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Planet Geography

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Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography




Hello, I'm Natasha and I provide high-quality geography resources for KS3 and KS4. https://linktr.ee/planetgeography
Resource Management - Global Distribution of Water - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Resource Management - Global Distribution of Water - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

A fully resourced and up to date lesson on where water is distributed globally. This covers areas of deficit and surplus. In this lesson discusses the importance of water security on development, global water consumption and the human/ physical factors that affect water availability. Task 1: Starter - Knowledge retention of previous learning Task 2: Quick quiz on why water is important. Task 3: Describe the distribution of water globally (4 marks) Task 4: Describe the change in water demand from 1900 to 2025 (3 marks) Task 5: Watch the video and answer the questions about conflict and water security. Task 6: Use the information below to complete the table on impacts of water insecurity. Task 7: Main Task -Exam question practice “Explain how both physical and human factors can influence the availability of water. (6 marks)” OR “Explain how human actions can contribute to water insecurity. (6 marks)” Task 8: Plenary - What questions would you ask to find out more about how this building increases water supply/ **Download contains PowerPoint and worksheet for the lesson. **
Resource Management - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

Resource Management - (KS4 - Key Stage 4) (GCSE)

7 Resources
An AQA specification topic for KS4 in Geography about Resource Management, with a specification on water. Throughout the series of lessons students will be able to accurately describe what resources are, why it is important to management them sustainability. First students start of with an overview of energy in the UK, then the provision of food in the UK along with how to reduce food miles and an introduction to agribusiness. Finally students will focus on the resource of water at the UK scale with Kielder Dam, in Northumberland as a water transfer scheme. Then focus on the larger scale of global distribution of water. With the focus on the south-north water transfer scheme in China. Then how to sustainability increase water supply with the Mali Water Aid case study. Lesson 1:Introduction to Resource Management. Lesson 2: Provision of Energy in the UK Lesson 3: Provision of Food in the UK Lesson 4: Reducing Food Miles and Agribusiness Lesson 5: Water Management in the UK Lesson 6: Global Distribution of Water Lesson 7: Water supply, insecurity and sustainability. Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, and case study analysis. This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Rivers of the UK - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Rivers of the UK - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe the journey of a river from source to mouth. This is an introduction to rivers and should be used at the start of Year 7 to consolidate any information they have about them and then teaching from this point. Students will learn to use terms such as highland, lowland, low,middle and upper course as well as river bank and river bed. Finally students will consolidate their knowledge to describe the location of River Severn’s location. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous lessons Task 1: Recap on the different countries that make up the UK Task 2: Describe the distribution of highland and lowlands in the UK Task 3: Annotate the diagram of the river with key words Task 4: Main Task: Describe the location of River Severn using the key terms learnt today. Task 5: Plenary: Home Learning reminder along with SPAG cleanup. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Location of Europe - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Location of Europe - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe where the continent of Europe if located using hemisphere, lines of latitude and longitude. Then using an atlas students will located each country in Europe and its seas on the handout Starter: Knowledge retention about previous learning Task 1: Describe the location of Europe globally Task 2: Describe the location of Europe using latitude and longitude Task 3: Main Task: Identify the countries of Europe on the sheet as well as the seas, and Alps, and climate areas if possible. Task 4: Plenary: Recap of information. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Introduction to the EU - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Introduction to the EU - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe what the European Union is, when it formed and its purpose. INtroduction to the concepts of Freedom of Movement and Single Market. They will also be able to explain why it formed and its main countries that made up the EU. Starter: Knowledge retention from previous learning Task 1: Assessment for learning - Students to write down everything they know about the EU. Task 2: Explain the history of the EU and its formation through time. Task 3: Difference between the EU and Europe (geography misconception) Task 4: Main Task: Create a newspaper article for Newsround about what the EU is and what it does. Task 5: Plenary: Fill in the spider diagram from the start of the lesson with new learning about the EU. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Physical Features of Africa - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Physical Features of Africa - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to locate Africa using the previous lessons learning and the map on screen, then students will investigate the misconceptions that they may hold about Africa. Next students learn what relief is and describe the areas of relief in Africa and then the river and climate of Africa, then the culture and religion of people in Africa. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1: Describe the location of Africa Task 2: Describe the relief of areas in Africa using compass directions Task 3: Explain the rivers in Africa and their direction of flow. Task 4: Explain the vegetation zones in Africa Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Water in the Amazon - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Water in the Amazon - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to describe the route the Amazon river takes using longitude, latitude and countries, then students will be asked to identify confluences, tributaries and other physical features associated with rivers. Next students will be asked to knowledge dump everything they can remember about the water cycle in their books and then match up the labels with the correct definition. Finally students will learn about convectional rainfall and asked to describe the water cycle in the amazon through everything they have learned. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1: Describe the path of the Amazon river from source to mouth. Task 2: Knowledge dump everything you know about the water cycle. Task 3: match the correct word to the definition. Task 4: Main Task: Describe the water cycle that occurs in the Amazon, then explain how this causes convectional rainfall in the Amazon rainforest. Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
The Amazon River - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

