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Happy Classroom Happy Life

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Host of the podcast Happy Classroom Happy Life! Selling mainly KS2 resources.




Host of the podcast Happy Classroom Happy Life! Selling mainly KS2 resources.
Understanding Christianity: Incarnation

Understanding Christianity: Incarnation

Here are Powerpoint slides of four lessons based on the planning from Understanding Christianity. This is aimed at Years 1 and 2. In this unit there is a variety of activities such as creative art activities as well as a writing task. This is ready to download and teach. The learning objectives for each lesson are as follows: Pre-unit task objective: Ask questions about Incarnation (engage) Lesson 1:engage in the idea that Christians believe that Jesus is God and that he was born as a baby in Bethlehem. In this session children will learn that Jesus is God in a different form. They will learn the Nativity story and how special it was that Jesus was coming. They will order the nativity story. They will then look at art work of the stable scene and create their own. (enquire) Lesson 2: enquire about how the Bible showed Jesus was extraordinary and that he came to bring good news. Children will explore the Incarnation panel of the Big Frieze and see where the nativity story falls in the bigger picture of the Bible. Children will then reflect on how Mary would have felt when Angel Gabriel appeared to her to tell her the news. Children will write their own diary entry as Mary. (explore) Lesson 3: explore how Christians celebrate Jesus’s birth and that Advent is a time for Christians to get ready for Jesus’s birth. Children will do a mindmap of Christmas and all of the traditions they know to do with Christmas. They will then watch a video all about Christmas traditions for Christians and learn what Advent is. Using this knowledge they will write an acrostic poem for ‘Advent’. Provided are Christian/Christmas related words of each letter in ‘advent’. After this children have the chance to create a Christmas card (or winter card for those who do not want to participate) for someone in a care home in the hope that it brings joy, something Christians like to spread at Christmas. Lesson 4: evaluate and express our learning on Incarnation. Children will reflect on what they have learnt and answer 3 key questions about this topic. Included: The Powerpoint for the whole unit with all of the links required inside. Sheets to be stuck into books for each session - each with a learning objective and explanation about what was taught in each session. A cover page for the unit of work to go into books. #understandingchristianity #RE #christian #creation #incarnation #christmas #nativity #jesus #unit #religion #religiouseducation #God #Bible
How to find gold by Viviane Shwarz - Unit of planning - CPLE Power of Reading inspired

How to find gold by Viviane Shwarz - Unit of planning - CPLE Power of Reading inspired

This is a unit of work that part follows CPLE Power of Reading planning. Week 1: Power of reading Week 2: Writing cycle (a structured approach that builds children up for a large piece of writing, including learning a new SPAG skill and applying it to writing) Week 3: Power of reading Week 4: Writing cycle. Power of reading inspired work includes a range of creative and engaging lessons to get children interested and enjoying the story. There are 12 full lessons but this can be extended into 16 lessons (see below). Here are the learning objectives of each lesson: Lesson 1: Make inferences about a character (intro to the book and discussion of characters) Lesson 2: Respond to an illustration (children create their own treasure map similar to in the story) Lesson 3: Sequence events in a story and make predictions Lesson 4: Use commas when writing lists (this will be applied to writing instructions) Lesson 5: Plan instructions (WAGOLL of set of instructions included and planning sheet) Lesson 6: Write instructions (WAGOLL of set of instructions included) Lesson 7: Visualise a character from the story (children create their own sea-monster like in the story) Lesson 8: Visualise a character and a setting from the story (children cut out their sea monster and place onto a setting they have designed to create a page for the story in the book) Lesson 9: Gather descriptive vocabulary (based on their sea creature and setting designs) Lesson 10: Use an apostrophe for contraction (this will be applied to diary writing) Lesson 11: Plan a diary entry (WAGOLL and planning sheet included) Lesson 12: Write a diary entry (WAGOLL included) 2 more lessons can easily be added after Lesson 6. This can be a lesson on editing their writing and then publishing their work. 2 more lessons can be added after lesson 12 for editing and publishing. The book is available online on Youtube so the physical book is not necessarily needed in order to follow this planning. Lesson slides are well thought-out and include slides on key vocabulary, SPAG starters, spelling practice opportunities and now/next/last slides. #ks1 #unitofplanning #unitofwork #english #englishunit #howtofindgold #cple #powerofreading #vivianeschwarz #year2 #spag #writing #reading #instructionwriting #diarywriting
Understanding Christianity Year 2 - Creation Unit of Planning and Resources

