Engaging lessons, revision materials and activities for students of all ages.
I studied for a Degree and D.Phil in chemistry at St John's College, Oxford and enjoy a teaching career inspiring and enthusing the next generation.
Engaging lessons, revision materials and activities for students of all ages.
I studied for a Degree and D.Phil in chemistry at St John's College, Oxford and enjoy a teaching career inspiring and enthusing the next generation.
Mat 1
Synthesis via free radical substitution
Nucleophilic substitution
Reaction with hydroxide
Reaction with cyanide
Damage to the ozone layer
Mat 2
Nucleophilic substitution reaction with ammonia to form an amine
Practice mechanism questions
Mat 3
Elimination reactions with hydroxide
Isomerism in elimination of asymmetric
Mat 4
Practice questions
Mat 1
Electrophilic addition mechanism
HBr, bromine, and bromine water
Mat 2
Intermediates and practice questions
Mat 3
The reaction with concentrated sulfuric acid mechanism
Regents and conditions and practice questions
Mat 4
Addition polymerisation and practice questions
Mat 5
Steam hydration of ethene
Catalysed steam hydration
Dehydration of ethanol
Comparison between hydration and fermentation
Mat 1
Steam hydration of ethene
Glucose and empirical formula
Fermentation conditions and comparison with hydration
Mat 2
Reagents and conditions for the different methods of alcohol production
Mat 3
Oxidation of alcohols
Practical application of oxidation of alcohols and equipment
Mat 4
Mechanism for elimination/dehydration of alcohols
Formation of isomers from longer chain/or unsymmetrical alcohols
Mat 5
Identification of different types of organic compounds with test tube reactions and spectroscopy
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount
These printable A3 mats cover unit 4, Reactivity of Metals, Reactions of Acids, Titrations, Electrolysis
Mat 1
Formation of positive ions when metal atoms react
Observations when alkali metals react with water
Tendency to form positive ions and the reactivity series
Inclusion of carbon and hydrogen in the reactivity series
Observations when metals react with acids
Placing metals in order of reactivity by observation of their reactions
The meaning of displacement
Mat 2
What is a metal ore
Examples of metals that can be found natively in the Earth
Reduction to form metals
Meaning of the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of oxygen
Meaning of the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of electrons
Equations for the extraction of metals using carbon
Metal displacement
Ionic equations for displacement reactions
Comparisons of cost of titanium extraction vs iron extraction
Reaction of metals with acids to produce salts and hydrogen
Formation of hydrogen and hydroxide ion in solution
Neutralisation and salt formation
Names and formulae of common laboratory acids
Names and formulae of common laboratory alkalis
Charges on common ions
Soluble and insoluble hydroxides
Metals and acids as redox reactions
Mat 4
Formation of soluble salts by evaporation and crystallisatiion
pH scale and neutralisation
Indicators vs. pH probes
Calculations for titrations
Ionic equation for neutralisation
Mat 5
Strong and weak acids
Ionisation of acids
Difference between the terms strong and weak and concentrated and dilute
The meaning of the pH scale
Mat 6
The process of electrolysis
Electrolysis of molten ionic compounds
Using electrolysis to extract metals
Electrolysis of aqueous solutions
Representation of reactions at electrodes as half equations
AQA GCSE Combined Science - **FOUNDATION TIER **
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. Include a mixture of cloze word fact sections with recall and exam style questions. Now with free suggested answer sheets to support non-specialists or parents/students revising. Provided as Powerpoint and PDF.
These 8 printable A3 mats cover the following content
Unit 1 Atomic structure and the periodic table (4 mats)
Atoms elements and compounds
The model of the atom
Subatomic particles
Size of atoms
Relative atomic mass
Electronic structure
The Periodic Table
Metals and non-metals
Group 0
Group 1
Group 7
Unit 2 Bonding structure and the properties of matter
Chemical bonds
Ionic bonding
Ionic compounds
Covalent bonding
Covalent compounds
Metallic bonding
How bonding and structure are related to the properties of substances
State symbols
Properties of ionic compounds
Properties of small molecules
Giant covalent structures
Properties of metals and alloys
Metals as conductors
Structure and bonding of carbon
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. Now include free set of typed AND handwritten suggested answers.
PowerPoint provided. PDF version available separately at a discount.
