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Primary Stars Education

Average Rating4.92
(based on 875 reviews)

Our resources are professionally designed allowing all learners to access an enriched, engaging mastery approach to the curriculum.




Our resources are professionally designed allowing all learners to access an enriched, engaging mastery approach to the curriculum.
YEAR 1 - Fractions - White Rose - WEEK 5 - Block 2 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

YEAR 1 - Fractions - White Rose - WEEK 5 - Block 2 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

Year 1 - Fractions - Summer - Week 5 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 4 or get the Block 2 BUNDLE (save 20%!) It covers the small steps: • Find a quarter (1) • Find a quarter (2) You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Practical - Make quarters • Worksheets - Recognise a quarter • Practical - Quarter of a quantity • Worksheets - Find a quarter • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Investigation – Find a quarter • Activity – Colour a quarter • Activity – Fraction problems • Game – Find a quarter • Template – Grids • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Fractions - White Rose - WEEK 4 - Block 2 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

YEAR 1 - Fractions - White Rose - WEEK 4 - Block 2 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

Year 1 - Fractions - Summer - Week 4 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 5 or get the Block 2 BUNDLE (save 20%!) It covers the small steps: • Find a half (1) • Find a half (2) You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Practical - Make halves • Worksheets - Recognise a half • Practical - Half of a quantity • Worksheets - Find a half • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Investigation – Find a half • Activity – Domino halving • Activity – Halving shapes • Activity – Colour half • Game – Find a half • Template – Grids • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Position and direction Geometry - White Rose - WEEK 6 - Block 3 - Summer- Differentiated

YEAR 1 - Position and direction Geometry - White Rose - WEEK 6 - Block 3 - Summer- Differentiated

Year 1 - Geometry : Position & direction - Summer - Week 6 - Differentiated planning & resources. It covers the small steps: • Describe turns • Describe position (1) • Describe position (2) You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Worksheets - Describe turns • Worksheets - Describe position (1) • Practical -What can you see? • Practical - Cube structures • Practical - Create routes • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity – Describe turns • Activity – Describe routes • Activity – Doughnut positions • Activity – Position grids • Starter – Position • Template – Grids • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 2 - Mass , capacity , temperature - White Rose - WEEK 8 - Block 4 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

YEAR 2 - Mass , capacity , temperature - White Rose - WEEK 8 - Block 4 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

Year 2 - Measurement :Weight, capacity, temperature - Summer - Week 8 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 9, WEEK 10 It covers the small steps: • Compare mass • Measure mass (g) You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Worksheets - Compare mass • Worksheets - Measure mass (g) • Practical - Compare mass • Practical - Measure mass (g) • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity – Estimate mass • Activity – Recording mass • Activity – Comparisons • Activity – Balancing calculations • Challenge cards – Compare mass • Game – Number frames • Template – Balance scales • Display – Number frames • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Place value within 100 - WEEK 8 - Block 4 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

YEAR 1 - Place value within 100 - WEEK 8 - Block 4 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

Year 1 - Place value within 100 - Summer - Week 8 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 7 It covers the small steps: • Comparing numbers (2) • Ordering numbers • One more, one less You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Worksheets - Comparing numbers (2) • Worksheets - Ordering numbers • Worksheets - One more, one less • Practical - Comparing numbers (2) • Practical - Ordering numbers • Practical - One more, one less • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity – Compare numbers • Activity – Create your own comparisons • Game – One more, one less • Challenge cards – Compare numbers • Investigation – Compare numbers • Template – Place value counters • Template – Hundred square • Template – Ten frames • Template – Number tracks • Template – 0 - 9 digit cards • Display – Number frames • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 2 - Time : Measurement- White Rose - WEEK 6 - Block 3 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

YEAR 2 - Time : Measurement- White Rose - WEEK 6 - Block 3 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

Year 2 - Measurement : Time - Summer - Week 6 - Differentiated planning & resources. It covers the small steps: • O’clock and half past • Quarter past and quarter to • Telling the time to 5 minutes You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Worksheets - O’clock and half past • Worksheets - Quarter past and quarter to • Worksheets - Writing the time to 5 minutes • Worksheets - Drawing the time to 5 minutes • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity – Create a clock • Activity – Create your own times • Game – Time loop cards • Game – Time bingo • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Time- WEEK 10 - Block 6 - Summer - White Rose Differentiated Pack

YEAR 1 - Time- WEEK 10 - Block 6 - Summer - White Rose Differentiated Pack

Year 1 - Time - Summer - Week 10 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 11 It covers the small steps: • Before and after • Dates • Time to the hour You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Worksheets - Before and after • Practical - Sorting events • Worksheets - Dates • Practical - Dates • Worksheets - Time to the hour • Practical - Make a clock • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity – Before and after • Activity – First, next, then, now • Activity – Months • Activity – Calendar events • Activity – Create your own times • Reflection - Clocks • Game – Roll the time • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 2 - Mass , capacity , temperature - White Rose - WEEK 9 - Block 4 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

YEAR 2 - Mass , capacity , temperature - White Rose - WEEK 9 - Block 4 - Summer- Differentiated Pack

Year 2 - Measurement :Weight, capacity, temperature - Summer - Week 9 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 8, WEEK 10 It covers the small steps: • Measure mass (g) • Measure mass (kg) You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Worksheets - Measure mass (kg) • Worksheets - Temperature • Practical - Measure mass - grams or kilograms • Practical - Sorting cards - grams or kilograms • Practical - Compare temperature • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity – Comparing objects • Activity – Draw the mass • Activity – Grams or kilograms? • Activity – Sorting cards - Hot or cold? • Game – Temperature • Game – Number frames • Template – Mass - kg • Template – Temperature • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Time- WEEK 11 - Block 6 - Summer - White Rose Differentiated Pack

