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Fed up of paying for resources that weren't up to the standard that my students required (or resources that needed endless adapting), I decided to start making my own. All of the resources in this shop have been tried and tested by myself and my department - I don't believe in selling things that I wouldn't use myself! Any feedback you have on any of my resources would be greatly appreciated!




Fed up of paying for resources that weren't up to the standard that my students required (or resources that needed endless adapting), I decided to start making my own. All of the resources in this shop have been tried and tested by myself and my department - I don't believe in selling things that I wouldn't use myself! Any feedback you have on any of my resources would be greatly appreciated!
Christmas Quiz

Christmas Quiz

This PowerPoint is a well presented, ten round Christmas quiz that is designed to keep the students engaged for a full one hour lesson. There are a range of different types of rounds: Round One - True or False Round Two - Name The Image Round Three - Anagrams Round Four - Christmas Literature Round Five - Christmas Statistics Round Six - Christmas Song Lyrics Round Seven - Who Is Behind The Santa Mask? Round Eight - Christmas Movie Dingbats Round Nine - Word Search Round Ten - Observation There is a tie breaker round, in the event of a draw. Also included, is an answer sheet that can be printed off for students to use. Many more high-quality resources can be found at my shop: Pate Resources Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A

AQA English Language Paper 2 Section A

This PowerPoint contains twenty four one-hour well-structured lessons (over 300 slides) that focus on AQA GCSE English Language Paper Two: Section A - Questions 1-4 (reading non-fiction; writers’ viewpoints and perspectives). All tasks are written according to the 9-1 GCSE numerical grades and are designed for AQA English Language Paper 2 qualification (8700). There are a wide range of tasks that focus on building the skills needed for AO1, AO2 and AO3 - including practice questions, original model responses, extension tasks and text extracts. The PowerPoint includes a baseline assessment and end of unit assessment questions that are modelled on the AQA exam; additionally, there are weekly 30 minute homework tasks for students to complete. There are also four extra exam-based questions that could be used as cover work or as extra questions for revision. Each lesson follows a set structure including starter activities, lesson outcomes and objectives, model answers, self and peer assessment activities and plenaries. I made the papers about topics that I know my students are interested in. Many of the topics lend themselves to key PSHE issues that make for interesting debates in the classroom should you want to improve their oracy skills or base the ‘Spoken Language’ endorsement around these topics. All extracts are from the 19th, 20th and 21st century. Paper 1: Bank Robberies Paper 2: Fires of London Paper 3: Mad Scientists Paper 4: Emmett Till and Racism Paper 5: Sexting Paper 6: Slavery Paper 7: Prisons Paper 8: Mental Health Paper 9: Gangs Paper 10: Death Row Paper 11: Thieves Additional tasks include Immigration, Donald Trump and Poisoned Sweets. A free sample of this scheme can be found here My Paper Two, Question Five scheme of work can be found here. Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5

AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 5

This PowerPoint contains sixteen one-hour lessons (185 slides) that focus on AQA’s GCSE English Language Paper Two, Question Five (nonfiction writing). All tasks are written according to 9-1 GCSE numerical grades and are designed for the New Specification AQA English Language (8700) Paper Two Section B. There are a wide range of tasks (lessons listed below) that focus on building the skills needed for AO5 and AO6 - including practice questions, original model responses, extension tasks and text extracts. The PowerPoint includes a baseline assessment and an end of unit assessment that are both modelled on the AQA exam; additionally, there are four nonfiction writing homework tasks (one for each week). There are also four extra exam-based questions that could be used as cover work or as extra questions for revision, intervention, homework etc. In total, there are 22 exam-style question on the scheme on a range of topics that were written with student engagement in mind. Areas Covered: Lesson 1: The Big Picture & Planning Lesson 2: Baseline Assessment Lesson 3: Argue vs. Persuade Lesson 4: Writing to Inform/Advise Lesson 5: Using Persuasive Techniques Lesson 6: Baseline Review and Self-Editing Lesson 7: Newspaper Article Writing Lesson 8: Varying Punctuation Lesson 9: Speech Writing Lesson 10: How To Plan Lesson 11: Structuring Your Answer Lesson 12: Letter Writing Lesson 13: Sentence Structures Lesson 14: Practice Response Writing Lesson 15: Sophisticated Vocabulary Lesson 16: End Of Unit Assessment Extra: Four additional exam questions My Paper Two: Section A scheme of work can be found here. Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
English Language Paper Two Question Five Revision & Exam Practice Questions

English Language Paper Two Question Five Revision & Exam Practice Questions

This pack contains a full twenty-slide revision lesson (including a model answer) that focuses on the AQA 9-1 GCSE English Language Paper 2, Question 5. Accompanying this lesson are thirty two exam-style questions on a range of topics that can be given to students as extra revision, practice papers, during lessons, or as homework. These assessment questions can be used with KS4 for exam preparation or as non-fiction creative writing exercises for KS3. All tasks are designed for the 8700 AQA English Language Paper 2. Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
English Language Paper One - A Study In Scarlet

English Language Paper One - A Study In Scarlet

This well-presented pack focuses on AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1, Questions 1-5 (8700). There are four one-hour lessons covering each area of the exam paper, helping students feel more prepared for the exam. The lessons were planned to teach the exam skills thoroughly, though they could be used for revision lessons. Each lesson requires minimal preparation and is designed with pupil engagement in mind. With over sixty slides, this PowerPoint has a series of easy to follow activities with clear instructions and a variety of tasks. It focuses on assessment objectives and timings, aiming to give pupils a clear understanding of the exam and what is expected of them. The aim is to provide students with the skills and confidence needed to sit and conquer this exam paper on their own. Included are: independent, pair & group work tasks, opportunities for self and peer assessment, extension tasks, writing frames, homework tasks and, in the event of emergencies, a cover lesson work sheet (though, hopefully it won’t be needed). There is also a model answer for each question to help students engage with the mark scheme. Personally, I have found that, when using this series of papers and PowerPoints, students have grown in both confidence and ability on their way to achieving their target grades, commenting on the challenge that the lessons provide them with. This particular pack focuses on an extract from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s ‘A Study In Scarlet’ and is provided in the style of the AQA English Language Paper One exam. Additionally, this pack includes a copy of Joseph Conrad’s ‘Heart Of Darkness’ with exam questions as a homework task. All resources are fully editable so that you can tailor to suit the needs of your class. Lesson One – Questions 1 & 2 Lesson Two – Question 3 Lesson Three – Question 4 Lesson Four – Question 5 with a focus detailed descriptions To see the YouTube video walk through, click here. To find more English Language Paper One resources in the same style, see the attached document ‘English Language Paper One - Available Lessons’. You can save money on a bundle here. Many more high-quality resources can be found at my shop: PateResources Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG & Technical Accuracy) Booklet

Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG & Technical Accuracy) Booklet

Each slide in this PowerPoint focuses on a different grammatical element. There is a section explaining the rules of the grammatical element to the student and another section with a task that allows the student to practise the usage. These slides can be slotted in to any PowerPoint as a starter task, used as an extension task, used as targeted feedback when marking or as extra revision for students. Or, they could be printed out and given to students as a SPaG booklet to work through. The aim being to improve students’ AO2, AO5 and AO6 skills. Elements covered: Adjectives Adverbials Apostrophes Clauses Colons Commas Complex Sentences Compound Sentences Coordinating Conjunctions Discourse Markers Modal Verbs Nouns Parenthesis Past Tense Perfect Tense Prepositions Present Tense Pronouns Relative Clauses Semi Colons Sentence Starters Simple Sentences Speech Marks Subject Verb Object Subordinate Clauses Subordinating Conjunctions Verbs Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A

AQA English Language Paper 1 Section A

This PowerPoint contains eighteen one-hour lessons (214 slides) that focus on AQA GCSE English Language Paper One, Section A (Questions 1-4). Each lesson is fully resourced with a range of engaging activities, model answers (aimed towards Grades 6-9) and one 30 minute homework task per week. Additionally, each lesson is designed to break each question down into manageable steps with a focus on timing and achieving what the mark scheme states. All tasks are written according to new GCSE numerical grades and are designed for the 9-1 Specification AQA English Language Paper One (8700). There are nine full practice papers (all with Questions 1-5, listed below) that focus on building the skills needed for AO1, AO2 and AO4 and introducing the students to interpreting and exploring unseen prose. The lessons are fully resourced on the PowerPoint including practice questions, homeworks, original model responses, extension tasks and text extracts. Practice Paper 1: Dracula - Bram Stoker Practice Paper 2: The Time Machine - H.G. Wells Practice Paper 3: The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells Practice Paper 4: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz - L. Frank Baum Practice Paper 5: A Study In Scarlet - Arthur Conan Doyle Practice Paper 6: The Jungle Book - Rudyard Kipling Practice Paper 7: The Red Room - H.G. Wells Practice Paper 8: Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte Practice Paper 9: Great Expectations - Charles Dickens You can find my Paper One Question Five scheme of work here. Or, the whole English language GCSE course here. Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5

AQA English Language Paper 1 Question 5

This PowerPoint contains fifteen one-hour lessons (184 slides) that focus on AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1, Question 5 (creative writing). All tasks are written according to 9-1 GCSE grades and are designed for the New Specification AQA English Language Paper One (8700). There are a wide range of tasks (listed below) that focus on building the skills needed for AO5 and AO6 - including practice questions, original model responses, extension tasks and text extracts. The PowerPoint includes a baseline assessment and end of unit assessment questions that are modelled on the AQA exam; additionally, there are also creative writing homework tasks. There are also five extra exam-based questions that could be used as cover work or as extra questions for revision. Areas Covered: Lesson 1: The Big Picture & Planning Lesson 2: Baseline Assessment Lesson 3: Sensory Description Lesson 4: Figurative Language Lesson 5: Differing Settings Lesson 6: Show, Don’t Tell Lesson 7: Descriptive Writing Lesson 8: Focusing On The AOs Lesson 9: Varying Punctuation Lesson 10: Character Building Lesson 11: Structuring Your Narrative Lesson 12: Science Fiction Lesson 13: Point Of View Lesson 14: Creating Tone Lesson 15: End Of Unit Assessment Extra: Five additional exam questions You can find my Paper One Section A scheme of work here. Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
English Language Paper Two Section A

English Language Paper Two Section A

This PowerPoint contains four one-hour lessons that focus on GCSE English Language Paper 2, Questions 1-4. All tasks are designed for the 9-1 AQA English Language: Paper Two (8700). All four lessons center on two sources (provided in Word format). Whilst AO1, 2 & 3 are covered, a particular focus is placed on ‘Sophisticated Subject Terminology’ needed for a Level 4 in AO2. Whilst neither of the sources are Victorian, they do give the students a chance to practise the skills of the qualification. Some slides were used and adapted from resources available on TES from CarlaBrennan and fusbal (and others). This resource is part of a 24 lesson scheme of work on Paper 2 - Section A that can be found here: https://goo.gl/43gTZy My Paper Two, Question Five scheme of work can be found here: https://goo.gl/UdQTg2 All of my English Language Resources - the entire qualification - can also be found in this bundle: https://goo.gl/aHVUca Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Jekyll and Hyde with Definitions

Jekyll and Hyde with Definitions

This is a differentiated copy of the ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ by R. L. Stevenson in Microsoft Word format. Many of my students disengage with the novel due to the complex vocabulary. When reading through it with them, I highlighted every word that they stumbled on or were unfamiliar with. I then found easier synonyms for these words and added them to the text in brackets. My students can now engage with the text a lot easier as a result. The whole differentiated novel is 51 pages in total and each chapter begins on a new page for ease of printing. This is part of my 24 lesson scheme of work on the novel, which can be found here. Many more high-quality resources can be found at my shop: PateResources Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
English Literature Mark Book

English Literature Mark Book

This mark book is based on the new specification AQA GCSE English Literature (8702) qualification with the 2019 grade boundaries. In it, I have broken the qualification down so that there is a column for each question for you to input the marks to. The mark book will then automatically generate a fine grade for each section of the paper and a separate grade for each paper overall. The mark book will then generate an overall total and fine grade for the qualification as a whole (paper one and paper two). In case you are unfamiliar with the term, a fine grade splits each grade (9-1) into three: 5a - The top end of a grade 5, almost working at a grade 6 5b - A secure grade 5 5c - The bottom end of a grade 5, almost slipping the grade 4 boundaries The grade boundaries were calculated based on the August 2019 results from the 2019 GCSE exam series. I have also included a row that works out the class average which is useful for comparing sets within the department, or for working out which question/section needs more work, or just to give the students a reference point for how well they did. This can be used as an individual mark book or for the whole department, simply copy the ‘English Literature Mark Book’ tab to replicate the mark book and all of its formulas for each class in thee year group. You can find a copy of my GCSE English Language mark book here: goo.gl/L98vmk Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Subject Terminology Guide

Subject Terminology Guide

Each slide in this PowerPoint focuses on different elements of English Language subject terminology (both language and structure). There is a section explaining the definition of the terminology to the student and another section with examples of the terminology in use. These slides can be slotted in to any PowerPoint as an example, printed as a revision guide, printed as terminology posters for around your class room or just emailed to students for extra revision material. In total there are 70 different slides that each cover a different technique that may have been used by the writer. My students requested this resource as a way to develop their AO2 skills (Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language and structure to achieve effects and influence readers, using relevant subject terminology to support their views) to assist them in AQA’s English Language Paper One Q2, 3 & 4 and Paper Two Q3 & 4, in order to get the ‘sophisticated subject terminology’ element of the mark scheme. 70 Subject Terminology phrases covered from ‘Abstract Nouns’ to ‘Zoomorphism’. Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
English Language Paper One Question Five Revision & Exam Practice Questions

English Language Paper One Question Five Revision & Exam Practice Questions

In this bumper pack of practice questions, there are over ninety creative writing questions in the style of AQA’s GCSE English Language Paper One Question Five (Q5), as well as two revision lessons. The practice exam questions - on a range of topics - can be given to students as extra revision, practice papers, during lessons, or as homework. These assessment questions can be used with KS4 for exam preparation or as creative writing exercises for KS3. There are also two one-hour revision lessons (each lesson consists of 20 PowerPoint slides). One lesson focuses on answering the narrative question, the other focuses on the description question. Both lessons have their own model answers, as well as a range of activities to help students develop their writing skills. All resources are available in PPT/DOC and PDF formats. Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
English Language Revision Pack

English Language Revision Pack

This mini revision guide pack looks at each question in the AQA GCSE English Language qualification (both paper 1 and paper 2) and gives students tips on what they need to do in the exam. There is an exemplar question for each slide, a table showing the grade boundaries for that particular question and general guidance with how to structure their answer and how long to spend on each question. The final slide is a break down of the grade boundaries based on the AQA English Language grade boundaries from the summer examination series. I have also included a mock Paper One exam and a mock Paper Two exam. This should provide you with everything you need to help your students revise for the English Language exam. Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Types of Nouns

Types of Nouns

This is a nineteen slide PowerPoint that accompanies a YouTube video series which can be found by searching ‘Pate Resources Nouns’ on YouTube. This PowerPoint looks at five different types of nouns (proper noun, concrete noun, pronoun, abstract noun and collective noun) and aims to help students identify the different types in a sentence. It contains some small activities too. The YouTube video explores the slides in much more depth and is useful for students who are revising, home learning, or who have missed lessons and need to catch up. Please note, this is not a lesson. It is a collection of slides that explain the noun types with some small activities. It’s more of a reference guide. I have included the PowerPoint in PDF format, as well as PPTX. Many more high-quality resources can be found at my shop: PateResources Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
KS3 Non-Fiction Writing Scheme of Work

KS3 Non-Fiction Writing Scheme of Work

KS3 Non-Fiction Writing Scheme of Work This PowerPoint contains twenty one-hour lessons (233 slides) that focus on nonfiction writing skills, and is aimed at Key Stage Three. There are a wide range of tasks (lessons listed below) that focus on building the key skills of nonfiction writing: planning, language and structure methods, accurate punctuation, vocabulary and proofreading. There are practice questions, original non-fiction model responses, extension tasks, punctuation activities, and a whole bunch more! I have also included a second PowerPoint that can be printed as a resource booklet for students. This will save you time in printing and slicing (and will also save you a fortune on glue sticks!). Additionally, there are weekly homework tasks. And three printable sheets that can be used as KS3 nonfiction cover work if you are in a pinch. The premise is that students would gather information about a particular non- fiction topic by watching a documentary. They would then learn about the form of the text and plan their responses thoroughly. They would then learn a new skill and use this to complete some extended writing, before proofreading and editing their work. As a result, for some texts, they will be planning and writing over multiple lessons to really give them the chance to develop and hone their non-fiction writing skills. Please Note: The longer documentaries are available on Netflix; however, I have also provided alternatives on YouTube for teachers that do not have access to a Netflix account. Areas covered: Lesson 1: Baseline assessment on tackling climate change Lesson 2: Editing letters on education Lesson 3: Exciting introductions on filters Lesson 4: Writing leaflets on homelessness Lesson 5: Watching the world water crisis documentary Lesson 6: Planning, introductions and speech features Lesson 7: Writing a speech on the world water crisis Lesson 8: Headlines and newspaper features Lesson 9: Watching the fast food documentary Lesson 10: Discourse markers and planning articles Lesson 11: Writing an article on fast food Lesson 12: Midterm assessment on fast fashion Lesson 13: Watching the gender pay gap documentary Lesson 14: Structural features and letter planning Lesson 15: Writing a letter on the gender pay gap Lesson 16: Midterm assessment feedback Lesson 17: Watching the plastics documentary Lesson 18: Persuasive methods and planning texts Lesson 19: Writing the KS3 non-fiction writing end of unit assessment Lesson 20: Writing leaflets on our planet Extra: Three cover lessons Both the scheme and the resource booklet and provided in PPT and PDF formats. My GCSE Paper Two: Section B scheme of work can be found here: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/resource-11873033 Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
AQA English Language Paper One Bundle

AQA English Language Paper One Bundle

7 Resources
English Language Paper One Bundle This bundle contains everything that you need in order to teach GCSE English Language Paper One (AQA, 9-1 GCSE). All ready to teach resources and bundled together to save you over 50%! There are 28 one-hour lessons (over 400 slides) that all focus on building the skills and knowledge necessary for AQA’s English Language Paper One. There are ten practice papers (listed below), and for seven of the practice papers, there is a PowerPoint containing four lessons: Lesson 1 - Questions 1 & 2 Lesson 2 - Question 3 Lesson 3 - Question 4 Lesson 4 - Question 5 The other three practice papers are set as homework. Check out a free sample of the type of lessons on offer here. The practice papers are as follows: Dracula The Tower of the Elephant Great Expectations The Red Room Jane Eyre The Great Gatsby A Study in Scarlet The Heart of Darkness The Time Machine The Wonderful Wizard of Oz All lessons are easy to follow and ready to teach. The whole pack is designed to save you endless hours of planning time! Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
English Language Intervention

English Language Intervention

This comprehensive PowerPoint, when printed (or emailed) as a booklet, can be used as an English Language intervention and also makes an ideal revision aid. It is modelled on the AQA 9-1 GCSE English Language new specification and includes eight sessions covering both paper one and paper two helping pupils to feel more prepared for their exams. With over 140 slides, this booklet has a series of easy to follow activities, exam questions and model answers for each of the ten questions of the GCSE. Each session is designed for students to be able to work through independently, or in small groups. Personally, I have given it as revision to my students, where they work through the booklet in their own time and use what they have learned on the homework tasks - which I then mark and give feedback on and my pupils have enjoyed the challenges and gained confidence in their exam technique. It could be used for isolation and exclusion tasks, extra revision, class work, homework, for intervention groups, or for GCSE re-sit students. The tasks are aimed at enabling pupils to obtain a grade 5 or above. Skills from all six AQA Assessment Objectives of the English Language course are included, along with extracts from the mark scheme and starter tasks centered around improving the AO6 and grammar skills of the students. There are four GCSE practice papers included: Paper One - Dracula Paper One - The Red Room Paper Two - Bank Robberies Paper Two - Prisons Please check out my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
KS4 English Cover Pack

KS4 English Cover Pack

I was struggling to find a decent pack of cover lessons for English that was full of relevant and exam-focused material, as there is nothing worse than waking up ill and having to set cover work. So I decided to make one. Each of the activities in this pack are written for the 9-1 style GCSE and are aimed at the AQA exam board. There are 19 activities in total, covering the following topics Anthology Poetry - Power & Conflict Poetry Anthology Poetry - Love & Relationships Poetry Unseen Poetry (2 lessons) Shakespeare (2 lessons on Macbeth) English Language Paper 1: Question 5 (2 lessons) English language Paper 2: Question 5 (2 lessons) Modern Text (2 lessons on An Inspector Calls) 19th Century Novel (2 lessons on Jekyll & Hyde) English Language Paper 1: Questions 1-4 (2 lessons) Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar Quiz Subject Terminology Word search & Cross word Each activity is designed to fit on one sheet to make it easy to print. Minimal teacher input is needed in case a non-specialist cover teacher is supplied. All questions are based on the AQA style of questioning but can easily be adapted to suit other exam boards. The slides could also be printed off and used as homework or revision materials for Key Stage 4 students. You can find my KS3 cover pack here: https://goo.gl/93NziX Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
English Classroom Display Pack

English Classroom Display Pack

This is a selection of posters to hang up in an English or a Literacy classroom. This is perfect for someone moving in to a new classroom (or even someone wanting to spruce up their current room). There are: Subject terminology posters Discourse marker posters Punctuation posters An Inspector Calls Posters with Key Quotations Display Jekyll and Hyde Posters with Key Quotations Display Shakespeare Posters with Interesting Facts Display English Language Questions Display And a more! Please also take a look at my other resources. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.