These printable A3 mats cover unit 1 and unit 2
Mat 1
1) Atoms, elements and compounds
2) Mixtures
3) Development of the model of the atom
4) Relative electrical charges of subatomic particles
5) Size and mass of atoms
6) Relative atomic mass
7) Electronic structure
Mat 2
8) The periodic table
9) Development of the periodic table
10) Metals and Non-metals
11) Group 0
12) Group 1
13) Group 7
14) Transition metals
Mat 3
15) Chemical bonds
16) Ionic bonds and compounds
17) Covalent bonds compounds
18) Metallic bonding
Mat 4
19) States of matter
20) Structure and properties for ionic compounds
21) Properties of small molecules
22) Properties of polymers
23) Giant covalent structures
24) Metals and alloys
25) Conductivity
26) State symbols
Mat 5
27) Diamond
28) Graphite
29) Graphene and fullerenes
Mat 6
30) Bulk and surface properties and nanoparticles
31) Uses of nanoparticles
PHEW!!!! Should take a fair few lessons to work though and revise or can set as a homework sheet a week in the run up to exams.
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. Include a mixture of cloze word fact sections with recall and exam style questions. Now with free suggested answer sheets to support non-specialists or parents/students revising. Provided as Powerpoint and PDF.
Unit 1 Atomic structure and the periodic table (4 mats)
Atoms elements and compounds
The model of the atom
Subatomic particles
Size of atoms
Relative atomic mass
Electronic structure
The Periodic Table
Metals and non-metals
Group 0
Group 1
Group 7
Unit 2 Bonding structure and the properties of matter (4 mats)
Chemical bonds
Ionic bonding
Ionic compounds
Covalent bonding
Covalent compounds
Metallic bonding
How bonding and structure are related to the properties of substances
State symbols
Properties of ionic compounds
Properties of small molecules
Giant covalent structures
Properties of metals and alloys
Metals as conductors
Structure and bonding of carbon
Unit 3 Quantitative Chemistry (3 mats)
Conservation of mass and balanced chemical equations
Relative formula mass
Mass changes when a reactant or product is a gas
Chemical measurements
Concentrations of solutions
Unit 4 Chemical Changes (9 mats)
The reactivity of metals
The reactivity series
Extraction of metals and reduction
Reactions of acids with metals
Neutralisation of acids and salt production
Soluble salts
The pH scale and neutralisation
Electrolysis of molten ionic compounds
Electrolysis in aqueous solution
Using electrolysis to extract metals
Unit 5 Energy Changes (3 mats)
Exothermic and endothermic reactions
Energy transfer during exothermic and endothermic reactions
Reaction profiles
Unit 6 The rate and extent of chemical change (5 mats)
Rate of reaction
Factors which affect the rate of chemical reactions
Collision theory and activation energy
Reversible reactions
Energy changes and reversible reactions
Unit 7 - Organic Chemistry (3 mats)
Carbon compounds as fuels and feedstock
Fractional distillation and petrochemicals
Properties of hydrocarbons
Cracking and alkenes
Unit 8 - Chemical analysis (4 mats)
Pure substances
Identification of common gases
Unit 9 - Chemistry of the atmosphere (6 mats)
The composition and evolution of the Earth’s atmosphere
The proportions of different gases in the atmosphere
The Earth’s early atmosphere
How oxygen increased
How carbon dioxide decreased
Carbon dioxide and methane as greenhouse gases
Human activities which contribute to an increase in greenhouse gased in the atmosphere
Global climate change
The carbon footprint and its reduction
Common atmospheric pollutants and their sources
Atmospheric pollutants from fuels
Properties and effects of atmospheric pollutants
Unit 10 - Using resources (6 mats)
Using the Earth’s resources
Potable water
Waste water treatment
Alternative methods of extracting metals
Life cycle assessment
Ways of reducing the use of resources.
Huge pack of resources to teach a module on thinking skills and metacognitive approaches to science exam questions. Aimed at year 10/11 double or triple scientists. The resources focus on skills and contain examples from biology, chemistry and physics.
The questions selected can usually be answered from the information in the question meaning this work can be incorporated into teaching without worrying too much about where you are in the syllabus. Mark schemes are included.
Metacognition, which includes ideas such as learning to learn and developing thinking skills, can be applied to the way students tackle examination questions. This scheme of learning and accompanying lessons and resources,for science skills, breaks down the different types of questions that students meet and supports them to find learned strategies that work for them in how to tackle those questions.
Each skill comes complete with a PowerPoint, worksheet and mark scheme. The resources are based on AQA materials but the skills are transferable across other exam boards. All three sciences: biology, chemistry and physics, are covered.
Connections and tick boxes
Data in tables
Data in bar and pie charts
Comprehension and application
Command words
Complicated diagrams
Extended response questions
Professor Bunsen resources are tested in school and make GCSE science engaging and exciting. Most importantly it could save you and your school time!
The accompanying worksheet allows students to practice and for you to give feedback and help them to improve. The answers are included to help the busy teacher or non-specialist.
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. The sheets are differentiated specifically for foundation tier students.
