
Input and Output Devices Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning
The digital Input and Output Devices Boom Cards™ deck provides students with a fun, interactive way to review and consolidate the different types of peripheral devices used with computers.
Includes the following topics:
➸ input devices
➸ output devices
How to use:
Click on the link provided to access the Boom Cards™deck.
This will redirect you to the Boom Learning™ website.
Select the ‘Redeem’ option.
This will prompt you to set up an account [If you don’t already have one].
If you already have an account simply sign in to access your new deck of Boom Cards™.
Preview the cards:
Input and Output Devices Boom Cards™
The PDF includes links that you click on to access the Boom Cards™ deck you have purchased.
Using Boom Cards:
To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers [Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge]. Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires.
For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” [play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards]. Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account.
Using Fast Play
The quickest way to begin is to assign Boom Cards. Simply choose a deck from your Library, select the Actions drop down menu, and select Fast Pin. You’ll be presented with a 4-digit code and a short URL that you can share with your students they will then be taken to the deck of cards you’ve assigned.
Assigning Boom Cards in an LMS
[Google Classroom, Schoology, SeeSaw, Canvas, Moodle, Powerschool, Class Dojo, Microsoft Teams and more]
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Input and Output Devices Venn Diagram
The input and output devices Venn diagram graphic organiser is a great way for students to compare,contrast and sort these types of digital devices.
Includes the following digital devices:
➸ scanner
➸ keyboard
➸ mouse
➸ microphone
➸ barcode reader
➸ webcam
➸ speakers
➸ headphones
➸ laser printer
➸ 3D printer
➸ monitor
➸ plotter
➸ pen drive
➸ touch screen
Includes two versions:
Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram.
Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram.
Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key.

Hardware and Software Word Search
A free word search on different types of hardware and software. Great as a starter activity, plenary or for early finishers. Complete with solution.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Hardware and Software Venn Diagram
The hardware and software Venn diagram graphic organiser is a great way for students to compare and contrast these aspects of computer science.
Includes two versions:
Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram.
Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram.
Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key.

Network Topology Word Search
A free word search on different types of network topologies and associated terminology. Great as a starter activity, plenary or for early finishers. Complete with solutions.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Space Spreadsheets Interplanetary Converters
An integrated spreadsheet activity themed around the planets in our solar system. Students are presented with a brief introduction to parts of a spreadsheet and then how to create two different converters.
➸ Age converter for different planets
➸ Weight converter for different planets
Comes complete with the following:
➸ Spreadsheet [Microsoft Excel]
➸ Spreadsheet with completed converters
➸ Space Spreadsheets Interplanetary Converters booklet
➸ Space Spreadsheets Interplanetary Converters booklet solutions
Students should have previous experience in how to create simple formulas using Microsoft Excel. Also includes a question sheet and temperature converter challenge.
Great accompaniments and support for the above resource:
Introduction to Spreadsheets Activity Booklet
Stellar Spreadsheets Project
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Criminal Intent - Database Activity
An integrated database activity themed around forensic science. Students are presented with a brief introduction to blood types and fingerprinting and then use a prepared database and witness statements to search for and identify suspects using queries.
Comes complete with the following:
Database [Microsoft Access]
Database with completed queries
Criminal Intent Activity booklet
Criminal Intent Activity booklet solutions
Students should have previous experience in how to create simple queries using Microsoft Access.
Great accompaniments and support for the above resource:
Introduction to Databases
Database Test Fabulous Films
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Stellar Spreadsheets Project
A space themed spreadsheet project using Microsoft Excel®.
The booklet contains review activities as well as more challenging activities.
Students build a spreadsheet model which contains the following functions:
Concatenate Function
IF (OR) function
SUMIF function
COUNTIF function
The booklet contains modelling questions and a self evaluation checklist.
Comes with completed before and after spreadsheet and solutions.
18 pages in total [including solutions].
A great accompaniment to the above resource:
Introduction to Spreadsheets Activity Booklet
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Database Test [Fabulous Films]
A theory and practical flat file database test using Microsoft Access®. Includes theoretical questions on data types as well as a practical component.
The practical component has activities on:
Creating a table
Creating queries
Creating a form
Creating a report
Includes solutions and a completed database for reference.
Great accompaniments and support for the above resource.
Introduction to Databases Activity Booklet
Criminal Intent - Database Activity
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Introduction to Spreadsheets Activity Booklet
An activity booklet introducing spreadsheets and their uses. Includes an overview of parts of a spreadsheet, cell addresses, values and labels. 5 pages.
Includes an overview of the following:
Spreadsheet terminology
Uses of spreadsheets
Parts of a spreadsheet
Cells and cell addresses
Comes complete with solutions.
A great accompaniment and support for the above resource.
Stellar Spreadsheets Project
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Introduction to Databases Activity Booklet
An activity booklet introducing students to databases and data handling.
Includes an overview of the following:
Differences between a field, record and file
Data errors
Data types
Comes complete with an answer key.
Great accompaniments and support for the above resource:
Database Activity - Criminal Intent
Database Test Fabulous Films
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Football Fanatic Spreadsheet Project
A complete package of resources suitable for teaching introductory spreadsheets to Key Stage 3 students.
The package contains:
Football Fanatic Sporting Spreadsheets Activity Book [Covers formatting, formulas, functions and charts: 19 pages]
Stupendous Soccer Top Up Tasks Activity Book [Review, consolidation and extension activities: 8 pages]
Football Fanatic Evaluation Booklet [Self and Peer evaluation and target setting booklet: 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Review Booklet [Spreadsheet review and revision activities: 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Order of Operations Booklet [Review activities for Order of Operations: 4 pages]
Sporting Spreadsheets Spreadsheet Test [End of topic test: 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Internet Research Activity [Internet research focusing on all things football; players, teams, history, managers, etc. : 4 pages]
Football Fanatic Excel Spreadsheets [Completed spreadsheet file containing worksheets for the activities]
Football Fanatic Digital Spreadsheets Crossword [An interactive crossword created with Microsoft Excel]
Football Fanatic Digital Formula review [An interactive formula review game created with Microsoft PowerPoint]
Football Fanatic Scheme of Learning [11 lessons covered]

