Teacher in West Watford passionate about giving the best lessons to our young people.
I make a lot of the resources from scratch because I have a particular style to the layout of my points and really try to make my powerpoints engaging to the eye and for the lessons to have a clear structure.
Our school use the:
Review sequence
Please download and if you think you found them useful please comment and feedback :)
Teacher in West Watford passionate about giving the best lessons to our young people.
I make a lot of the resources from scratch because I have a particular style to the layout of my points and really try to make my powerpoints engaging to the eye and for the lessons to have a clear structure.
Our school use the:
Review sequence
Please download and if you think you found them useful please comment and feedback :)
KS3 New for the Oxford Activate 1 resource.
Comprehensive bundle of 68 full lessons and 1000+ resources matched to the specification, ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers an hours worth of teaching time to match the specification
*Lessons including a practical
Activate 1 Lessons:
Working Scientifically
L1 Safety in the Lab (FREE)
L2 Asking Scientific Questions
L3 Planning Investigations
L4 Bunsen Burners* (BONUS)
L5 Recording Data
L6 Analysing Data
L7 Evaulating Data
L8 Scientific Investigations* (BONUS FREE)
L1 Observing Cells *
L2 Plant and Animal Cells (FREE)
L3 Specialised Cells
L4 Movement of Molecules *
L5 Unicellular Organisms
Structure and Function of Body Systems
L1 Levels of Organisation
L2 Gas Exchange
L3 Breathing *
L4 Skeleton (FREE)
L5 Movement: Joints*
L6 Movements: Muscles*
L1 Adolescence
L2 Reproductive Systems
L3 Fertilisation and Implantation
L4 Development of a Fetus (FREE)
L5 The Menstrual Cycle
L6 Flowers and Pollination*
L7 Fertilisation and Germination
L8 Seed Dispersal*
Acids & Alkalis
L1 Acids and Alkalis
L2 Indicators and pH
L3 Neutralisation (FREE)
L4 Making Salts
Atoms, Elements and Compound
L1 Atoms
L2 Elements
L3 Periodic Table
L4 Compounds and Molecules
L5 Chemical Formulae
Particles and their Behaviour
L1 The Particle Model
L2 States of Matter
L3 Melting and Freezing
L4 Boiling
L5 More Changes of State
L6 Diffusion
L7 Gas Pressure (FREE)
L1 Chemical Reactions (FREE)
L2 Word Equations
L3 Burning Fuels
L4 Thermal Decomposition
L5 Conservation of Mass
L6 Exothermic and Endothermic
L1 Introduction to Forces (FREE)
L2 Squashing and Stretching
L3 Drag Forces and Friction
L4 Forces at a Distance
L5 Balanced and Unbalanced
L1 Waves
L2 Sound and Energy Transfer
L3 Loudness and Pitch
L4 Detecting Sound
L5 Echoes and Ultrasound (FREE)
L1 Light (FREE)
L2 Reflection
L3 Refraction
L4 The Eye and the Camera
L5 Colour
L1 The Night Sky (FREE)
L2 The Solar System
L3 The Earth
L4 The Moon
Note. Powerpoint slide Images have been compressed to reduce file size. Feel free to uncompress via powerpoint settings for better quality.
If you are using AQA Activate there are some lessons that will be missing.
Welcome constructive feedback :D
KS3 New for the Oxford Activate 2 resource.
Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’. You’ll struggle to find a set of as many planned lessons this cheap and of similar quality.
Free lessons available here at the shop:
L1 Metals and Non metals https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/metals-and-non-metals-12247909
L1 Mixtures https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/mixtures-12282884
L8 Composites https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/composites-11897059
L3 The Rock Cycle https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/the-rock-cycle-11996044
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers an hours worth of teaching time to match the specification
Periodic Table
L1 Metals and Non-Metals {FREE)
L2 Groups and Periods
L3 The Elements of Group 1
L4 The Elements of Group 7
L5 The Elements of Group 0
Separation Techniques
L1 Mixtures (FREE)
L2 Solutions
L3 Solubility
L4 Filtration
L5 Evaporation and Distillation
L6 Chromatography
Metal and Acids
L1 Acids and Metals
L2 Metal and Oxygen
L3 Metals and Water
L4 Metal Displacement Reactions
L5 Extracting Metals
L6 Ceramics
L7 Polymers
L8 Composites (FREE)
L1 Sedimentary Rocks
L2 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
L3 The Rock Cycle (FREE)
L4 The Carbon Cycle
L5 Climate Change
L6 Recycling
If you are using AQA Activate there are some lessons that will be missing.
