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Predators and Prey Top Deck Cards [Trumps Style Card Game]

Predators and Prey Top Deck Cards [Trumps Style Card Game]

A trumps style card game based on animals. A fun and engaging way for students to learn about the characteristics of a variety of animals. 50% of all sales go to environmental charities. The set comes with 28 cards which can be printed in colour or black and white. A back for the cards can also be used and printed back to back with the cards to complete the set. Laminate and keep as class sets to use as a lesson starter, plenary or for early finishers. Includes 4 blank card templates for students to research other historical characters and make their own top deck cards. How to Play Ideally 2-4 people can play. Shuffle the pack of trump cards and deal them face down to each player. Each player holds all of their cards so that they can only see the top one. The player to the dealer’s left picks a category from the top card in their pile and reads out the score value. For example, “Height - 2”. The other players then read out their value for the same category. The player with the highest value wins and takes all the losing cards and places them on the bottom of their pile. It is then their turn to pick a category from the next card. If 2 or more cards share the same value then all the cards are placed in the middle and the same player chooses again from the next card on their pile. The winner of that round takes all the losing cards plus the cards in the middle pile. The game carries on until one person has won all the cards. Comes with 4 blank cards for students to make their own Trump card. The cards have information on the following: Height Weight Length Top speed Life span Scientific name Conservation status [4 Keys included for IUCN codes] Type of nutrition [carnivore, herbivore, omnivore] **Cards in this series: ** Cheetah Lion Brown Bear Condor Asian Elephant Peregrine Falcon Kangaroo Platypus Moose Panda Common Tortoise T. rex Grey Wolf Hedgehog Golden Monkey Sand Tiger Shark Green Tree Frog Striped Skunk Leopard Reticulated Python Greater Flamingo Tiger Spotted Hyena Pygmy Raccoon Human Werewolf Zombie Mummy Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Plant Reproduction Task Cards

Plant Reproduction Task Cards

A set of 28 task cards designed for students to independently, or in groups, review plant reproduction. Includes multiple choice, true/false and short answer questions on the following themes: Flower structure Pollination Seed structure Seed dispersal Included in this kit: 28 task cards focusing on different aspects of the plant reproduction. Student solution sheet on which to record answers. Teacher answer key. There are 4 cards on each sheet [7 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or colour [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension, consolidation activity or for early finishers. Clipart by: Studio Devanna The Painted Crow Ron Leishman TooonClipart
Reproduction Task Cards

Reproduction Task Cards

A set of 32 task cards designed for students to independently, or in groups, review reproduction in humans. **Includes multiple choice questions on the following themes: ** 1. Structure of sperm cells 2. Structure of egg [ova] cells 3. Structure of female reproductive organs 4. Structure of male reproductive organs 5. Fertilisation 6. Gestation Included in this kit: - 32 task cards focusing on different aspects of reproduction. - Student solution sheet on which to record answers. - Teacher answer key. There are 4 cards on each sheet [8 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or colour [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. Clipart by: Teacher’s Clipart Ron Leishman TooonClipart
Solar System Bingo

Solar System Bingo

A bingo game designed to help students learn the key vocabulary and definitions used when learning about the solar system. Includes the following key terms and definitions: Mercury Sun Jupiter Galaxy Saturn Meteor Venus Asteroid Pluto Earth Moon Neptune Mars Comet Uranus Ceres The bingo kit also comes with: A fully editable PowerPoint presentation which contains each of the clues. The slides can be rearranged for each game of bingo or edited to suit the needs of your students. A bonus word search and matching activity worksheet with solutions. How to Play: Provide each student with a bingo sheet. Laminate a class set of the bingo sheets if you wish. Have students circle a set number of words with an erasable white board marker or similar. You can circle more or less words depending on time. Read out the clues provided and have students place a cross through the circled word. The first student to get all of the clues raises their hand or shouts “bingo” or both! Great accompaniments for this resource: Solar System PowerPoint Solar System Task Cards Spectacular Solar System Activity Booklet Solar System Card Sort Solar System Tarsia Puzzle Solar System Word Searches Solar System Top Deck Cards Solar System Cootie Catcher Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Plants Bingo

