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CB9i The Nitrogen Cycle lesson (EDEXCEL GCSE)

CB9i The Nitrogen Cycle lesson (EDEXCEL GCSE)

PowerPoint and worksheets about the Nitrogen cycle, broken down into simple steps. Link to a simple video and tasks throughout including cards to make the nitrogen cycle, a simplified version of the nitrogen cycle game and word fill task on the worksheet. Includes two worksheets with differentiated gap fill exercise using the same word bank. Made for SEMH pupils but easily adapted where needed Some tasks adapted to make appropriate for my students. Originals not made by myself can be found for FREE at the links below: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/nitrogen-cycle-fill-the-gaps-6206532 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/nitrogen-cycle-game-6079926 https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/nitrogen-cycle-construction-activity-6131470
CB9i The Nitrogen Cycle (EDEXCEL GCSE)

CB9i The Nitrogen Cycle (EDEXCEL GCSE)

Powerpoint made to cover the nitrogen cycle. Made for SEMH pupils but can be easily adapted if needed. Alternative PowerPoint available in shop with additional tasks and resources. See link below. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/cb9i-the-nitrogen-cycle-lesson-edexcel-gcse-12243900
C2b Chromatography ELC

C2b Chromatography ELC

Follows EDEXCEL Entry Level Certificate. Looks at Chromatography, how to carry it out and how to interpret a chromatogram Includes PowerPoint and Worksheet Could be used for lower ability GCSE students as well.
C2a Mixtures EDEXCEL ELC

C2a Mixtures EDEXCEL ELC

Follows the EDEXCEL Entry level certificate with some lower GCSE content Includes a worksheet, practical results table and presentation Looks at Mixtures Pure Melting point Filtration Evaporation/Crystallisation
CC2a Mixtures EDEXCEL GCSE with ELC

CC2a Mixtures EDEXCEL GCSE with ELC

Follows Edexcel 9-1 Combined Science GCSE PowerPoint about mixtures and pure substances. Differentiated worksheet to match lesson Also includes practical investigation and a simple worksheet. Made for lower ability students but can be easily adapted for higher ability students
C2B Lesson 2 Fractional Distillation (Further Entry Level)

C2B Lesson 2 Fractional Distillation (Further Entry Level)

PowerPoint and worksheet made for Further Entry level Topic 2B Chemistry in our world: fuels and the Earth’s atmosphere. This also follows the GCSE lesson CC16b Fractional distillation and may be suitable for lower ability students. Discusses what crude oil is, why fractional distillation is needed and the uses of the different fractions.
CC13-15 Revision / Further ELC 2A Chemical reactions, patterns, energy and rates.

CC13-15 Revision / Further ELC 2A Chemical reactions, patterns, energy and rates.

Double sided revision card and questions made for the EDEXCEL further entry level end of unit test for unit 2A Chemical reactions, patterns, energy and rates. Also covers the basics for CC13-15 from the 9-1 GCSE about endothermic and exothermic reactions, rates of reactions and the groups of the periodic table. Worksheet has 25 revision questions which students should be able to answer using the card.
Element cards

Element cards

Element cards made for students to get used to the periodic table, properties and appearances of metal and non-metal elements Information includes appearance, melting and boiling point, state at room temperature and group.