This is a unit of work for three History lessons on Ancient Maya.
They include:
The Mayan creation story
Mayan Gods
What were Ancient Mayan homes like?
There are a range of activities such as drawing, designing, researching and creating a fact file.
Here is 4 weeks worth of lessons based on The Pebble in My Pocket.
Some lessons are inspired by the planning sequence from The Power of Reading scheme of work which then builds up comprehension and understanding of the text to lead into writing.
Two high quality pieces of writing are planned, modelled, drafted, edited and published including a newspaper report and a persuasive speech on the environment.
Learning objectives for each lesson are:
1 - write a poem about a pebble
(examining and exploring real pebbles)
2 - create an image based on the text
(art inspired by the illustrations)
3 - use rich vocabulary
4 - create a storyboard
5 - identify and use formal language
6 - plan a newspaper report
7 - write a newspaper report
8 - edit and improve (no slides for this as children complete this independently through a checklist)
9 - publishing (no slides provided as this is children publishing their work in their neatest handwriting for display)
10 - respond to illustrations
11 - understand the impact of climate change
12 - explain the impact of climate change
13 - explain the impact of climate change
14 - identify and use emotive language
15 - plan a persuasive speech
16 - write a persuasive speech
17 - edit and improve (no slides for this as children complete this independently through a checklist)
18 - publishing (no slides provided as this is children publishing their work in their neatest handwriting for display)