Take learning further. Propeller makes meeting National Curriculum objectives easy and provides teachers with fun and engaging learning activities for Primary Schools. Use our TES store to explore our bank of free and affordable downloads, from e-Books to worksheets to units of work.
Take learning further. Propeller makes meeting National Curriculum objectives easy and provides teachers with fun and engaging learning activities for Primary Schools. Use our TES store to explore our bank of free and affordable downloads, from e-Books to worksheets to units of work.
An A4, brightly coloured 100 square showing numbers 0 to 99 for Number and Calculation practice. Ideal for laminating and keeping as a classroom resource to refer back to.
An A3 poster of Models and Images showing real life examples of the 2 x table. Great for classroom displays, or for using as inspiration to get students to make their own ‘real life example’ posters of other times tables.
A visual representation of Cuisenaire Rods from 1 up to 10 on an A4 poster. Can be used on the classroom wall, or to support independent learning and use of Cuisenaire Rods.
A set of Multiplication Pattern A4 sheets, covering 2x tables to 12x tables.
Tables up to 9x are plotted on a 100 Square, and…
9x is plotted on a 110 to show full patterns up to 9 x 12
10x is plotted on a 120 to show full patterns up to 10 x 12
11x is plotted up a 140 to show full patterns up to 11 x 12
12x is plotted on a 150 to show full patterns up to 12 x 12
These brightly coloured squares are ideal for displays and for using as reference points for multiplication/times tables.
A sheet of addition and subtraction sums for adding and subtracting 10 from a 2 or 3-digit number. Ideal for arithmetic practice in Primary Maths classrooms.
5 x A4 posters showing fractions and visual representations of the tenths from 1/10 to 10/10. A great resource for your classroom’s Fractions display and for helping children make links between the numbers and their representations.
Get students thinking about multiplication and numbers in a different way. Each Multiplication Mastery Board asks students to show a calculation and then…
Record it as a repeated addition
Show in equal groups
Create the array
Tell a story about it
Each Multiplication Board is colourful and is great for using to make a Mastery Bank for the different Times Tables.
4-Page PDF with a brightly coloured number fan including numbers 1 - 20 ready for cutting out and assembling. PDF also includes a bullet point and three blank templates for customising your number fans.
Create a class set, or an individual set for each student.
Series of A4 posters showing a variety of examples of:
Equilateral Triangles
Irregular Pentagons
In bright and colourful ways. Ideal for classroom displays, or for cutting up and using when exploring shape.
Completed Times Tables Grid showing from 1 x 1 to 12 x 12. A great resource for laminating and keeping around to refer back to during a number of multiplication themed activities.
Set of 3 target boards with questions that can be used as whole class starter activities, or for groups of students to work their way through to master Fractions, Decimals and Percentages and how they might relate to each other.
Questions ask students to order, convert, multiply, compare and divide the decimals, percentages and fractions that they are presented with.
Work your way through the three sheets to talk about equivalences too.
Some example questions:
Add as many decimals as you like to make 1
Order the decimals from smallest to largest
How many different ways can you make 1?
Would you prefer 20% of £75 or 75% of £20?
Jimmy scores 12 out of 20 on a test - what is this as a percentage?
Convert all percentages to decimals
Find the largest fraction on the board
Choose three random fractions and add them together
This eBook contains 10 curriculum compliant games to help your class master Place Value, as well as a printable set of grids going from 0 to 999 for students to use for reference. Print off the grids in A3 for ultimate effect!
This eBook covers National Curriculum objectives such as:
To find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
To compare and order numbers up to 1,000
To read and write numbers up to 1,000 in numerals and words
To identify, represent and estimate numbers using different representations
To recognise the place value of each digit in a 3-digit number (H.T.O)
and more…
This eBook also contains extra resources for the games such as a question cards, score charts, digit cards and more,
Bundle of games and display posters covering Factors, Multiples and Primes.
Factor Fifty Game
Player use numbers up to 50 on a 1-50 grid and have to cover a chosen number with a counter. Once a number is covered, they must cover as many factors of that number as possible too. The winner has the most counters on the board at the end of the game!
Factor Challenge
Challenge students to find the factors of 10 consecutive numbers in a row - make this game easier or harder by changing the 10 consecutive numbers.
Factors, Multiples and Primes
A4 poster showing how Factors can be shown with arrays and Cuisenaire rods, and how to identify prime numbers in the same way. What does a number with lots of factors look like next to a prime number?
A4 poster showing the difference between a factor and a multiple with visual representations - can your class make their own colourful factors and multiples pictures?