Understanding Christianity Year 2 - Creation Unit of Planning and Resources

Here are Powerpoint slides of five lessons based on the planning from Understanding Christianity. This is aimed at Year 2. In this unit there is a variety of activities such as creative art activities, Lego activities as well as writing tasks. This is ready to download and teach. The learning objectives for each lesson are as follows: Lesson 1: Engage in the idea that God created the universe. This starts off with the children completing a key word writing activity where they write 5 of the unit’s key words 3 times. The teacher and children then discuss what they know about Creation so far and start writing down some questions they would like to find out. The teacher then goes through the Powerpoint which tells the story of Creation. The activity is to complete a storyboard of the Creation story. This lesson may take 2 sessions of learning. Lesson 2: Explore the big frieze Creation panel Here children will explore the order of the Bible and see that Creation comes first. They will explore the Big Frieze that comes with Understanding Christianity which are large images representing each part of the Bible. Children will explore the Creation image looking at it carefully and seeing what they spot. After this, children will create their own panel image to represent Creation. Place all of the images together to take a picture for display and their books. Lesson 3: Explore that God has a unique relationship with human beings. Building on learning from the last session, children will create their own Lego creations and understand how it feels to have some of it broken. They will learn how God may feel when people don’t look after the Earth. Children will discuss key questions at the end of the lesson. Lesson 4: Understand how Christians look after God’s creation. The class will come up with a brain shower of all the ideas they can think of to look after the Earth. There is a video to watch here to support this lesson. Children will complete a worksheet that asks questions about what Christians believe and how important it is to look after the world. This will include ways children can help look after the Earth. Lesson 5: Evaluation and express my learning on Creation Recap of unit’s learning. Adding what they have learnt as a class to the class Wisdom wall. Key question worksheet to answer the big question of this unit. Included: The Powerpoint with all of the links required inside Worksheet for each lesson Wonder Wall and Wisdom Wall templates for display Clear Now/Next/Last slides included in the Powerpoints Written plan #understandingchristianity #RE #christian #creation #adamandeve #unit #religion #religiouseducation #God #Bible #KS1 #Year2
KS2 Guided Reading Unit -  Malamander Thomas Taylor

KS2 Guided Reading Unit - Malamander Thomas Taylor

Lessons are based on the VIPERS reading skills. Attached in this unit if work are 28 questioning tasks that take you through the text. There are Powerpoints made for the first 15 tasks. The Powerpoints follow the structure of: Revisit Talk Task Vocabulary Focus Deepen Independent Activity Exit Pass Each lesson was made to be taught to a Year 5 class based on the book Malamander by Thomas Taylor. However, this can be used in both Year 4 and Year 6. #malamander #wholeclass #guidedreading #wholeclassguidedreading #thomastaylor #eerieonsea #year5 #year4 #year6
The Rhythm Of The Rain - Unit of English Writing Planning - inspired by Power of Reading

The Rhythm Of The Rain - Unit of English Writing Planning - inspired by Power of Reading