Plants Bingo

A bingo game designed to help students learn the key vocabulary and definitions used when learning about plants and photosynthesis. Includes the following key terms and definitions: Stem Chlorophyll Water Fruit Photosynthesis Glucose Flower Oxygen Carbon dioxide Seed Sunlight Starch Leaf Shoot Chloroplast Root The bingo kit also comes with: A** fully editable** PowerPoint presentation which contains each of the clues. The slides can be rearranged for each game of bingo or edited to suit the needs of your students. A bonus word search and matching activity worksheet with solutions. How to Play: Provide each student with a bingo sheet. Laminate a class set of the bingo sheets if you wish. Have students circle a set number of words with an erasable white board marker or similar. You can circle more or less words depending on time. Read out the clues provided and have students place a cross through the circled word. The first student to get all of the clues raises their hand or shouts “bingo” or both! Great accompaniments for this resource: Plants Task Cards Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Classifying Animals Bingo

Classifying Animals Bingo

A bingo game designed to help students learn the key vocabulary and definitions used when learning how to classify animals into their taxonomic groups. Includes the following key terms and definitions: Vertebrate Invertebrate Porifera Reptile Annelid Fish Crustacean Bird Echinoderm Amphibian Insect Arachnid Mammal Animal Mollusc Cnidaria The bingo kit also comes with: A fully editable PowerPoint presentation which contains each of the clues. The slides can be rearranged for each game of bingo or edited to suit the needs of your students. A bonus word search and matching activity worksheet with solutions. How to Play: Provide each student with a bingo sheet. Laminate a class set of the bingo sheets if you wish. Have students circle a set number of words with an erasable white board marker or similar. You can circle more or less words depending on time. Read out the clues provided and have students place a cross through the circled word. The first student to get all of the clues raises their hand or shouts “bingo” or both! Great accompaniments for this resource: Classifying Animals Activity Booklet Classifying Animals Task Cards Classifying Animals Card Sort Classifying Animals PowerPoint Presentation Classifying Animals Tarsia Puzzle Classifying Animals Fact Fan Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Specialised Cells Bingo

Specialised Cells Bingo

A bingo game designed to help students learn the key vocabulary and definitions used when learning about specialised cells. Includes the following key terms and definitions: Red blood cell [erythrocyte] Skin cell [keratinocyte] Sperm cell Root hair cell Palisade cell Ciliated epithelial cell Phloem cell Fat cell [adipocyte] Muscle cell Liver cell [hepatocyte] White blood cell [leukocyte] Beta cell Egg cell [ovum] Bone cell [osteocyte] Nerve cell [neuron] Xylem cell The bingo kit also comes with: A fully editable PowerPoint presentation which contains each of the clues. The slides can be rearranged for each game of bingo or edited to suit the needs of your students. A bonus word search and matching activity worksheet with solutions. How to Play: Provide each student with a bingo sheet. Laminate a class set of the bingo sheets if you wish. Have students circle a set number of words with an erasable white board marker or similar. You can circle more or less words depending on time. Read out the clues provided and have students place a cross through the circled word. The first student to get all of the clues raises their hand or shouts “bingo” or both! Great accompaniments for this resource: Specialised Cells PowerPoint Presentation Specialised Cells Card Sort Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Animal and Plant Cells Bingo

