Primary science

Seed Dispersal PowerPoint
A fully editable presentation covering the different ways in which seeds are dispersed.
Includes the following:
➸ structure of a seed
➸ modes of dispersal [wind, water, animal, explosion]
➸ adaptations
➸ quiz
Great accompaniments to this resource:
➸ Seed Dispersal Word Search
➸ Seed Dispersal Card Sort [Cut and Paste Activity]
➸ Seed Dispersal Digital Card Sort - Distance Learning
Clipart by:
Studio Devanna
The Painted Crow

Levels of Organisation PowerPoint
A free fully editable 8 slide PowerPoint presentation on levels of organisation in organisms. Each slide includes a definition, image and interesting fact.
Comes with a bonus word search with solutions on key terminology.
A great accompaniment to this resource:
Levels of Organisation Activities [Cut and Paste]
Levels of Organisation Doodle Notes
Clipart by:
The Weird Science Teacher

Louis Pasteur Biography Activity
A history of science reading comprehension activity on the life and achievements of Louis Pasteur. Great for cover lessons.
Includes the following:
➸ Biography of Louis Pasteur
➸ Set of 11 questions based on the biography
➸ Timeline activity
➸ Word search
➸ Solutions to each activity
➸ Colour and black and white versions
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Specialised Cells Word Search
A free word search on different types of specialised plant and animal cells. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Complete with solutions.
Resource reviews are greatly appreciated.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Albert Einstein Digital Biography Activity - Distance Learning
An interactive digital history of science reading comprehension activity on the life and achievements of Albert Einstein.
Includes the following:
➸ Biography of Albert Einstein
➸ Set of 12 questions based on the biography
➸ Drag and drop key words activity
➸ Drag and drop Timeline activity
➸ Word jumble activity
➸ Solutions to each activity
How to use:
Click on the links in the PDF file to access the resources.
In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button.
The file will open in Google Slides.
Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Scientists and Inventors Word Search
A free word search on twenty famous scientists and inventors. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Complete with solutions.
Resource reviews are greatly appreciated.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Louis Pasteur Biography Bites
A brief [1 page] reading comprehension activity on the life and achievements of Louis Pasteur. Works great as a starter, plenary or for early finishers.
Includes the following:
➸ Brief biography of Louis Pasteur
➸ 2 multiple choice questions
➸ Gap fill activity
➸ Word search
➸ Solutions to each activity
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Animal Adaptations [Manatee] Cut and Paste Activity and Word Search
A cut and paste activity designed for students to study a variety of different manatee adaptations. Covers five different adaptations and comes with a manatee word search.
Includes two versions:
Version 1: can be printed in colour or greyscale.
Version 2: black and white version which students can color in.
Included in this kit:
➸ colour version.
➸ black and white version.
➸ Instructions on how to use the resource.
If you would like to discover more about manatee biology and conservation please visit the orgnisation below:
Save the Manatee
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Mammals and Fish Venn Diagram
The mammals and fish Venn diagram graphic organizer is a great way for students to compare and contrast the characteristics of these two animal groups.
Includes two versions:
Version 1. Students cut and paste labels onto the correct part of the Venn diagram. Version 2. Students write the correct statement into boxes on the Venn diagram.
Also includes a bonus word search and comes with an answer key.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage

Dinosaurs Word Search
A free dinosaurs word search. Includes the following dinosaurs and more: Stegosaurus, Diplodocus, Apatosaurus, Velociraptor.
Comes with both colour and black and white versions.
Clipart by:

Jonas Salk Biography Activity
A history of science reading comprehension activity on the life and achievements of Jonas Salk. Great for cover lessons.
Includes the following:
➸ Biography of Jonas Salk
➸ Set of 12 questions based on the biography
➸ Timeline activity
➸ Word search
➸ Solutions to each activity
➸ Colour and black and white versions
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman

Jane Goodall Word Search
A word search on the pioneering primatologist Jane Goodall. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with color and black and white versions. Complete with solution.
Includes the following vocabulary:
➸ Jane ➸ Goodall ➸ chimpanzees ➸ Africa ➸ Gombe stream ➸ Tanzania ➸ primatologist ➸ anthropologist ➸ ethologist ➸ England ➸ conservation ➸ Cambridge University ➸ Flo ➸ David Greybeard
Why choose word searches?
➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling.
➸ They introduce new vocabulary.
➸ They help consolidate vocabulary.
➸ They help develop pattern recognition.
➸ They help improve problem-solving skills.
➸ They support learning context clues.
➸ They are self-differentiating.
➸ They can assist in boosting working memory.
➸ They foster persistence.
Clipart by:

Earth and Mars Digital Venn Diagram - Distance Learning
An interactive digital Venn diagram covering the features of the Earth and the Moon. A great interactive activity for comparing and contrasting these two planets in our solar system.
Includes the following:
➸ Venn diagram blank template
➸ Features of the Earth and the Mars information boxes
➸ Venn diagram solution
How to use:
Click on the links in the downloadable document to access the resources.
In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button.
The file will open in Google Slides.
Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access.
Clipart by:

Shield and Composite Volcanoes Digital Venn Diagram - Distance Learning
An interactive digital Venn diagram covering the features of shield and composite volcanoes. A great interactive activity for comparing and contrasting these two types of volcanoes.
Includes the following:
➸ Venn diagram blank template
➸ Features of shield and composite volcanoes information boxes
➸ Venn diagram solution
How to use:
Click on the links in the downloadable document to access the resources.
In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button.
The file will open in Google Slides.
Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access.
Clipart by:
The Painted Crow