Welcome constructive feedback :D
KS3 Activate 2 module 'Metals and Acids’
Double lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary section for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Please leave some constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 1 unit, ‘Working Scientifically’.
This is a BONUS lesson I have incorporated into this unit.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’ .
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
22 ppt slides
Lesson covers an hour of content matched to the specification
Note. Powerpoint slide Images have been compressed to reduce file size. Feel free to uncompress via powerpoint settings for better quality.
Constructive feedback welcome :D
KS3 new for the AQA Approved Activate 1 unit ‘Waves’.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Though designed for teachers to deliver (specialist and non-specialists), the lessons are structured in an intuitive way for students to navigate for independent/ remote learning/ homework covering missed content/recap
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
33 ppt slides
Please give constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 1 unit ‘Forces’’.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
30 ppt slides
Please give constructive feedback :D
KS3 New for the AQA Activate 2 resource.
Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’. You’ll struggle to find a set of as many planned lessons this cheap and of similar quality.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
L1 Gas Exchange
L2 Breathing
L3 Drugs
L4 Alcohol
L5 Smoking
L6 Nutrients
L7 Food Tests
L8 Unhealthy Diet (FREE)
L9 Digestive System (FREE)
L10 Bacteria and Enzymes in Digestion
L1 Aerobic Respiration
L2 Anaerobic Respiration
L3 Biotechnology
L4 Photosynthesis (FREE)
L5 Leaves
L6 Investigating Photosynthesis
L7 Plant Mineral
L1 Natural Selection
L2 Charles Darwin
L3 Extinction
L4 Preserving Biodiversity
L5 Inheritance
L7 Genetics
L8 Genetic Modification
Please leave constructive feedback :D
AQA Combined Science Trilogy unit ‘Bioenergetics: Photosynthesis’
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Though designed for teachers to deliver (specialist and non-specialists), the lessons are structured in an intuitive way for students to navigate for independent/ remote learning/ homework covering missed content/recap
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
38 ppt slides
Please give constructive feedback :D
New for the AQA Approved KS3 Activate 1 unit.
Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Lessons meet the full criteria for this unit
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers at least an hour of lesson time
L1 Levels of Organisation
L2 Skeleton
L3 Movement: Joints
L4 Movement: Muscles
L5 Observing cells
L6 Plant and Animal Cells (FREE)
L7 Specialised Cells
L8 Movement of Substances
L9 Uni-Cellular Organisms
L1 Food Chains and Webs
L2 Disruption to Food Chains and Webs
L3 Ecosystems
L3b Field Investigations (BONUS LESSON)
L4 Competition
L5 Flowers and Pollination
L6 Fertilisation and Germination
L7 Seed Dispersal
L1 Variation
L2 Continuous and Discontinuous (FREE)
L3 Adapting to Change
L4 Adolescence
L5 Reproductive Systems
L6 Fertilisation and Implantation
L7 Development of a Fetus (FREE)
L8 The Menstrual Cycle
Please leave constructive feedback :D
KS3 New for the AQA Activate 2 resource.
Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
L1 Friction and Drag
L2 Squashing and Stretching
L3 Turning Forces
L4 Pressure in Gases
L5 Pressure in Liquids
L6 Stress on Solids
L1 Magnets and Magnetic Fields
L2 Electromagnets
L3 Using Electromagnets
L1 Work, Energy, and Machines
L2 Energy and Temperature
L3 Energy Transfer: Particles
L4 Energy Transfer: Radiation and Insulation
L1 Sound Waves, Water Waves, and Energy
L2 Radiation and Energy
L3 Modelling Waves
Please leave constructive feedback :D
New for the AQA Approved Activate 1 & 2 unit ‘Earth’.
Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’. You’ll struggle to find a set of as many planned lessons this cheap and of similar quality.
Lessons meet the full criteria for this unit
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers at least an hour of lesson time
Activate 1
L1 The Structure of the Earth
L2 Sedimentary Rocks
L3 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
L4 The Rock Cycle (FREE)
L5 Ceramics
L6 The Night Sky (FREE)
L7 The Solar System
L8 The Earth
L9 The Moon and Changing Ideas
Activate 2
L1 Global Warming
L2 Carbon Cycle
L3 Climate Change
L4 Extracting Metals
L5 Recycling
Please leave constructive feedback :D
KS3 New for the AQA Approved Activate 1 & 2 resource.