Animal and Plant Cells Bingo

A bingo game designed to help students learn the key vocabulary and definitions used when learning about animal and plant cells. Includes the following key terms and definitions: Chloroplast Cell membrane Nucleus Ribosome Golgi body Cell wall Vacuole Centriole Mitochondrion Cytoplasm Endoplasmic reticulum Lysosome The bingo kit also comes with: A fully editable PowerPoint presentation which contains each of the clues. The slides can be rearranged for each game of bingo or edited to suit the needs of your students. A bonus word search and matching activity worksheet with solutions. How to Play: Provide each student with a bingo sheet. Laminate a class set of the bingo sheets if you wish. Have students circle a set number of words with an erasable white board marker or similar. You can circle more or less words depending on time. Read out the clues provided and have students place a cross through the circled word. The first student to get all of the clues raises their hand or shouts “bingo” or both! Great accompaniments for this resource: Animal Cell PowerPoint Plant Cell PowerPoint Cells Task Cards Animal Cell Cut and Paste Activity Plant Cell Cut and Paste Activity Clipart by: The Painted Crow Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Animal Cell Cut and Paste Activity

Animal Cell Cut and Paste Activity

An interactive cell biology activity designed for KS3 students. It supports the requirements of the National curriculum as it relates to cell biology. It assists students in identifying and recalling the main structures and functions of the major parts of an animal cell. The cut and paste animal cell activity comes with all the organelles, titles and descriptions needed to construct the cell. Includes the following organelles: Nucleus Mitochondrion Endoplasmic reticulum Golgi body Vacuole Lysosome Ribosome Centriole Includes instructions and two bonus activity sheets which are great for review. A great accompaniment to the above resource: Animal Cell PowerPoint presentation Clipart by: The Painted Crow Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Kinetic and Potential Energy Task Cards

Kinetic and Potential Energy Task Cards

A set of 36 task cards designed for students to independently, or in groups, review kinetic and potential energy. Great for science stations. Contains multiple choice, true/false and short answer questions. Included in this kit: 36 task cards focusing on kinetic and potential. Student solution sheet on which to record answers. Teacher answer key. There are 4 cards on each sheet [9 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or colour [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. Includes questions on the following themes: Identifying kinetic and potential energy in different situations. Roller coasters and kinetic and potential energy. Pendulums and kinetic and potential energy. Kinetic and potential energy formulas. Calculating kinetic energy Calculating potential energy. Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Asteroids, Meteors and Comets PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Asteroids, Meteors and Comets PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 15 slide PowerPoint presentation on asteroids, meteors and comets. Includes a bonus activity sheet, Venn diagram and word search. Covers following topics: ➸ Asteroid description, composition and location. ➸ Meteor description, composition with explanations of the difference between meteoroids, meteors and meteorites. ➸ Comet description, composition and location. ➸ Embedded animated video comparing asteroids, meteors and comets. ➸ Quick quiz. Includes the following bonus resources: ➸ Activity sheet with word puzzle, labelling activity and gap fill. ➸ Venn diagram comparing asteroids, meteors and comets. ➸ Space rocks word search. Great accompaniments to this resource: Asteroids, Meteors and Comets Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Clipart by: Photo Clipz Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Specialised Cells PowerPoint Presentation and Activity Sheets

Specialised Cells PowerPoint Presentation and Activity Sheets

A PowerPoint presentation on specialised cells found in animals and plants. Includes slides on a variety of cells and outlines where they are found in organisms, what they do and their special features. Each individual slide includes the above information and an image of the cell. The presentation is** fully editable **and can, if necessary, be adapted to suit the needs of you classes. Comes with a bonus word search and activity sheet! Includes slides include the following cells: Nerve cell [neuron] Ciliated epithelial cell Red blood cell [erythrocyte] White blood cell [leukocyte] Egg cell [ova] Sperm cell [spermatozoon] Fat cell [adipocyte] Palisade cell Root hair cell Muscle cell Bone cell [osteocyte] Introductory slide Great accompaniments to the above resource: Specialised Cells Task Cards Specialised Cells Card Sort Specialised Cells Bingo Clipart by: Clipartino The Weird Science Teacher The Cher Room
Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