This is not an exact copy of the planning from The Power of Reading. It is inspired by the planning - taking some lessons and elements and combining it with my school’s approach to writing. Minimum of 14 lessons but another edit and improve session and publishing sessions can be added onto the end making this 16 potential sessions. Aimed at LKS2, Year 3 and year 4. Key skills taught in this unit: Exploration and teaching of rich vocabulary around water portraying a character’s emotion through verbs and adverbs Inference skills Present perfect tense/ past tense Inverted commas for speech This unit of work involves: Short bursts of writing involving of personal experiences around water which could be a diary entry but gives freedom of choice, poetry, asking key questions. It also involves building up skills for children to write about an event that happens in the forest to the main character where he sees something scary in the bushes, runs away and then realises it was only a small animal such as a bunny or an owl. This gives the children opportunity to show, not tell emotions of fear, nervousness and relief. The next part of the unit of work allows the main character to return home where Isac sees his Mum. This involves a conversation, applying their inverted commas skills. Here he can tell his Mum what happened in the forest and why he was so scared but then felt relieved because it was only an animal. Planning documents attached. Key worksheets attached and differentiated activities attached. Each lesson begins with a grammar warm up.
NCETM inspired Unit on division - Year 4/ 5 introduction to bus stop method/short division

NCETM inspired Unit on division - Year 4/ 5 introduction to bus stop method/short division

I am a maths specialist and have created a unit of work based off of the NCETM spines for division. This starts with the foundations of division and leads into short method/bus stop method for division. I have dived into a variety of high-quality resources including NCETM, White Rose and diagnostic questions. The activities and tasks have been specially designed and ordered to provide a solid understanding of division. There is a real mixture of resources used and combined to create a comprehensive unit that can be delivered straight from this download. Lesson 1: multiply and divide by 11 Lesson 2: multiply and divide by 12 Lesson 3: divide using resources (practical lesson) Lesson 4: divide two-digit numbers with remainders Lesson 5: divide two and three-digit numbers with remainders Lesson 6: use written method for division - no exchange (practical lesson) Lesson 7: use written method for division - no exchange (applying the new skill in books) Lesson 8: Use written method for division with one exchange (practical lesson) Lesson 9: Use written method for division with one exchange (applying the new skill in books) Lesson 10: Revise multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Each lesson follows the same maths lesson structure of: Revisit Address Misconceptions Vocabulary Focus Guided Practice Talk Task Deepen Independent Task The ‘Independent Task’ slide has a ‘Now, Next, Last’ visual to promote children’s independence in completing their tasks. The Powepoint is infused with STEM sentences, different representations, practical activities, fluency, and reasoning tasks.
The Great Chocoplot Guided Reading - 20 lessons

The Great Chocoplot Guided Reading - 20 lessons

Here are 20 lessons based on the book The Great Chocoplot by Chris Callaghan. Each lesson comes with a Powerpoint and a task. Each task if based off of the reading VIPERS. This was taught to Year 4 but can easily be taken and slightly adapted to Year 3 and 5. Each Powerpoint follows the structure: Talk Task (discussion question based on the book) Vocabulary (introducing new words they may come across in today’s reading) Focus (main reading part with a focus question) Deepen (children asked to explain something) Independent Activity (questions in Guided Reading books based on the VIPERS) Exit Pass (summarising quick question) #guidedreading #chriscallaghan #KS2reading #KS2 #reading #thegreatchocoplot #chocolate #year3 #year4 #year5 #VIPERS #wholeclassguidedreading #guidedreadinggroup
Understanding Christianity: Creation Unit

