where the text is written in a mixture of French and English. Pupils must write the full translation for both languages.