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PrimaryTResources's Shop

Resources for Primary Teachers from Primary Teachers. Driven by teachers currently working in the primary school setting, Primary T Resources is dedicated to providing fantastic resources for teachers across the world. Many of our resources come from current teachers using them day in and day out - so we know they work! Please leave feedback on any resource you download or purchase - we would love to hear your feedback.

Resources for Primary Teachers from Primary Teachers. Driven by teachers currently working in the primary school setting, Primary T Resources is dedicated to providing fantastic resources for teachers across the world. Many of our resources come from current teachers using them day in and day out - so we know they work! Please leave feedback on any resource you download or purchase - we would love to hear your feedback.
Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings

Year 3 and 4 Statutory Spellings

This comprehensive spelling resource supports children in LKS2 with spelling. Over 11 weeks this resource will support with home learning and spellings. All 108 LKS2 statutory spellings are presented in a child focused way. As homework or guided by a teacher, children will have the opportunity to focus on how a word is spelled using a word search, drawing and practise of the words. This resources allows teachers to give rewards for children after testing and is a great way to promote spellings in Years 3 and 4. Sticking to the same layout each week allows children to focus solely on the task of learning spellings in a fun and exciting way. Reduce the stress of having to send spellings home with the full 108 statutory word list for LKS2 laid out in an exciting format.
Noun Phrase Activity Sheet - Year 4

Noun Phrase Activity Sheet - Year 4

This engaging task sheet gives children prompts to develop their use of noun phrases. Children are encouraged to build their sentences from word level up to full sentences. Challenge children with this task sheet to create two descriptive sentences about the image - download as a word document and change the image to challenge children further. This resource is a great intervention activity to help less imaginative children build sentences about a character.
Maths Objectives - Year 1-6 - National Curriculum

Maths Objectives - Year 1-6 - National Curriculum

This resource is a fantastic way to track children’s progress through Maths across the year. Based on the National Curriculum objectives, this resources allows teachers to track children’s attainment on a half termly basis. A simple tick sheet allows the teacher to track NC objectives throughout the year making it a simple and effective way to target areas for improvement. Ranging from Years 1 - 6, it is a quick and effective way to bring objective tracking into your classroom!
Single Sheet Marking

Single Sheet Marking

Reduce teacher workload with ‘Single Sheet Marking’. This resource allows you to pick up on misconceptions, make note of who has achieved the Learning Objective and think about what your next steps will be. Use live marking to help with understanding where your class is achieving and what their misconceptions might be. By using the single sheet marking process, you can reduce workload, improve feedback and provide specific intervention. The layout of this resource allows teachers and teaching assistants to see where their support is most needed. All you need to do is fill in our children’s names!
History Progression Maps

History Progression Maps

These History progression maps are a fantastic way to ensure that history skills are monitored across the school. Ranging from EYFS to Year 6, these maps allow teachers to see prior historical skills, how they need to develop and waht they age related expectations are. History is fast becoming a subject of observation for Ofsted Deep Dives, this resource allows the sucject leader to map out skills progression across the school. A great resource to have in your toolkit as a subject leader.