Understanding Christianity: Creation Unit

Here are Powerpoint slides of four lessons based on the planning from Understanding Christianity. This is aimed at Years 3 and 4. In this unit there is a variety of activities such as creative art activities as well as a writing task. This is ready to download and teach. The learning objectives for each lesson are as follows: Lesson 1: Engage in the story of Creation and Fall Children listen to the story of Creation and go on a mindful walk around the school grounds to look at any nature they can see and appreciate that Christians believe this was created by God. They return and explore the concept of temptation first-hand and then explore the panel images that represent creation and fall from the Understanding Christianity unit. Lesson 2: Enquire into Christian belief that humans cannot get close to God without his help Here children will explore the feelings of Adam, Eve and God when Eve betrayed them. The outcome of this lesson is a diary entry of Eve exploring how she feels. Children will understand the importance of saying sorry and taking responsibility for their actions. Lesson 3: Explore that the bible shows God wants to help people by giving guidelines Children will explore the ten commandments and watch videos of two different types of churches that serve God in different ways. Their task is to create a piece of art based on one of or all of the ten commandments. Examples are included. Lesson 4: Evaluate and express our learning about creation and fall This lesson will consist of children ordering the story of creation as a reminder, completing a quiz either individually or in teams about the creation story. There is then a selection of activities to choose from in two sections: writing or drawing. Included: The Powerpoint with all of the links required inside The quiz for lesson 4 #understandingchristianity #RE #christian #creation #thefall #adamandeve #unit #religion #religiouseducation #God #Bible
Why does a Hindu want to collect good karma? KS2 Hinduism RE unit

Why does a Hindu want to collect good karma? KS2 Hinduism RE unit

Inspired by the Emmanuel Project planning. High quality unit of planning planning that comes with a written plan, Powerpoint and attached resources. This unit of work allows for three pieces of writing as well as practical learning and deep discussion. Lesson 1: Engage with the idea of karma Mostly a practical lesson involving the game Snakes and Ladders and how this links to Hinduism. Lesson 2: Enquire into why karma is important. More snakes and ladders games in an organised why to represent the key concept of Moksha and Samsara(reincarnation). Key videos to watch to aid understanding. Opportunity for asking deep questions about the concept. Lesson 3: Explore Hindu ideas of Karma and Samsara through The Jackal and the Drum. Exploring a hindu story. 2 tasks available: diary entry as the jackal, or a storyboard of the story. Differentiated tasks attached. Lesson 4: Explore ways Hindus encourage good karma through Sewa day. What is Sewa day? Why is this important? Ways in which children could do good deeds. Introduce Mahatma Ghandi and why he is an important Hindu. Complete factfile about Ghandi. Lesson 5: Evaluate the Hindu belief in karma through Hindu daily life. A chance for children to choose how they will represent their learning from this unit.
RE Unit - Christianity Easter - Salvation

RE Unit - Christianity Easter - Salvation

This unit of work is based on the planning of ‘Understanding Christianity’.It is the unit called: Salvation - Why do Christians call the day Jesus died as Good Friday? This unit of work is all about Easter. The lessons include a range of activities such as: Listening to stories Writing a diary entry as Mary Magdalene Creating a poster Easter hunt Art work
Maths Unit - Numbers to 10,000 - place value

Maths Unit - Numbers to 10,000 - place value

This unit if work is inspired by the NCETM unit of work for Year 4 - Unit 2 - Numbers to 10,000 Most resources and slides are made by myself but some high quality activities have been clipped from NCETM and White Rose. The objectives covered per lesson are as follows: Know what 1000 is made up of (representations up to 1000) Use knowledge of 1000 to explain and measure conversions Add multiples of 10 Add multiples of 100 Use knowledge of 1000 to add and subtract Compare numbers to 10,000 Identify and estimate numbers on a number line Round to the nearest 1000 Round to the nearest 100 Apply rounding to problems Add and subtract four digits Know how many 25’s and 50’s make 1000 This unit of work cross-teaches many topics in maths and includes a lot of capacity and measure problems. Each lesson follows the lesson slide structure of: Revisit Address misconception Vocabulary Focus Talk Task Guided Practice Deepen Next steps (if it aimed to be a lesson that goes into books, which most are)
LGBTQ+ month Lessons - Jin Xing Transgender

