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Average Rating3.65
(based on 27 reviews)

Offering a wide range of fun and interactive Drama teaching resources for KS1-5 pupils, which are all tried-and-tested in both private and state sector schools. Over 24 years experience in the UK and internationally as an Educator, Director, Writer and Actor. Feel free to get in touch for more details: phil.brooks@hotmail.co.uk




Offering a wide range of fun and interactive Drama teaching resources for KS1-5 pupils, which are all tried-and-tested in both private and state sector schools. Over 24 years experience in the UK and internationally as an Educator, Director, Writer and Actor. Feel free to get in touch for more details: phil.brooks@hotmail.co.uk
An introduction to Physical Theatre:  Drama scheme of work

An introduction to Physical Theatre: Drama scheme of work

Looking to refresh your Drama curriculum for next academic year? and/or Setting up a Drama department from scratch?? Here is a 5-week ‘Introduction to Physical Theatre’ scheme of work; exploring plot, characters and themes. The resource pack includes the following: Scheme of work Assessment criteria levels End of topic evaluation
Radio Acting: BTEC Drama resources

Radio Acting: BTEC Drama resources

This resource pack offers you a scheme of work and assignment briefs for the delivery of RADIO ACTING for BTEC Drama or Theatre Studies. Enjoy! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/PhilBrooks78
Drama Assessment Level Descriptors

Drama Assessment Level Descriptors

Setting up a department from scratch? Teaching Drama for the first time and looking for help?? If so these clear, concise and effective assessment levels for your Key Stage 3 Drama curriculum will provide you with the perfect framework needed to offer structure and direction for both you and your pupils. https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/PhilBrooks78
Euro 2024 assembly

Euro 2024 assembly

This assembly presentation provides you with an insight of the format, teams and players to watch out for in preparation for the UEFA European Championships men’s football tournament. A perfect 18-slide assembly resource as we look forward to Euro 2024 in Germany - Fußball ist das Beste!!
Blodin the Beast by Michael Morpurgo: Drama resource pack

Blodin the Beast by Michael Morpurgo: Drama resource pack

‘Blodin the Beast stalks the land, breathing fire and razing villages to ruins. Who or what can end this tyranny?’ This tried-and-tested 5-week Drama resource pack is designed to explore the children’s story BLODIN THE BEAST and is ideal for Year 5-7 pupils. Fantastic results and lots of fun, guaranteed! Scheme of work Unit Overview Level Descriptors Activity resources
Bargain Drama teaching schemes and resources

Bargain Drama teaching schemes and resources

9 Resources
Looking to refresh your Drama curriculum this year? Great value - check out this collection of 10 free or cheap resources (KS2-5) for only £3!! TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/PhilBrooks78
Drama Assessment criteria and target-setting  for KS2

Drama Assessment criteria and target-setting for KS2

Are you looking to create a clear, concise and effective assessment criteria for your KS2 Drama curriculum? If so, this resource pack will provide you with the perfect framework you need to offer structure and direction for both you and your pupils. Included in this resource pack is the following: Assessment framework for Years 3-6 (adaptable, depending on which year groups you teach and when pupils start Drama). Drama workbooks for Years 5 and 6. Differentiated for specific year groups and editable, depending on the year groups you teach. The assessment framework can also be used as a target-setting tool, where pupils termly or half-termly use their workbooks to review their progress and to offer another level of inter-activity, they can use a passport-sized photo to move around the framework display board (preferably on show in each classroom) as and when they achieve each set target. For more information and/or guidance, feel free to contact me on phil.brooks@hotmail.co.uk TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/PhilBrooks78
D Day: short script

D Day: short script

This 2-page script explores the events of D Day through the eyes of a young child and grandparent (feel free to change character gender as it suits): Boy Grandpa Narrator 3 Soldiers
Word of the Week: A to Z

Word of the Week: A to Z

This WORD OF THE WEEK resource pack provides you with 26 spellings, appropriate for KS3 and KS4. Each word comes with a definition, context sentence and image - all of which provide pupils with a clear and consistent approach to improving their language choices.
Primary School outreach workshop DRAMA scripts

Primary School outreach workshop DRAMA scripts

2 Drama scripts created from an outreach project to local feeder schools - feel free to use and edit them as you see fit. The Wrong Shoes The Banana Disaster Enjoy! TES Shop: https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/PhilBrooks78
An Inspector Calls: Historical, Social and Cultural context