These 4 printable A3 mats cover quantitative unit 3
Mat 1
Elements compounds and mixtures
Atomic structure
Sub-atomic particles
Separating mixtures
Mat 2
Timeline of the discovery of the structure of the atom
Comparative sizes of atoms and nucleus
Mat 3
Groups in the periodic table
Periods in the periodic table
Properties of elements with the same number of outer electrons
Mendeleev’s periodic table
Mat 4
Group 7
Group 0
Transition metals
Group 1
Mat 5
Finding metals and non-metals on the periodic table
Ionic, covalent and metallic bonding
Metallic bonding diagram
Mat 6
Ionic bonding dot and cross diagrams
Covalent dot and cross diagrams
Mat 7
Properties of covalent substances
Properties of ionic compounds
Mat 8
Properties of metals and ions
How substances conduct electricity
The particle model and states of matter
Mat 9
Diamond’s properties and structure
Graphite’s properties and structure
Mat 10
Fullerenes structure and properties
Graphene structure and properties
Mat 11
The law of conservation of mass
Understanding coefficients
Understanding subscripts
Mat 12
Calculations of relative formula mass
Calculations of mean, range and uncertainty
Changes in mass in reactions involving gases
Mat 13
Concentrations in grams/dm3
Should take a fair few lessons to work though and revise or can set as a homework sheet a week in the run up to exams.
10 page introductory workbook introducing alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters
Part 1 – Organic chemicals and functional groups
Part 2 – Alcohols
Part 3 – Carboxylic Acids
Part 4 – Esters
Success criteria covered by this booklet:
You should know what a functional group is and know what the functional group for an alcohol, a carboxylic acid and an ester is
You should be able to interpret information about alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters
You should be able to recognise alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters from their names or formulae
You should be able to give examples of alcohols, carboxylic acids and esters and explain their uses
Support your students to learn the definitions they need for all the year 1 and AS topics in the new specification A-level chemistry!
Each powerpoint activity sheet contains a mind map for each of the topics covered and a glossary of words to cut out.
Students use the first mind map for reference and then cut out and stick the definitions on the second mind map. You could completely remove the words on the second mind map and encourage students to arrange the glossary themselves to make the activity more challenging.
3.1.1 and 3.1.2 Atomic structure and amount of substance
3.1.3 and 3.1.4 Bonding and energetics
3.1.5, 3.1.6 and 3.1.7 Kinetics, equilibria and redox
3.2.1 and 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 Periodicity, group 2 and group 7
3.3.1 and 3.3.2 Introduction to organic chemistry and alkanes
3.3.3 and 3.3.4 Halogenoalkanes and alkenes
3.3.5 and 3.3.6 Alcohols and organic analysis
AQA A-level chemistry unit 3.1.2 Amount of Substance - Lesson or Revision workbook with answers
This workbook covers a whole unit of work combining detailed information sections with Cornell Style notetaking so the books can be used while you teach and students can add their own notes and ideas down the margin.
Colour is used consistently for the different types of sections to make the booklet more dyslexia friendly as I have found that chemistry notes and questions can often be very dense, and somewhat inaccessible for students who have dyslexia.
User friendly for students and parents revision too with answers included.
This booklet is 46 pages long with answers to past paper questions provided at the back from page 40 onwards. It is provided in word and pdf.
Unit conversion
The mole and the Avogadro constant
Chemical formulae and equations including balancing equations, ionic and half equations
Masses, volumes and concentrations in moles and associated calculations
Making volumetric solutions
Reacting masses, % yield, atom economy
Ideal gas equation, pV=nRT
Empirical and Molecular Formula
Water of crystallisation
Powerpoint lesson introducing the concept of limiting reactants and excess of a chemical reactant.
Contains complete lesson powerpoint with worked examples on limiting reactants and worksheets to practice more tricky examples from this higher tier chemistry only section.
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
These 3 printable A3 mats cover unit 5 - Energy Changes
Mat 1
Definitions of exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Uses of exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Particle model and activation energy
Relative energies of reactants and products in exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Energy profiles for exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Changes in temperature for exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions
Mat 2
Energy profiles to show activation energy and overall energy change
Bond energies
Using bond energies to calculate overall energy change
Calculating bond energies
Drawing molecules to show all the bonds present
Improving experiments to measure changes in temperature
Comparison of energy needed to break bonds with energy released making them
Mat 3
Chemical cells and the factors affecting voltage
Rechargeable and non-rechargeable cells identification
Rechargeable and non-rechargeable cells advantages and disadvantages
Hydrogen fuel cell advantages and disadvantages
Equations in a hydrogen fuel cell overall and at each electrode
Designing a lemon clock
These simple revision mats can be printed A3 with a single sheet forming a revision activity for an entire topic. With free suggested answers typed and handwritten onto completed sheets. These files are PowerPoints which you can tweak for your classroom if desired (but please do not re-distribute). Non-editable PDF files available separately at a discount.
