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Orion's Shop

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I am currently a Head of Science (Physics) at a 11-19 school. I create for my website animatedscience.o.uk and share resources for all teachers for free. Hopefully you will use these resources to good effect with your own students




I am currently a Head of Science (Physics) at a 11-19 school. I create for my website animatedscience.o.uk and share resources for all teachers for free. Hopefully you will use these resources to good effect with your own students
How Science Works Topic Mapping

How Science Works Topic Mapping

This spreadsheet is a model I made one year for our KS3 Y7/8/9 topics. It has a lot of stuff in for the new framework with comments which fly out of learning aims for the year. Might be useful when planning you own and can be cut and pasted and moved around!
SMART Science KS3 Revision Quizzes

SMART Science KS3 Revision Quizzes

Here is a set of 18 KS3 revision resources for SMART Science based on the two year KS3. Each quiz is designed to fit the scheme and has some challenging questions in a HTML5 format from KS4 as well to see if you can push them. You can view these quizzes on any device you have, they will all work, big screen or small and will keep pupils happy for ages. You must go to the weblink here… http://animatedscience.co.uk/blog/ispring-revision2
A-Level Physics Tarsia Puzzles

A-Level Physics Tarsia Puzzles

Here is a collection of Puzzles to use for Tarsia to cover most of the AQA AS Units http://animatedscience.co.uk/blog/2016/tarsia-puzzles-for-a-level-physics
AQA Spec A Chapter 2 Quarks and Leptons Tarsia

AQA Spec A Chapter 2 Quarks and Leptons Tarsia

This is a tarsia puzzle for revision based on all the materials in Chapter 2 from Nelson Thornes scheme for AQA Spec A AS Physics. The chapter title is Quarks and Leptons and it covers all the particle interactions. It is more advanced as it is a hexagon with added extras on the sides and often two answers for each pair. It should take A*-D students about 30-40 minutes in total. You need the free Tarsia formulator to make it work! Don't give me one star when you have not read the post!
AQA  A Phys Chapter 1 Matter & Radiation Tarsia

AQA A Phys Chapter 1 Matter & Radiation Tarsia

This is a tarsia puzzle for revision based on all the materials in Chapter 1 from Nelson Thornes scheme for AQA Spec A AS Physics. The chapter title is Matter & Radiation and it covers all the particle basics. It is more advanced as it is a hexagon with added extras on the sides and often two answers for each pair. It should take A*-D students about 30-40 minutes in total.
Space Physics KS3, KS4, KS5

Space Physics KS3, KS4, KS5

I have put together about 70 slides from my best space resources. All the pictures are out on the internet, mainly from NASA but free to use for education. If you wish to have the PPT I made them from, just download from here. https://animatedscience.co.uk/blog/2017/space-revision
P2 AQA Physics Revision Tarsia

P2 AQA Physics Revision Tarsia

This is a tarsia puzzle for 1st half of P2 Physics. The file Tarisa-Puzzle-Rename must be renamed to a XJSW format file so you can edit the original. I also put the quiz exported for a quick print.
Introduction to Lunar Astronomy GCSE Science

Introduction to Lunar Astronomy GCSE Science

I have just bought a new telescope and when I started to look at the moon I thought it would be really nice to share my findings with everyone. So I have made a video clip about the Physics of a refracting telescope (for GCSE students in the main) and also a PPT with examples. Also you can see my real pictures for yourselves! http://www.animatedscience.co.uk/intro-to-lunar-astronomy I also have a video of the PPT on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6F9HfaECUHY
2 Quarks and Leptons - AQA A-Level Physics

2 Quarks and Leptons - AQA A-Level Physics

(0) Particles and Radiation This resource is my collection of Power Point lesson slides to teach pupils 7407 / 7408 Physics KS5 for UK Specs. The lesson chapters match the topics you need to cover for AQA and other A-level specs. You can also visit my website www.animatedscience.co.uk for more resources to match and video collections. This PPT has been my life’s work to create over the past 20 years so if you are going to use it for your classes that is wonderful but please don’t republish it and rip me off. It is designed to be a free resource for everyone to use for non-profit. It covers… 2.1 The Particle Zoo 2.2 The Particle Sorting 2.3 Leptons at Work 2.4 Quarks and Antiquarks 2.5 Conservation Rules
3 Quantum Phenomena - AQA A-Level Physics

3 Quantum Phenomena - AQA A-Level Physics

(0) Particles and Radiation This resource is my collection of Power Point lesson slides to teach pupils 7407 / 7408 Physics KS5 for UK Specs. The lesson chapters match the topics you need to cover for AQA and other A-level specs. You can also visit my website www.animatedscience.co.uk for more resources to match and video collections. This PPT has been my life’s work to create over the past 20 years so if you are going to use it for your classes that is wonderful but please don’t republish it and rip me off. It is designed to be a free resource for everyone to use for non-profit. It covers… Part A 3.1 The Photoelectric Effect 3.2 More on PE Part B 3.3 Collisions of Electrons and Atoms 3.4/5 Energy levels 3/5 Energy Level Spectra 3.6 Wave-Particle Duality
1 Matter and Radiation - AQA A-Level Physics

1 Matter and Radiation - AQA A-Level Physics

This resource is my collection of Power Point lesson slides to teach pupils 7407 / 7408 Physics KS5 for UK Specs. It covers… 3.2.1-4 Particles & Radiation 1.1 Inside the Atom 1.2 Stable and Unstable Nuclei 1.3 Photons 1.4 Particles & Antiparticles 1.5 Particle Interactions The lesson chapters match the topics you need to cover for AQA and other A-level specs. You can also visit my website www.animatedscience.co.uk for more resources to match and video collections. This PPT has been my life’s work to create over the past 20 years so if you are going to use it for your classes that is wonderful but please don’t republish it and rip me off. It is designed to be a free resource for everyone to use for non-profit.
Atomic Physics

Atomic Physics

Here is a 1st test version of my Atomic Physics software for A-Level students. This one is a rough version to test online which has the following features… 1) Historic rotating time line of the Scientists which did a lot of discoveries in the field of Atomic Physics. You can download images to make a worksheet or your own poster. 2) A series of video clips in FLV format with menu from Dr Brian Cox about particle physics. I will be upgrading this soon so video player will resize to fill larger area on click.
STEM Club Program of Study

STEM Club Program of Study

I am very happy to introduce a new program of STEM resources I have been working on. Over the next couple of years I am developing and resourcing a high quality STEM program mainly focused on Y8 pupils but can clearly be adapted for other ages. My idea is to share all the resources (free of charge) to any school or institution who wishes to run the practical experiences for their own pupils. Unlike some resources that you download from various sites, the idea is that these really do work and have all the things present you need to actually teach the topic without a lot of fuss. I only have two requests if you use the resources; firstly you don’t try and sell any of the resources or concepts I have put together. Some have been nearly 20 years in the making and refining from myself and Science teachers across the world and are not for sale. Some images are not copyright free and are mine or from other sites. My second request is that if you have found the resources useful please let me know and write me a paragraph with your details and any positive comments. I will not share these comments widely but clearly help with development. Click on the contact field at the bottom my site. If you are looking to start up a STEM club this is your place for high quality resources, 1st term is now completed, so come back soon for more. https://animatedscience.co.uk/stem-timetable-introduction
Terminal Velocity

Terminal Velocity

QWC revision resource using a youtube video. Is for students to eplore the idea of explaining the idea in terms of the forces involved. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xetJ2Jmezg4