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PEinnovator's Shop

Average Rating3.63
(based on 77 reviews)

@peinnovators Thorough range of short, medium and long term planning across all Key stages inclusive of an all through assessment system. Innovative all the way. Data Tracking and assessment, CPD, department solutions.




@peinnovators Thorough range of short, medium and long term planning across all Key stages inclusive of an all through assessment system. Innovative all the way. Data Tracking and assessment, CPD, department solutions.
Atheltics Track and Field Awards Tracking

Atheltics Track and Field Awards Tracking

File has been updated, 13/3/2018 Monitoring and tracking Atheltics system, which produces league tables for the whole school. It also identifies the best award available for students across Pentathlon, Triathlon & Decathlon. Just enter students scores and see where they rank across the whole school and the award it gives them. Each event 9 steps to success starting from Bronze C all the way up to Gold A so allows for full inclusiveness for students. The students think its great! give them a score card and see how they become self motivated.
Revision CPD (+ Year 11 revision guides)

Revision CPD (+ Year 11 revision guides)

Effective CPD to inform parents and teachers of revision tactics and techniques. Interactive, tests the parents and pupils and makes them have a go at the techniques the students are expected to use. Draws in on the improved rigour in both KS2 & 4. The revision book is a help guide for both students and parents. Includes Tips, tricks for students and parents. Timetables. Revision tasks and activities. Develop students understanding of their own learning styles. Create their own learning checklists.
Effective Marking and Feedback

Effective Marking and Feedback

Based on Dylan William and John Hattie theory. CPD last up to 2 hours. This is a one stop CPD training session for all marking and feedback needs. Taking staff from why we mark/feedback, inclusive of important research to support marking and feedback, whole school feedback strategy manageable strategies to support teachers in the classroom. Aslo deliverable in a fun, inclusive way - speed dating activity, snog marry avoid etc.
Capture the Flag (Scheme of Work, All the favourite games from  COD bought to life)

Capture the Flag (Scheme of Work, All the favourite games from COD bought to life)

Really fun scheme of work for all inclusive of all objectives and outcomes. Students can create their own environments, design their own games as additions. If you’ve never played this in school you need to start! Making the students step off the computer screen from playing call of duty and now performing it physically, really captures the attention of all students.
Performance Management & Training (Support Staff and SEND Team)

Performance Management & Training (Support Staff and SEND Team)

A performance program designed to unite all teams with a common shared goal. Based on the concept of JFK walking into the NASA space station and asking the cleaner "what is your role" with her replying "im helping put a man on the moon". 8 CPD sessions, SEND and support staff standards. SWOT analysis and observation forms. Common goals framework developed by the support staff. Dovetails into the main school performance management structure.