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Hindi Numbers

Hindi Numbers

An innovative teacher tool which facilitates learning Hindi numbers (0 to 39). Names and verification sheet are included. Google our website for instructions.
Roue de mots

Roue de mots

Aidez aux enfants à lire et reconnaitre votre Mur de mots. Découpez, plastifiez, jouez. Googlez notre site web pour d’autres détails.
Avoid The Witch

Avoid The Witch

A Halloween math multiplication activity for 3 or 4 persons. To win the game, you must be the first player to collect ten cards. Shuffle the cards and place them in a plastic container. Each player, one at a time, picks a card. When a person chooses one card, he/she reads the card and states the answer. If the answer is correct, the person keeps the card. If the answer is incorrect, the player returns the card into the plastic container. When a player chooses a Witch card, he/she must return all cards into the plastic container. The first one to collect ten cards is the winner and gets to fly a magic broom! Avoid the witch!
Music Bingo

Music Bingo

Music center activity. 10 Music Bingo cards. 1 Music Bingo card with 12 instrument names. 1 Music Bingo card with answers. Laminate all Music Bingo pages. Cut out the 12 instrument names. Place the 12 names in a container. How To Play: Ask participants to choose a Music Bingo card. Each student, one at a time, chooses a name from the container. The participant reads the instrument name then places it on the corresponding image on his/her Music Bingo card. If no picture is found, put the name back into the container. First child to identify 9 instruments is the winner and gets to be Mozart for the day! Correction is done by the participants.
Insects Bingo

Insects Bingo

Science center activity 10 Insects Bingo cards 1 card with 12 insect names 1 answer sheet Laminate all 12 cards. Cut out 12 insects names. Place the 12 names in a container. How to play: Each participant chooses an Insects Bingo card. One at a time, a participant randomly chooses an insect name from the container. The student reads the insect name and places it on the insect of his/her card. It the insect picture is not on the card, the name is returned into the container. First participant to identify 9 insects wins. Correction is done by the group. Winner gets to wear the entomologist's hat!
Bingo Rime

Bingo Rime

Développez la conscience phonologique en utilisant les rimes. Activité pour le centre de lecture. 12 cartes de Bingo Rime. 2 cartes totalisant chacune 12 images à découper. (Total = 24 images) 1 carte de correction de mots qui riment. Comment procéder: Plastifiez toutes les feuilles. Découpez les vingt-quatre petites images. Placez ces images dans un contenant. Comment jouer: Demandez aux participants de choisir une carte Bingo Rime. A son tour, chaque enfant choisit une image dans le contenant. Il/elle dit le mot et trouve ensuite l'image qui rime sur sa carte. Exemple: L'enfant choist l'image (bras) dans le contenant. Il/elle dit le mot et place ce mot sur l'image (chat) de sa carte Bingo Rime. S'il ou elle ne connait pas le mot ou si le mot qui rime n'est pas sur sa carte, l'enfant remet l'image dans le contenant. Le premier enfant à trouver ses 9 images qui riment gagne.
Monster Bingo

Monster Bingo

Monster Bingo helps students practice matching and visual discrimination. These monster bingo cards can be used for centers or small group work. Contents: 10 “Monster Bingo” cards 2 “Monster” cards with thirty friendly monsters. Instructions: Laminate all “Monster Bingo” pages. Cut out the thirty monsters. Place the 30 monsters into a container. How To Play Ask participants to choose a “Monster Bingo” card. Each student, one at a time, chooses a friendly monster from the container. The participant places the monster image on the corresponding image on his/her “Monster Bingo” card. If no picture is found, put the monster image back into the container. First child to match 9 monsters is the winner. PS: Play Friendly Monsters Memory game. Google our website.
Reading Comprehension Activities - "The Last Plow"

Reading Comprehension Activities - "The Last Plow"

Reading Center Game. Twenty cards of “The Last Plow.” Laminate and cut out the twenty cards. How to play: Have a die. Place the cards on the table. Listen to or read the story by googling our website. A student chooses a card and reads the question. The other student answers the question. If the answer is correct, the student rolls the die and records the point on their sheet. Each student, in turn, reads a card. The student who accumulates the most points wins! Extra Activities include: Comprehension, Reading strategy, Character and plot analysis, Pennant, Task cards, Graphic organizers, Close reading Answer key included.
Musical Instruments Bingo

Musical Instruments Bingo

Objective: Players must correctly identify the sound of each instrument played to mark their bingo cards. The first player to complete a line (horizontally, vertically, or diagonally) and call out “Bingo!” wins the game. Game Variations For added fun, try different winning patterns: Four Corners T, U, X Shapes Blackout (Full Card) Content: The game includes: 30 bingo cards Instructions Checklist Spinner Materials Needed ✔ Computer (connect your laptop to a smartboard) ✔ Bingo cards ✔ Checklist to track played instruments ✔ Method to reveal the correct musical instrument (e.g., drag and drop during online gameplay) Setup Distribute Bingo Cards – Give each player a bingo card. Prepare the Musical Instruments Clips – Access the game playlist at: Musical Instruments Bingo - [(https://www.pedagonet.com/Music/Sounds.htm] Track Played Songs – Use the provided checklist to keep track of instrument clips during the game. How to Play Step 1: Use the spinner to randomly select an instrument sound clip (e.g., Clip #1, 2, 3, or 4). Step 2: Play a musical instrument clip – Play a short snippet of a sound Guess the Instrument – Players have a few moments to guess the instrument and mark the corresponding name if it appears on their bingo card. Reveal the Correct Answer – Announce the correct instrument after all players have made their guesses. Track the Played Instrument – Mark the instrument as played on the checklist. Repeat the Process – Use the spinner, continue playing clips, marking bingo cards, and announcing answers. Calling “Bingo!” – When a player completes a line, they must call out “Bingo!” The game pauses. Verify the Winner – Check the player’s card against the played instruments to confirm accuracy. Tips for Smooth Gameplay ✔ Practice Setup – Run a quick test to ensure smooth play. ✔ Randomize Your Clips – Keep things unpredictable by clicking the “More” button twice before choosing a clip. ✔ Use the Spinner – Let the spinner decide which clip to play. ✔ Go Digital – If available, use a digital tracking tool or app to monitor played instrument. Change the rules to meet your needs. :)