LGBTQ+ month Lessons - Jin Xing Transgender

This Powerpoint essentially contains two lessons on LGBTQ. This Powerpoint starts with definitions of LGBTQ+. It contains information and history of the rainbow flag. It contains the life story of Jin Xing, a transgender Chinese ballet dancer. There is opportunity to see ballet as a dance that requires muscle and strength with the opportunity of creating short ballet routines in groups. At the end of the Powerpoint is a link to a story called Roxy the Racoon by Alice Reeves. There is an activity to complete that requires children to invent their own inclusive character for a children’s book. These lessons were made with Year 4 students in mind but is very open to all ages. It is easily accessible and explains things simply in a way that all children should understand.
Year 4 Maths - Translation, Symmetry, Angles, Coordinates Mastery Unit

Year 4 Maths - Translation, Symmetry, Angles, Coordinates Mastery Unit

Here are high-quality, well-structured maths lessons created by myself as a maths specialist. I have used a variety of resources from NCETM, White Rose, Maths No Problem and other resources available online. Each lesson has a clear structure: Warm up Address Misconceptions Vocabulary Focus Guided Practice Talk Task Deepen Independent Task Next Step This unit of work includes: 1 lesson on plotting coordinates (a rounding up/summarising lesson) 2 lessons on translating shapes 2 lessons on identifying angle types 2 lessons on identifying and creating symmetry Involved are stem sentences, diagnostic questions, reasoning etc. Independent practice slide contains ‘now, next, last’ key words to break down the tasks for SEN learners. Tasks can be copied and pasted from the Powerpoint and printed to stick in their books.
Year 2 Place Value Unit of Work - 18 lessons - Maths Mastery NCETM Inspired

Year 2 Place Value Unit of Work - 18 lessons - Maths Mastery NCETM Inspired

I am a maths specialist who consistently achieves excellent and rapid progress rates for my pupils. Here is the first unit of work of place value for Year 2. 18 full lessons with PowerPoints and lesson worksheets. Lesson 1: Understand place value to 20 (not in books) Lesson 2: Know 10 ones = 1 ten Lesson 3: Represent multiples of ten (not in books) Lesson 4: Represent multiples of ten Lesson 5: Represent multiples of ten on a number line Lesson 6: Represent multiples of ten using their names Lesson 7: Compare numbers up to 100 (not in books) Lesson 8: Compare numbers up to 100 Lesson 9: Identify addend and total (not in books) Lesson 10: Use tens in a calculation Lesson 11: Add and subtract tens up to 100 Lesson 12: Represent tens and ones on a number line Lesson 13: Solve problems +and – 10 (not in books) Lesson 14: Partition numbers up to 100 (not in books) Lesson 15: Partition numbers up to 100 Lesson 16: Measure up to 100cm (not in books) Lesson 17: Measure up to 100cm Lesson 18: Count in 2s Each lesson follows the structure and has a slide for each step: Revisit (previous knowledge recap) Address misconceptions Vocabulary (key vocab that will be used in the lesson) Focus (teacher teaches) Guided practice (children do a short practical activity independently) Talk task (discussion task) Deepen (reasoning) Independent Practice (children complete a task or worksheet) Next Step (3 differentiated next steps available to stick into books) Lessons come with accompanying worksheets that are structured into Fluency, Problem-solving and Reasoning tasks. Lessons are also accompanied by next steps which can be stuck into books. This means lessons show clear progression. The planning is heavily inspired by the NCETM but I have broken the lessons down into my own PowerPoints to ensure the steps taught are very small so all can access. This unit takes on a mastery approach to teaching maths and has been highly effective in my own classroom. Key tasks, some slides and questions have been taken from a variety of sources including NCETM, White Rose, Diagnostic questions, Twinkl etc. Included within the powerpoints are visual representations, small tasks for a ping-pong approach, stem sentences, high-level mathematical vocabulary, now/next/last visuals for SEN learners. #year2 #mathsmastery #ncetm #placevalue #ks1maths #diagnosticquestions #whiterose #reasoning #problemsolving #fluency #unitofwork #readytoteach
How To Be A Lion by Ed Vere - Unit of Work - Year 1,2,3,4 - CPLE POWER OF READING INSPIRED