The Amazon River - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to recap the key terms of rivers and the types of erosion that occurs and the coast. Then students learn about Angel Falls in Venezuela as a case study for waterfalls. Students then lean how waterfalls formed and are tasked with describing them on their whiteboards and are then tasked with describing how a meanders and oxbow lakes occur. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1:Recap the location of the Amazon River, and the key terms associated with them Task 2: Describe how waterfalls form. Task 3: Key terms with meanders and oxbow lakes Task 4: Main Task: Create a comic strip about how a meander and oxbow lake forms using key geographical terms. Task 5: Plenary: Recap of home learning expectation. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet.
Salisbury Poisoning - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Salisbury Poisoning - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will understand the timeline the led to the Sailsbury incident, they will be able to explain why this incident happened. Videos are linked in the download. Students to complete a sheet to show understanding of the topic. Lesson 8 of 9
River Volga's Levees - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

River Volga's Levees - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will be able to recap the key learning from previous lessons on rivers and their features, they will also be able to describe 4-6 figure grid references on their whiteboards as a starter. Then students will be given guided reading home learning (included) to cement their knowledge. Students then will recap previous terms of rivers, and the courses of the river. Then students will go through the step-by step process of how levees are formed, with a strong investigation into deposition and how it works. Pupils will then be tested on the key knowledge of levee formation before being asked to annotate the sketch of a levee formation to show how it forms. Starter: Knowledge Retention of previous learning Task 1:Recap the key geographical terms for rivers Task 2: Describe what deposition is and how it occurs Task 3: Recap the core content of the lesson on whiteboards to show how well they understand Task 4: Using the image on the screen, stick image in and annotate how the levee forms. Task 5: Main Task: Annotate the sketch of a levee formation to show how it forms. Lesson contains one powerpoint and one worksheet and home learning guided reading.
Russia - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

Russia - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

11 Resources
An introductory topic for KS3 & 4 in geography about Russia and its features. This bundle contains 11 lessons that are fully resourced. Throughout the series of lessons students will be able to accurately locate Russia and it’s surrounding countries, the distribution of its population due to human and physical factors and how plant and animal life has adapted to its climactic conditions. Along with a case study investigation into Chernobyl and how it affected Russia. Lesson 1: Where is Russia Lesson 2: Population Distribution in Russia Lesson 3: Biomes of Russia Lesson 4: Plants and Animals in Russia Lesson 5: Taiga Forest Threats Lesson 6: Chernobyl, What Happened? Lesson 7: Russia’s Importance in Europe Lesson 8: What is happening with the Russia Ukraine conflict 2022 Lesson 9: River Volga’s Waterfalls Lesson 10: River Volga’s Meanders Lesson 11: River Volga’s Levees Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, creation of climate graphs and case study analysis. This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Geopolitics of the Middle East - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Geopolitics of the Middle East - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will firstly recap what they have learnt in previous lessons on the topic and then begin to learn about what politics is. They will then investigate the 4 main types of politics such as democracy, monarchy, authoritarian and theocratic. Students will then describe the distribution of democracies globally and then learn about the Arab Springs and the effects and changes it brought to the middle east. Finally students will use the graph to describe if the arab springs changed anything for the people in the middle east. Task 1: Knowledge Retention Task 2: Describe distribution of democracy globally Task 3: Identify causes of the Arab Spring Task 4: Use the graphs to explain if the overall living standard has changed in the Middle East. This download contains a fully up to date powerpoint and worksheet.
Plant and animal adaptation to cold environments - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Plant and animal adaptation to cold environments - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will firstly start by taking a low stakes quiz about the information they have learnt during the last 2 lessons to ensure they have cemented their knowledge. Then they will write down on their whiteboards all the characteristics they can remember of cold environment. Students then are told about polar bear adaptations and are told to link them to the climate of the area and explain how they link. Students show their learning by describing how animals have adapted to survive in the cold environments (4 marks) Then students are told about cold environment plants and are told to show their adaptations and link it to climate. This is tested again by a four mark question “Describe how plants have adapted to survive in the cold environments (4 marks)” Finally to test what students have learnt they they answer the 4 mark question “Describe and explain the features of animal adaptations shown in Figure 8. (4 marks)” Task 1: Formative assessment of previous learning Task 2: Recap on knowledge of cold environments Task 3: Link polar bear adaptations to climate and answer exam q Task 4: Link plant adaptations to climate and answer exam q Task 5: Exam question Describe and explain the features of animal adaptations shown in Figure 8. (4 marks) This powerpoint contains an up to date powerpoint, worksheet and formative assessment sheet.
Human Features of the Middle East - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Human Features of the Middle East - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