Cloud Types Word Search
A word search on different cloud types. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with colour and black and white versions. Complete with solution.
Includes the following vocabulary:
➸ cloud ➸ altocumulus ➸ altostratus ➸ cirrocumulus ➸ cirrus ➸ cumulus ➸ cumulonimbus ➸ stratocumulus ➸ stratus ➸ rain ➸ snow ➸ hail ➸ sleet ➸ gas ➸ liquid ➸ water vapour
Why choose word searches?
➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling.
➸ They introduce new vocabulary.
➸ They help consolidate vocabulary.
➸ They help develop pattern recognition.
➸ They help improve problem-solving skills.
➸ They support learning context clues.
➸ They are self-differentiating.
➸ They can assist in boosting working memory.
➸ They foster persistence.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman
Digital Toonage
Toon Clipart

The Moon Word Search
A word search on the Earth’s moon. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with color and black and white versions. Complete with solution.
Includes the following vocabulary:
➸ moon ➸ lunar ➸ satellite ➸ eclipse ➸ phases ➸ waxing ➸ waning ➸ maria ➸ rille ➸ crater ➸ astronaut ➸ Neil Armstrong ➸ NASA ➸ moon buggy ➸ tides ➸ orbit ➸ moonlight ➸ rocket
Why choose word searches?
➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling.
➸ They introduce new vocabulary.
➸ They help consolidate vocabulary.
➸ They help develop pattern recognition.
➸ They help improve problem-solving skills.
➸ They support learning context clues.
➸ They are self-differentiating.
➸ They can assist in boosting working memory.
➸ They foster persistence.
Clipart by:
Photo Clipz Clip Art

Animal Life Cycles Word Search
A word search on insect and amphibian life cycles. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with colour and black and white versions. Complete with solution.
Includes the following vocabulary:
➸ insect ➸ amphibian ➸ metamorphosis ➸ egg ➸ larva ➸ caterpillar ➸ pupa ➸ chrysalis ➸ cocoon ➸ butterfly ➸ ladybug ➸ stag beetle ➸ tadpole ➸ froglet ➸ frog ➸ toad ➸ newt ➸ salamander
Why choose word searches?
➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling.
➸ They introduce new vocabulary.
➸ They help consolidate vocabulary.
➸ They help develop pattern recognition.
➸ They help improve problem-solving skills.
➸ They support learning context clues.
➸ They are self-differentiating.
➸ They can assist in boosting working memory.
➸ They foster persistence.
Clipart by:

Awesome Astronauts Word Search
A word search on famous astronauts from around the world. Great as a starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with colour and black and white versions. Complete with solution.
Includes the following vocabulary:
➸ Armstrong ➸ Jemison ➸ Ride ➸ Tereshkova ➸ Gagarin ➸ Aldrin ➸ Glenn ➸ Liwei ➸ Savitskaya ➸ Sharma ➸ Collins ➸ Yang ➸ Scully-Power ➸ Sharman ➸ Chawla ➸ Shepard
Why choose word searches?
➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling.
➸ They introduce new vocabulary.
➸ They help consolidate vocabulary.
➸ They help develop pattern recognition.
➸ They help improve problem-solving skills.
➸ They support learning context clues.
➸ They are self-differentiating.
➸ They can assist in boosting working memory.
➸ They foster persistence.
Clipart by:

Conductors and Insulators Word Search
A word search on thermal and electrical conductors. Great as a topic starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with colour and black and white versions. Complete with solution.
Includes the following vocabulary:
➸ conductors ➸ insulators ➸ wool ➸ rubber ➸ plastic ➸ fibreglass ➸ cotton ➸ wood ➸ porcelain ➸ polystyrene ➸ air ➸ glass ➸ paper ➸ metal ➸ copper ➸ aluminium ➸ gold ➸ iron ➸ seawater ➸ diamond ➸ silver
Why choose word searches?
➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling.
➸ They introduce new vocabulary.
➸ They help consolidate vocabulary.
➸ They help develop pattern recognition.
➸ They help improve problem-solving skills.
➸ They support learning context clues.
➸ They are self-differentiating.
➸ They can assist in boosting working memory.
➸ They foster persistence.
Clipart by:
Color Idea

Friction Word Search
A word search on the force of friction. Great as a topic starter activity or for early finishers. Comes with color and black and white versions. Complete with solution.
Includes the following vocabulary:
➸ friction ➸ force ➸ rub ➸ contact ➸ sliding ➸ rolling ➸ static ➸ fluid ➸ surface ➸ rough ➸ smooth ➸ wear ➸ tear ➸ skid ➸ brakes ➸ slide ➸ drag ➸ traction ➸ grip ➸ resist ➸ motion
Why choose word searches?
➸ They help develop word recognition and can enhance spelling.
➸ They introduce new vocabulary.
➸ They help consolidate vocabulary.
➸ They help develop pattern recognition.
➸ They help improve problem-solving skills.
➸ They support learning context clues.
➸ They are self-differentiating.
➸ They can assist in boosting working memory.
➸ They foster persistence.
Clipart by:
Ron Leishman