How To Be A Lion by Ed Vere - Unit of Work - Year 1,2,3,4 - CPLE POWER OF READING INSPIRED

This unit of work involves 10 lessons that are creative and go into depth in inferring from the text. This is a creative unit if work which requires less writing and more hands-on, illustrative work. It mostly follows the plan from the CPLE Power of Reading planning for this book. It is a good unit of work to do when returning to school from a holiday break. PHYSICAL BOOK NOT NEEDED. A virtual copy of the book is inserted in the Powerpoint Lesson 1 - Respond to illustrations Lesson 2 - Understand how illustrations and text create mood Lesson 3 - Explore and illustrate a character Lesson 4 - Write a poem about a lion Lesson 5 - Illustrate a page in the book Lesson 6 - Explore events and characters’ thoughts Lesson 7 - Reflect on how characters are feeling Lesson 8 - Write a diary as a character Lesson 9 - Analyse impactful words Lesson 10 - Communicate a mesage All lessons are saved into one PowerPoint for efficient downloading. Each lesson is clearly stated in the Powerpoint. The book can be accessed online via Youtube. #howtobealion #edvere #cple #powerofreading #ks1 #ks2 #year1 #year2 #year3 #year4 #writing #english #unit
Hot Like Fire Unit - Power of Reading inspired - KS2

Hot Like Fire Unit - Power of Reading inspired - KS2

In this unit of work you are downloading 15 lessons. Each lesson comes with a Powerpoint presentation. The number of lessons can be extended if you decide to add a ‘edit and improve’ session and a ‘publishing’ session on produced pieces of work. This unit is inspired by the Power of Reading unit for Hot Like Fire by Valerie Bloom. The book is not needed as all resources needed from the book have been typed up and provided into the download unit. Learning Objectives are as follows: PART 1: Session 1: to annotate a poem (exploration of ‘Grandma, Bandana an’ me’ and ‘How to ask for a hamster’) Session 2: understand language used in a poem (translating the poem ‘De Familiar thing’ from Jamaican dialect to English) Session 3: Understand the meaning behind words (dramatising the poem De Bread Van’) Session 4: Identify the difference between poetry and prose The following sessions follow a writing cycle which allows build-up to a piece of writing/ Session 5: understand and annotate a poem (‘The People Next Door’) Session 6: Identify and use conjunctions Session 7: plan a responding letter (to the invite to dinner that is given to the audience in the poem ‘The people next door’) Session 8, 9 and 10 can be a writing session, editing session and then publishing session. PART 2: This part of the planning unit is exploring and writing with inspiration by Valerie Bloom’s ‘The River’ poem. Session 1: Explore a poem (The River by Valerie Bloom and then 'Life is Like a River by Patricia Walter) Session 2: understand rhyming patterns Session 3: Create my own rhyming poem (inspired by the river poems) Session 4: Create a drama piece PART 3 This part of the planning unit is about creating poems about chocolate, using the learning and inspiration that has been covered int he last two parts. Session 1: Use onomatopoeia and alliteration Session 2: Use rhyming couplets and expanded noun phrases Session 3: Experience chocolate for our poems Session 4: Plan our poems This will then lead onto a writing session, editing and publishing session. #powerofreading #valeriebloom #grandmabandanaandme #theriver #chocolate #jamaica #poetryunit #poetry #ks2 #year3 #year4 #english #writing #writingpoems
NCETM inspired Y4 Maths Unit - Fractions

