
The object of this exercise is to name the capital cities for the countries listed. Each test begins with a blank sheet and after entering X into the blue square the first country will appear, the city can then be selected from a drop-down list of five names. Once all 20 capital cities have been chosen the score will automatically come into view, together with the time taken. The file contains ten worksheets.

This file contains three criss-cross puzzles, all made up using names of American States. In each puzzle the student will be asked to name the States to match the capital cities listed, and then enter these into the matching numbered squares in the grid. Each puzzle contains a printable sheet for the student and a solution sheet for the teacher.

Each file contains five puzzles all related to capital cities of the world. In the word-search puzzle the pupil has to find in the grid all the capital cities listed. There is a printable sheet for the pupil and a solution sheet for the teacher - to make the answers easier to locate I have highlighted the first letter of each city in yellow, or orange when the letter begins two cities running in different directions. In the spiral puzzles the pupils will be asked to enter the capital city for each country listed, with the last letter of each answer forming the first letter of the next. Again I have included solution sheets for the teacher. There are two versions of each, one in PDF and the second an Excel file, whichever is your preference.

This file contains one word-search, made up of 20 London landmarks. There is a printable sheet for the pupil and a solution sheet, highlighting the twenty landmarks, for the teacher. To make the names easier to locate I have highlighted the first letter of each landmark in yellow, or orange when the letter begins two names running in different directions. I have included two versions, one in PDF and the second an Excel file, whichever is your preference.

This file contains two word-searches, made up of countries in North America. To make it a little more interesting, I have included in the word list below the grid the capital city for each country, together with its flag. There is a printable sheet for the pupil and a solution sheet, highlighting the fourteen countries in each puzzle, for the teacher. To make the names easier to locate I have highlighted the first letter of each country in yellow, or orange when the letter begins two names running in different directions.

This file contains four word-searches, made up of European countries. To make it a little more interesting, I have included in the list below the grid the capital city for each country, together with its flag. There is a printable sheet for the pupil and a solution sheet, highlighting the fourteen countries in each puzzle, for the teacher. To make the names easier to locate I have highlighted the first letter of each country in yellow, or orange when the letter begins two names running in different directions. I have included two versions, one in PDF and the second an Excel file, whichever is your preference. I have now also added a PPT asking for country names for the capital cities listed.