Deadly Dinosaurs Internet Research Activity
An Internet research activity focusing on dinosaurs. Questions cover a variety of weird and wonderful facts about dinosaurs and palaeontologists.
Great as a cover lesson or end of topic review. 5 pages in total. Complete with solutions.
If you would like updates on new and free products and sales please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Amazing Animals Internet Research Activity
An Internet research activity focusing on the animal kingdom. Questions cover a variety of curious and interesting facts about amazing animals.
Great as a cover lesson or end of topic overview. 5 pages long.
Includes an answer key.
If you would like updates on new and free products please follow me by clicking the ‘Follow Me’ link above.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Sporting Spectacular
An Internet research activity focusing on all things sporting. Questions cover topics on football, cricket, basketball, hockey, cycling, tennis, etc. Great as a cover lesson or end of topic overview. 4 pages long.

Mesmerising Movies
An Internet research activity focusing on films. Questions cover topics on actors, directors, characters, movies and other facts and figures. Great as a cover lesson or end of topic overview. 4 pages long.

Digital Devices Activity Booklet
An activity booklet introducing students to computer storage and the different types of digital devices [input and output].
Students complete a range of activities on computer storage and the different types. It also focuses on the different types of input and output devices used with computers.
Comes complete with an answer key.
Includes an overview of the following:
Storage units [bytes through to exabytes]
Types of storage
Input devices
Output devices
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Computer Science Word Searches
A selection of 10 word searches covering a variety of computer science topics including:
Tech Terms
Digital Devices
Complete with solutions.
Great as lesson starters, vocabulary reviews or plenaries.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Dragon Alley Spreadsheet Test
A spreadsheet test designed to assess students’ understanding and application of formulas and functions as well as using spreadsheets for modelling different scenarios.
Includes a spreadsheet for students to input formulas and functions.

File Management Activity Booklet
A computer science activity which helps students to gain a better understanding of how to effectively organise their document files as well as an overview of the different file types and file extensions they may encounter.
Other resources in this series:
Digital Devices Activity Booklet
Introduction to Databases Activity Booklet
Introduction to Spreadsheets Activity Booklet
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage