Players must correctly identify the sound of each instrument played to mark their bingo cards.
The first player to complete a line (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) and call out “Bingo!” wins the game.
Game Variations
For added fun, try different winning patterns:
Four Corners
T, U, X Shapes
Blackout (Full Card)
The game includes:
30 bingo cards
Materials Needed
✔ Computer (connect your laptop to a smartboard)
✔ Bingo cards
✔ Checklist to track played instruments
✔ Method to reveal the correct musical instrument (e.g., drag and drop during online gameplay)
Distribute Bingo Cards – Give each player a bingo card.
Prepare the Musical Instruments Clips – Access the game playlist at:
Musical Instruments Bingo - [(https://www.pedagonet.com/Music/Sounds.htm]
Track Played Songs – Use the provided checklist to keep track of instrument clips during the game.
How to Play
Step 1:
Use the spinner to randomly select an instrument sound clip (e.g., Clip #1, 2, 3, or 4).
Step 2:
Play a musical instrument clip – Play a short snippet of a sound
Guess the Instrument – Players have a few moments to guess the instrument and mark the corresponding name if it appears on their bingo card.
Reveal the Correct Answer – Announce the correct instrument after all players have made their guesses.
Track the Played Instrument – Mark the instrument as played on the checklist.
Repeat the Process – Use the spinner, continue playing clips, marking bingo cards, and announcing answers.
Calling “Bingo!” – When a player completes a line, they must call out “Bingo!” The game pauses.
Verify the Winner – Check the player’s card against the played instruments to confirm accuracy.
Tips for Smooth Gameplay
✔ Practice Setup – Run a quick test to ensure smooth play.
✔ Randomize Your Clips – Keep things unpredictable by clicking the “More” button twice before choosing a clip.
✔ Use the Spinner – Let the spinner decide which clip to play.
✔ Go Digital – If available, use a digital tracking tool or app to monitor played instrument.
Change the rules to meet your needs. :)
Music center activity.
10 Music Bingo cards.
1 Music Bingo card with 12 instrument names.
1 Music Bingo card with answers.
Laminate all Music Bingo pages.
Cut out the 12 instrument names.
Place the 12 names in a container.
How To Play:
Ask participants to choose a Music Bingo card.
Each student, one at a time, chooses a name from the container.
The participant reads the instrument name then places it on the corresponding image on his/her Music Bingo card.
If no picture is found, put the name back into the container.
First child to identify 9 instruments is the winner and gets to be Mozart for the day!
Correction is done by the participants.