An Inspector Calls: Historical, Social and Cultural context

Are you looking for a presentation that highlights the context of AN INSPECTOR CALLS, which allows your pupils to appreciate the influences that helped to mould the writing of JB Priestley? This presentation provides you with a framework for your introduction of this renowned text and offers opportunities for pupils to produce research of their own, using historical, social and cultural context.
KS4&5 DRAMA bundle: 6 extensive SOWs & resources

KS4&5 DRAMA bundle: 6 extensive SOWs & resources

6 Resources
Looking to refresh your curriculum for this academic year? Setting up a department from scratch? Teaching GCSE and/or A Level Drama for the first time and looking for help?? Check out these 6 tried-and-tested schemes of work and resources which are ideal for examination year groups This bundle is great value and offers 60% discount - enjoy! https://www.tes.com/teaching-resources/shop/PhilBrooks78
STORY BOOK THEATRE: Drama resource pack for young readers and actors

STORY BOOK THEATRE: Drama resource pack for young readers and actors

4 Resources
Review - This pack is excellent! Just the thing I was looking for - saved me so much time. Highly recommend. Check out this fun and creative bundle that offers young readers and actors the chance to explore and express! Included in this tried-and-tested bundle is… Matilda and George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo The Iron Man by Ted Hughes
Ancient Greeks: Extensive Drama resource pack

Ancient Greeks: Extensive Drama resource pack

This tried-and-tested Drama scheme of work is designed to introduce your pupils to the Ancient Greek civilization. The perfect support scheme to exploring this popular History topic in primary schools and is full of opportunities to bring the myths to life. All lessons come complete with detailed powerpoints and supporting resources, so no planning is needed and you are ready to go! Greek myth drama lessons x 2 Greek myth scripts x 4 Greek myth monologues x 8 Ancient Greek Olympics quiz
KS3 Drama scripts for kids

KS3 Drama scripts for kids

9 Resources
Looking for some Key Stage 3 script inspiration? This fun bundle offers a wide selection of 9 scripts for all occasions - lesson activities and/or production performances. Enjoy! If possible, please purchase the School Licence - this will allow you to share with colleagues and print unlimited copies for performers. Thank you.
KS2&3 DRAMA bundle: 3 extensive SOWs & resources

KS2&3 DRAMA bundle: 3 extensive SOWs & resources

3 Resources
Looking to refresh your curriculum for this academic year? Setting up a department from scratch? Teaching Drama for the first time and looking for help?? Check out this fantastic selection of 3 fun tried-and-tested Drama schemes of work which are perfect for KS2&3. Schemes of work Powerpoints Level descriptors Unit overviews
YEAR 8 schemes for DRAMA teachers: Complete academic year curriculum planning

YEAR 8 schemes for DRAMA teachers: Complete academic year curriculum planning

6 Resources
Looking to refresh your Year 8 planning for this academic year and beyond? Setting up your own department curriculum from scratch? Teaching Year 8 Drama for the first time and looking for some help?? If the answer is YES to any or all of the above, check out these 6 tried-and-tested schemes and supporting resources which will provide you with excellent material for the whole academic year. All lessons come complete with detailed powerpoints and supporting resources, so no planning is needed and you are ready to go! Advert Theatre Commedia D’ell Arte Characterisation and Improvisation Greek Theatre Silent Movies Twelfth Night
Ancient Greece: Extensive MEGA bundle

Ancient Greece: Extensive MEGA bundle

4 Resources
This dramatic and extensive bundle includes the following: A 6-week Greek Theatre scheme of work, exploring chorus, masks and myths. This scheme comes complete with detailed powerpoints and supporting resources, so no planning is needed and you are ready to go 4 short 2-page scripts, ideally for children aged 10-14 years old; Perseus and Medusa, Theseus and the Minotaur, Daedalus and Icarus, The Labours of Hercules 8 short monologues that explore famous mythology characters; Zeus, Achilles, Theseus, Perseus, Aphrodite, Hermes, Persephone and King Midas Ancient Greek Olympics Quiz; 15 questions to test your knowledge
Dramatic Masks: Extensive resource bundle

Dramatic Masks: Extensive resource bundle

3 Resources
Do you have some masks in your Drama department that you feel are currently collecting dust and not getting the use that they could?? Here is a MASK bundle to provide inspiration, ideal for Year 5-9 classes, which offers the chance to explore a wide variety of techniques and opportunities. Having Fun With Masks (Years 5-7) Greek Theatre (Years 6-8) Commedia D’ell Arte (Years 7-9) This extensive tried-and-tested bundle includes: Lesson Powerpoints Schemes of work Lesson plans Assessment criteria levels Cover lesson activities Unit Overviews Assessment Guides