A set of interactive digital [Google Slides] resources covering the structure and function of plant and animal cells. Includes solutions to each of the activities. Includes the following: ➸ Plant and animal cells slide presentation. ➸ Plant and animal cells label activity. ➸ Plant and animal cells sort activity [match the cell feature/image with its description]. ➸ Plant and animal cells scavenger hunt [ a series of 24 question which can be used with the plant and animal cells presentation]. ➸ Plant and animal cells Venn diagram. How to use: Click on the links in the downloadable PDF file to access the resources. In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button. The file will open in Google Slides. Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access. Other digital resource packs in this series: Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack The Planets Digital Resources Pack Clipart by: Christine O’Brien Creative Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Acids and Bases Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

Acids and Bases Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

A set of interactive digital [Google Slides and Google Forms] resources covering acids, bases and indicators. Includes solutions to each of the activities. Includes the following: ➸ Acids and bases slide presentation [27 slides]. ➸ Acids and bases pH sort activity [match the household item with its pH]. ➸ Acids and bases Venn diagram. ➸ Acids and bases scavenger hunt [a series of 21 question which can be used with the acids and bases presentation]. ➸ Acids and bases multiple choice quiz. How to use: Click on the links in the downloadable PDF file to access the resources. In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button. The file will open in Google Slides or Google Forms. Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access. Other digital resource packs in this series: Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack The Planets Digital Resources Pack Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
The Planets Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

The Planets Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

A set of interactive digital [Google Slides] resources covering the features of the planets and other celestial bodies in our solar system. Includes solutions to each of the activities. Includes the following: ➸ The planets slide presentation ➸ The planets card sort activity [match the planet with its description] and order activity [place the planets in the correct order from the Sun] ➸ The planets scavenger hunt [ a series of 24 question which can be used with the planets presentation] ➸ The inner and outer planets Venn diagram How to use: Click on the links in the downloadable PDF file to access the resources. In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button. The file will open in Google Slides. Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access. Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack Clipart by: Artifex Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Space and Gravity

Space and Gravity

Complete KS3 activity book for space and gravity topics. 24 pages of activities. Covers the following: 1. Mass, weight and gravity calculations 2. Gravitational attraction and forces 3. Models of the Solar System [Geocentric and Heliocentric] 4. Famous astronomers 5. Origin of the Earth's moon 6. Integrated stellar spreadsheet activity on the planets 7. Artificial and natural satellites 8. Word searches and crossword puzzle
Plants Venn Diagrams Bundle

Plants Venn Diagrams Bundle

1 Resources
A set of 4 Venn diagrams for students studying botany. Great as graphic organisers and for compare and contrast tasks. Includes the following Venn diagrams: ➸ Vascular and Nonvascular Plants ➸ Monocots and Dicots ➸ Xylem and Phloem ➸ Transpiration and Translocation
Football Fanatic Spreadsheet Project

Football Fanatic Spreadsheet Project

A complete package of resources suitable for teaching introductory spreadsheets to Key Stage 3 students. The package contains: Football Fanatic Sporting Spreadsheets Activity Book [Covers formatting, formulas, functions and charts: 19 pages] Stupendous Soccer Top Up Tasks Activity Book [Review, consolidation and extension activities: 8 pages] Football Fanatic Evaluation Booklet [Self and Peer evaluation and target setting booklet: 4 pages] Football Fanatic Review Booklet [Spreadsheet review and revision activities: 4 pages] Football Fanatic Order of Operations Booklet [Review activities for Order of Operations: 4 pages] Sporting Spreadsheets Spreadsheet Test [End of topic test: 4 pages] Football Fanatic Internet Research Activity [Internet research focusing on all things football; players, teams, history, managers, etc. : 4 pages] Football Fanatic Excel Spreadsheets [Completed spreadsheet file containing worksheets for the activities] Football Fanatic Digital Spreadsheets Crossword [An interactive crossword created with Microsoft Excel] Football Fanatic Digital Formula review [An interactive formula review game created with Microsoft PowerPoint] Football Fanatic Scheme of Learning [11 lessons covered]