YEAR 1 - Time- WEEK 11 - Block 6 - Summer - White Rose Differentiated Pack

Year 1 - Time - Summer - Week 11 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 10 It covers the small steps: • Time to the half hour • Writing time • Comparing time You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Worksheets - Time to the half hour • Worksheets - Writing time • Investigation - Estimate and measure time • Worksheets - Comparing time • Practical - Comparing time • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity – Stick the time • Activity – Mind map activities • Activity – Cut & Glue (Sorting Activities) • Activity – Create your own times • Activity – Create your own clock • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 1 - Place value - White Rose - WEEK 4 - Block 1 - Autumn - Differentiated Planning & Resources

YEAR 1 - Place value - White Rose - WEEK 4 - Block 1 - Autumn - Differentiated Planning & Resources

Year 1 - Place Value - Autumn Block 1 - Week 4 - Differentiated planning & resources. See Week 1, Week 2, Week 3 It covers the small steps: • Order objects • Order numbers • Ordinal numbers • The number line You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Practical - Order objects • Worksheets - Order objects • Practical - Order numbers • Worksheets - Order numbers • Practical - Ordinal cubes • Worksheets - Number line • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Activity - Order numbers • Activity - Ordinal numbers • Activity - Number line • Game - Dice ordering • Starter - Number line • Template - Number tracks • Template - Ten frames • Template - 0 - 9 digit cards • Template - 0 - 10 number lines • Template - 1 - 20 number and word cards • Display - Number frames • Display - Comparison poster • Display - Comparison signs • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping editable document PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
Multiplication Wheels 12 x 12 FREEBIE  (with answer sheets)

Multiplication Wheels 12 x 12 FREEBIE (with answer sheets)

In this FREEBIE, you will receive a total of 4 pages containing: 2 x Multiplication wheels worksheets (up to 12x12) 2 x Multiplication wheels answers sheets PDF format (please set print option to fit). Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer. Thanks, The Digital Stationer
YEAR 2 - Multiplication- White Rose - WEEK 1 - Block 1 - Spring  - FREE PRESENTATION

YEAR 2 - Multiplication- White Rose - WEEK 1 - Block 1 - Spring - FREE PRESENTATION

This is a FREE full week’s presenation for Year 2: Multiplication: Spring - Block 1 - Week 2. Click HERE for the full pack. The full pack contains the week’s lesson planning, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, practical activities with photographs, templates and displays saving yourself hours of work! It covers the small steps: • Make equal groups - sharing • Make equal groups - grouping • Divide by 2 PowerPoint format The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
YEAR 2 - Statistics- White Rose - WEEK 3 - Block 2- Spring- Differentiated Planning & Resources

YEAR 2 - Statistics- White Rose - WEEK 3 - Block 2- Spring- Differentiated Planning & Resources

Year 2 - Statistics - Spring - Week 3 - Differentiated planning & resources. See WEEK 4, or get the Block 2 BUNDLE (save 20%!) It covers the small steps: • Make tally charts • Draw pictograms (1-1) • Interpret pictograms (1-1) You will receive everything you need - lesson plans, presentation for the whole week, differentiated worksheets & answers, differentiated activities and extensions, templates and displays for your own resource creation. In this pack you will get: • Practical - Make tally charts • Worksheets -Make tally charts • Practical - Pictograms • Worksheets -Draw pictograms (1-1) • Worksheets - Interpret pictograms (1-1) • Weekly lesson plan (editable & hyperlinked to resources) • Weekly PowerPoint (labelled slides -fluency, reasoning and problem solving) • Investigation - tally charts • Investigation - Pictograms • Extension - Tally charts • Extension - Pictograms • Activity - Fruit pictograms • Activity - Tally charts and pictograms • Game - Roll that dice • Yearly overview - Small steps, NC links, TAF statements cross-mapping editable document PDF format (please set print option to fit). PDF format (please set print option to fit). To ensure the hyperlinks fully work, you must download the Zip file provided and extract the folder to your computer. You must also ensure you have the latest update for your PDF reader. The resources support a mastery approach to encourage a deeper understanding of the topics taught. It follows a CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach to ensure all children can access learning. The pack provides pictorial and abstract representations, along with fluency, reasoning, problem solving and open-ended investigation questions. This can be seen in our product previews. If you have any questions, please email primarystarseducation@gmail.com. Click here to join our exclusive Facebook group. Thank you, Primary Stars Education
Capacity and Volume (UK version) – 30+ printables

Capacity and Volume (UK version) – 30+ printables

PLEASE NOTE – This is the UK version. If you require the US version, please visit our shop. Included in this pack: Capacity/Volume Conversion Chart Estimating capacity x 2 Comparing capacity More or less Reading capacity (Cylinders) x 2 Recording capacity (Cylinders) x 2 Create your own capacity (Cylinders) Challenge a friend (Cylinders) Reading capacity (Jug) x 2 Recording capacity (Jug) x 4 Create your own capacity (Jug) Challenge a friend (Jug) Volume/Capacity Conversion Chart Counting the cubes x 5 Volumes of rectangular prisms x 3 Volumes of rectangular prisms (two prisms combined) Find the volume table Find the height, width or depth table PDF format (please set print option to fit) Your feedback is really important to us. We provide quality products at affordable prices and really would appreciate your feedback. With that in mind, please be kind enough to spare a minute or two to leave feedback on this product as it will help us improve our service to you the customer. Thanks, The Digital Stationer