These printable A3 mats cover unit 6 Rate and extent and reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
Mat 1
Calculating rates of reaction
Drawing and interpreting rate graphs
Tangents as a measurement of reaction rate
Mat 2
Methods of measuring rates of reaction involving gas production and expected results
Mat 3
Investigating the effect of change in concentration on rate of reaction and the disappearing cross
Mat 4
Factors affecting rates of reaction
Collision theory
Activation energy
Mat 5
Reversible reactions
Energy changes and reversible reactions
Dynamic equilibrium
Mat 6
Equilibrium and yield
The effect of changing conditions on equilibrium
Le Chatelier's principle
The effect of changing concentration
The effect of changing temperature
The effect of changing pressure
Resources to support students with gas volumes and mole calculations of equations involving gases as reactants or products.
MS-word and pdf file provided including MS
An A3 grid to support students to learn and understand the different methods to make soluble salts. (docx and pdf)
Supportive checklist/table on the main reagents and methods for making salts (docx and pdf)
Practical method suitable for students to follow for making copper sulfate using sulphuric acid and copper oxide. (docx and pdf)
Lesson resource for 2 to 4 lessons including practical work
Powerpoint and worksheets included with mark scheme
Identifying cations
6 page worksheet to support students with the following success criteria:
You should be able to describe the flame tests used to identify metal ions
You should be able to describe how to use sodium hydroxide to identify metal cations
Mark scheme included
8 page worksheet to support students learning to identify anions in solution including activities and exam questions with the following success criteria
1 You should be able to describe the test for a carbonate using acid
2 You should be able to describe the test for chloride, bromide and iodide using silver nitrate
3 You should be able to describe the test for sulfate ions using barium hydroxide
4 You should be able to explain why it is safe to use barium hydroxide to take X-rays of the internal organs in a human being
Mark scheme also included
Contains editable PowerPoint revision mats for AQA chemistry GCSE 9-1. PDF file bundle available at a discount.
Unit 1- Atomic Structure and the Periodic Table
Unit 2 - Bonding, Structure and the Properties of Matter
Unit 3 - Quantitative Chemistry
Unit 4 - Chemical Changes and acids and alkalis
Unit 5 - Exothermic and endothermic reactions and cells
Unit 6 - Rate and extent of chemical change and reversible reactions and dynamic equilibrium
Unit 7 - Organic Chemistry
Unit 8 - Chemical Analysis
Unit 9 - Chemistry of the Atmosphere
Unit 10 - Sustainable Development and Earth's Resources
AQA A-level chemistry unit 3.3.9 Aromatic Chemistry and the reactions of benzene and its derivatives - Lesson or Revision workbook with answers
This workbooks covers a whole unit of work combining detailed information sections with Cornell Style notetaking so the books can be used while you teach and students can add their own notes and ideas down the margin.
Colour is used consistently for the different types of sections to make the booklet more dyslexia friendly as I have found that chemistry notes and questions can often be very dense, and somewhat inaccessible for all students but especially students who have dyslexia.
The booklet can also be produced as a revision guide for the topic and contains all the notes and practice past paper questions you would need to revise along with worked examples. Student and parent friendly and can be used without a teacher.
This booklet is 25 pages long with answers to past paper questions provided at the back from page 21 onwards. It is provided in word and pdf. Please customise for personal use only and do not share or re-sell.
• Useful definitions
• Kékulé structure and problems with it
• Naming compounds based on benzene
• Electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene
Have fun with a free bonfire night chemistry lesson or science club lunchtime special!
Inspire your KS3 or KS4 students to learn more about chemistry.
Teach them about the use of salts and metal powders in fireworks to create colours and sparkles (take real care when using metal powders such as iron) and make sure students know they should not be creating or dismantling their own fireworks.
Design a firework.
Links to spectroscopy of the stars
…and analysis of valuable old paintings to spot fakes using the technology seen in the art BBC TV series Fake or Fortune!
Free taster lesson. This Powerpoint lesson introduces the properties of metals and non-metals using a video clip link from a Harry Potter film. Students explore how the Death Eaters attack the Millennium Bridge and how the properties of metals help us to understand the catastrophic failure of the bridge in the film without resorting to magic! Engaging links then made with the Millennium Bridge on its opening and the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.
Fully resourced with Powerpoints, worksheets and lesson activities and key facts and opportunities for improvement and redrafting throughout.