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Do you know your Times Tables?
This resource is a great way for your class to revise all of their times tables. Why not laminate them so they can be easily wiped clean and used again?
This resource has been inspired by others.

Stone Age Extra Activities
I have created this sheet with lots of activities to support the Stone Age topic. I have split the activities into arts and crafts, making and modelling, computing and writing. They can be used as lessons, extension tasks or homework.

Mental Health & Well-Being Activity Sheet
I have created a sheet with lots of different well-being activities about expressing our feelings. All of the activities involve either getting up and moving around, going outside or being creative.

Place Value Grid
I created this Place Value grid for my Year 3 class as it covers hundreds, tens and ones. I have added a Base 10 representation so children can visualise each value. I usually laminate these so children can write on them using whiteboard pens which are easily wiped off or use counters to represent the numbers.

Brain Breaks - Meditation
Mental health and well-being of children is a priority in primary schools! These brain breaks are little mediation activities which last 2 or 3 minutes and allows children to calm down and refocus. I usually use these a couple of times a day - after break, after lunch and during the afternoon.

End of the Day Questions and Extension Task Labels
I created both End of the Day Questions and Extension Task Labels by cutting out the questions and sticking them on lolly sticks. They were then put in a pot and the children would pull out a lolly stick without looking.
End of the Day Questions are a way of encouraging children to reflect on their day - what they loved and what they could improve the following day.
Extension Task lollysticks allows children to choose a task at random so the can complete a variety of tasks rather then always choosing their favourites.

Part-Whole Model (Playing Cards version)
Morning Activity or Early Finisher task for Year 3/4.
You will need playing cards for this activity. Pick three cards to create a number. Add to the Part-Whole model and partition into hundreds, tens and ones.
This resource has been inspired by others.

Morning Activity or Early Finisher tasks for Year 3/4.
Use the letters in the grid to create as many words as you can. The letters must be connected either next to each other or up/down. For an extra challenge, try to make the longest word you can.
This resource has been inspired by others.