Full lessons ready to use straight ‘out of the box’. You’ll struggle to find a set of as many planned lessons this cheap and of similar quality.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
Activate 1
Matter 1
L1 The Particle Model
L2 States of Matter
L3 Melting and Freezing
L4 Boiling
L5 More Changes of State
L6 DIffusion
L7 Gas Pressure
L8 Inside Particles
L9 Pure Substances and Mixtures
L10 Solutions
L11 Solubility
L12 Filtration
L13 Evaporation and Distillation
L14 Chromatography
Reactions 1
L1 Chemical Reactions (FREE)
L2 Acids and Alkalis
L3 Indicators and pH
L4 Neutralisation (FREE)
L5 Acid Strength
L6 Making Salts
L7 More About Elements (FREE)
L8 Chemical Reactions of Metals and Non-Metals
L9 Metal and Acids (FREE)
L10 Metals and Oxygen
L11 Metals and Water
L12 Displacement Reactions
Earth 1
L1 The Structure of the Earth
L2 Sedimentary Rocks
L3 Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks
L4 The Rock Cycle
L5 Ceramics
L6 The Night Sky
L7 The Solar System
L8 The Earth
L9 The Moon and Changing Ideas
Activate 2
Matter 2
L1 Atoms
L2 Elements
L3 Periodic Table
L4 Compounds
L5 Chemical Formulae
L6 Polymers
L7 The Elements of Group 1
L8 The Elements of Group 7
L9 The Elements of Group 0
Reactions 2
L1 Atoms in Chemical Reactions
L2 Combustion
L3 Thermal Decomposition
L4 Conservation of Mass
L5 Exothermic and Endothermic
L6 Energy Level Diagrams
L7 Bond Energies
Earth 2
L1 Global Warming
L2 Carbon Cycle
L3 Climate Change
L4 Extracting Metals
L5 Recycling
Please leave constructive feedback :D
KS3 New for the AQA Approved Activate 2 resource.
Comprehensive bundle of 62 full lessons and 500+ resources matched to the specification, ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Each lesson covers an hours worth of teaching time to match the specification
Activate 2 Lessons:
L1 Gas Exchange
L2 Breathing
L3 Drugs
L4 Alcohol
L5 Smoking
L6 Nutrients
L7 Food Tests
L8 Unhealthy Diet (FREE)
L9 Digestive System (FREE)
L10 Bacteria and Enzymes in Digestion
L1 Aerobic Respiration
L2 Anaerobic Respiration
L3 Biotechnology
L4 Photosynthesis (FREE)
L5 Leaves
L6 Investigating Photosynthesis
L7 Plant Mineral
L1 Natural Selection
L2 Charles Darwin
L3 Extinction
L4 Preserving Biodiversity
L5 Inheritance
L7 Genetics
L8 Genetic Modification
L1 Atoms
L2 Elements
L3 Periodic Table
L4 Compounds
L5 Chemical Formulae
L6 Polymers
L7 The Elements of Group 1
L8 The Elements of Group 7
L9 The Elements of Group 0
L1 Atoms in Chemical Reactions
L2 Combustion
L3 Thermal Decomposition
L4 Conservation of Mass
L5 Exothermic and Endothermic
L6 Energy Level Diagrams
L7 Bond Energies
L1 Global Warming
L2 Carbon Cycle
L3 Climate Change
L4 Extracting Metals
L5 Recycling
L1 Friction and Drag
L2 Squashing and Stretching
L3 Turning Forces
L4 Pressure in Gases
L5 Pressure in Liquids
L6 Stress on Solids
L1 Magnets and Magnetic Fields
L2 Electromagnets
L3 Using Electromagnets
L1 Work, Energy, and Machines
L2 Energy and Temperature
L3 Energy Transfer: Particles
L4 Energy Transfer: Radiation and Insulation
L1 Sound Waves, Water Waves, and Energy
L2 Radiation and Energy
L3 Modelling Waves
Welcome constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 2 resource ‘The Periodic Table’ unit.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Please give constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 1 unit 'Sound’.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
31 ppt slides
Please give constructive feedback :D
New for the AQA GCSE Combined Trilogy unit ‘P4 Electric Circuits’.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Though designed for teachers to deliver (specialist and non-specialists), the lessons are structured in an intuitive way for students to navigate for independent/ remote learning/ homework covering missed content/recap
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
44 ppt slides
Please give constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 1 unit ‘Space’.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
29 ppt slides
Please give constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 2 ‘Earth’ unit
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
Plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Practicals included
Differentiated Activity
Please leave constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 1 unit ‘Particles and their Behaviour’.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Covers an hour lesson of content matched to the specification
43 ppt slides
Please give constructive feedback :D
KS3 new for the Activate 2 unit ‘Separation techniques’.
Full lesson ready to use straight ‘out of the box’.
Similar structure to my other power points following the input - activity - review phasing
plenary sections for progress checking
Clear learning objectives and outcomes
Modern and engaging layout
Little adaptation needed
Please give constructive feedback :D