5 Resources
For KS3 geography, this bundle is great for Year 8 to follow on with the first topic “Physical Features of the Middle East”, and is designed to flow with that. This bundle allows students to investigate the human side of the Middle East with specific looks at development of the Middle East, from ancient civilisations, to the silk road and the Islamic Golden Age, all the way to modern day developments due to resources and geo-politics and modern day conflicts such as the War on Terror. Finally students will investigate the positives and negatives of tourism in the Middle East. Lesson 1: Development in the Middle East Lesson 2: Resources in the Middle East Lesson 3: Geo-politics of the Middle East Lesson 4: Conflict in the Middle East Lesson 5:Tourism in the Middle East Students will gain a variety of skills such as data collection and manipulation along with creation of graphs and reading OS maps. This bundle contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets, learning journeys and knowledge organisers.
Middle East Desert Climate - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Middle East Desert Climate - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will begin by recapping what they have previously learnt in the other lessons on physical features of the Middle East. Then they will recap what they know about climate and biomes. Then will be asked to describe the location of deserts globally using latitude and longitude. Then they will identify the features of the hot desert and will be asked to describe the climate of Egypt by identifying features of a climate graph. Higher ability students will be asked to complete their own climate graph in lesson. All students will be able to compare two climate graphs of differing areas. Task 1: Knowledge Retention Task 2: Identify location of hot deserts Task 3: Identify the features of hot deserts Task 4: Describe the climate of Egypt using a climate graph Task 5: Creation of own climate graph Task 6: Compare climate graphs of Egypt and Brazil. This lesson has a completed powerpoint and worksheet
San Francisco Quake - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

San Francisco Quake - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will start with 5 quick questions from their previous lessons on North America. Then they will describe the location of San Francisco in the United States of America, they will then recap conservative plate boundaries and how they cause earthquakes. Students will then be tested quickly on their ability to describe the formation of an earthquake. Students then learn how we measure earthquakes with the Richter Scale and the Mercalli Scale. Finally students will read through the information sheet about the quake and will identify the effects of the quake into social, economic and environmental effects. Then finish of their information by writing a newspaper article to summarise their learning. Task 1: Knowledge Retention Task 2: Identify location of San Francisco Task 3: Recap how earthquakes form Task 4: Identify the effects of the quake Task 4: Write a newspaper article about the quake. This lesson contains a full powerpoint, worksheet and newspaper template
Responses to Hurricane Katrina

Responses to Hurricane Katrina

Students will begin by recapping with a formative assessment on what they have previously learnt in the other lessons on physical features of North America Students will then be asked how they would respond to the impacts of hurricane Katrina, and then will be asked to evaluate the responses of the government. They will do this through using the Disaster Management Cycle and will identify if these were long term of short term. Finally students will finish with writing a speech explaining how they plan to respond and recover from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. Task 1: Knowledge Retention and formative assessment Task 2: Identify how they would respond to impacts Task 3: Categorise responses to short term, long term and effective/ ineffective Task 4: Write a speech explaining how you plan to respond, recover, from the effects of Hurricane Katrina and prepare for future hurricanes. This lesson has a completed powerpoint and worksheet
Human Features of South America - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Human Features of South America - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

7 Resources
An introductory topic for KS3 Year 8 about the human features of South America, specifically focusing on Brazil. This series of lessons will focus on the importance of Brazil, People in Brazil, Development, Inequalities, Drug Trafficking and Reducing Inequalities in Slums. This bundle contains 7 lessons that are fully resourced. Lesson 1: Importance of Brazil Lesson 2: Grid Referencing Brazil Lesson 3: People in Brazil Lesson 4: Development in Brazil Lesson 5: Inequality in Brazil Lesson 6: Drug Trade in South America Lesson 7: Fixing Inequality in Brazil Students will gain a variety of skills such as data manipulation, graph reading, Choropleth map interpretation This bundles contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Brazil - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

Brazil - A Case Study (Full SOW) (KS3 - Key Stage 3)

8 Resources
An introductory topic for KS3 & 4 in geography about Brazil and its features. This bundle contains 8 lessons that are fully resourced. Throughout the series of lessons, students will be able to accurately locate Brazil and its surrounding countries, the distribution of its population due to human and physical factors and how urbanisation has impacted Rio with favelas and squatter settlements. Finally, students will investigate the Amazon Rainforest Lesson 1: Location, Climate and Importance of Brazil Lesson 2: Inequalities in Brazil Lesson 3: Impacts of Urbanisation in Brazil Lesson 4: Life in a favela Lesson 5: Positives of urbanisation in Brazil Lesson 6: Importance of the Amazon Rainforest Lesson 7: Exploitation of the Amazon Rainforest Lesson 8: Protecting the Amazon Rainforest Students will improve skills such as graph reading, data interpretation, creation of climate graphs and case study analysis. This bundle contains fully resourced lessons along with worksheets.
Inequality in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Inequality in Brazil - KS3 (Key Stage 3)

Students will identify the inequalities in Brazil, through identifying the urban and rural areas in Brazil and why people migrate to urban areas. This will lead on to urbanisation and its causes. Task 1: Starter - Recap on previous learning Task 2: Identify the positives and negatives of both rural and urban areas. Task 3: Causes of urbanisation through push and pull factors Task 4: Main Task - Describe how inequality has developed in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Task 5: Plenary: Class question- What are some of the social, economic and environmental issues with rapidly urbanising areas Lesson 2 out of 8