NCETM inspired Y4 Maths Unit - Fractions

This unit of work is based off of the NCETM lesson spines and is aimed at Year 4. Some tasks have been taken from White Rose to meet the learning objectives from the NCETM. There are two parts to this planning unit. PART 1: REVIEW OF FRACTIONS Lesson 1: Identify the whole and the parts Lesson 2: Identify equal and unequal parts Lesson 3: Construct the whole from one part PART 2: FRACTIONS Lesson 1: Write mixed numbers Lesson 2: Add and subtract mixed numbers from a part-whole model Lesson 3: Add and subtract mixed numbers Lesson 4: Label fractions on a number line Lesson 5: Identify how many fractional parts make a whole Lesson 6: Compare and order fractions on a number line Lesson 7: Compare and order fractions Lesson 8: Compare and order fractions with the same numerator Lesson 9: Add fractions with the same denominator Lesson 10: Subtract fractions with the same denominator Lesson 11: Add and subtract fractions Lesson 12: Identify equivalent fractions Lesson 13: Identify equivalent fractions Some of these lessons are intended to be purely practical, working with whiteboards and physical resources/manipulatives. This is stated on the first page of each lesson on the PowerPoint. Lessons that are designed to be in books have tasks that are easily written into books by childen or come with a ‘Fluency, Problem-solving, Reasoning’ sheet to show clear progression. These lessons are provided with a ‘next step’ to move children on even further in their learning. Each PowerPoint follows the structure of: Revisit, Address Misconceptions, Vocabulary, Focus, Guided Practice, Talk Task, Deepen, Independent Practise, Next Steps. #ncetm #year4 #fractions #year4fractions #ks2 #ks2fractions #maths #mathsmastery #diagnosticquestions #stemsentences #mastery #progression #numerator #denominator #mixednumbers
2 week Romans Romulus and Remus English plan

2 week Romans Romulus and Remus English plan

The following plan will go through these lessons: I can understand what a myth is and identify their themes and features. I can compare and contrast different versions of a Roman Myth I can use drama to empathise with characters in a story I can explain when to use possessive apostrophes in character descriptions I can understand the general structure of a myth. I can plan the characters and setting for my own myth. I can use adverbials to open my myth. I can use conjunctions in my myth. Lots of fun to introduce the topic of Romans. Made for year 4 but can easily be adapted. Includes smart notes, differentiated resources and activities.
In Our Hands by Lucy Farfort - Unit of Work - Years 4,5,6 - CPLE Power Of Reading Inspired

In Our Hands by Lucy Farfort - Unit of Work - Years 4,5,6 - CPLE Power Of Reading Inspired

This unit of work involves 7 lessons that are creative and go into depth in inferring from the text. This is a creative unit if work which requires less writing and more hands-on, illustrative work. It mostly follows the plan from the CPLE Power of Reading planning for this book. It is a good unit of work to do when returning to school from a holiday break. Lesson 1 - Exploring the cover Lesson 2 - Exploring illustrations Lesson 3 - Understanding and emphathising with characters Lesson 4 - Tracking the emotional journey through text and illustration Lesson 5 - Understanding and illustrating characters Lesson 6 - Design the next page in the book Lesson 7 - Infer the characters’ feelings Each lessons comes in its own Powerpoint. The book can be accessed online via Youtube.
Nothing To See Here Hotel by Steven Butler - Guided Reading - LKS2 - VIPERS

Nothing To See Here Hotel by Steven Butler - Guided Reading - LKS2 - VIPERS

Here are 24 lessons based on the book The Nothing To See Here Hotel by Steven Butler. Each lesson up to lesson 15 comes with a Powerpoint and a task. Each task if based off of the reading VIPERS. There are 24 tasks planned to be completed in books and 15 of these tasks come with Powerpoints attached. This was taught to Year 4 but can easily be taken and slightly adapted to Year 3 and 5. Each Powerpoint follows the structure: Talk Task (discussion question based on the book) Vocabulary (introducing new words they may come across in today’s reading) Focus (main reading part with a focus question) Deepen (children asked to explain something) Independent Activity (questions in Guided Reading books based on the VIPERS) Exit Pass (summarising quick question) #guidedreading #stevenbutler #KS2reading #LKS2 #VIPERS #year4 #year3 #year5 #guidedreadingunit #nothingtoseeherehotel #thenothingtoseeherehotel #brighton